Monday, December 15, 2008

Popshuvit on the Video Corner

Hi everybody!!

I changed the Video Corner videos from Hannah Montana 3 to Popshuvit (band).
Anyway, the year

is just around the corner!!!! I'm excited!! I will be in Form 2 ( Sec. 2).

Yesterday, we went out to the restaurant located by the side of a river. After having lunch there, we went to the shopping centre opposite the restaurant. Since I left my wallet back home, my mom gave me $10 and I wanted to spend it on my PSP DVD game disk but it's so expensive!!! Usually, I go to the store which I bought my PSP... they sell the PSP DVD game for like $8. That's cheap beacause thay have like 5-6 games in the disk but the store I went to yesterday, they sold 1 PSP DVD game disk for $10 and only has 2 or 3 games in that thing!!!! =x.

After that, we went to the Mall. There are some sort of an expo sales at the atrium of the Mall and some of the electronics and the gadgets are so cheap. The Ipod Nano is for $60, the pendrives are selling from $ 8 - $32 and they're selling through the roof. I can see the staff putting the pendrives again and again. I wanted to buy the Memory Stick the 8 BG but my mom didnt let me.

Then, we went to the Dairy Queen and had hot dogs (sausages) & juices,. My little sister and myself chosed the Chilli cheese hot dogs with fresh squeezed orange juices whereas my mum also chosed the Chilli cheese hot dogs with the banana pudding blizzard( sticky ice-creams).

Which reminds me of the recent incident a few weeks ago....... one of the cousins that came here ..... on a holiday/sight-seeing, bought a blizzard. The person who served him the ice-cream served it upside down. They said that if their blizzards are not serve upside down, it will be free. The funny thing is that cousin thought that the ice cream would be sticky always, so he tried to show his tricks and he turned the ice cream upside down and then,,,, PLOOOOPPPP!!!! There goes the ice cream (I did not see this incident but I heard it from my sister). I heard that he tried to catch the ice cream too!!!! he..he..he

Anyway, back to the places we went yesterday. After we have eaten our hot dogs and blizzards, we went to a stall that we went before, about few weeks ago to buy hoods. There, we saw nice bags. We got 2 new bags each costing.....$25.........each

Looking at the price makes my wallet hurt!!!! hhhhaaaahahahaha.......It's ok, my mum paid for it..hehehe

Today, I woke up late....... my parent went out earlier to go and make me and my sister Student Passes for next year, since we are foreigners in this country. They came back like 2 - 3 hours later and they bought nice food back home. They bought buttermilk buns, kaya buns, American cheese cakes, Blackforest cakes..yummm.

I just ate a few buttermilk buns and man!!! They taste great!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My cousins are coming!!

My cousins are coming soon!!!

My cousins are coming from KL( Kuala Lumpur).......... and one of them is married to a popstar from the malasyian band named 'Popshuvit'. They're music are not really bad!!!

Anyway, my dad went to work after the midday prayers and the reason for him to go to work in the afternoon.... is... he came beck to work late yesterday like......1 in the morning. I just finished eating..... I ate noodle soup with egg.

My mom's taking a nap and my little sister is watching 'Mr. Bean'( the animated cartoon version).
She keeps on watching that all the time. I guess it's the season for Mr. Bean.......

I have to go now....... My mom gave us timings how long we can use the internet.........


Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm terribly BORED!!!!!!!!=(

I'm terribly bored.................

Don't blame me!!!! I'm still a young person and I get used to going to school and when when it comes to school holidays,,, I get terribly bored!!!!!

We tuned in to our favourite DJ on the radio and my mom's planning to go on a short( when I mean short,, I mean really short and tiring!!!) holiday. Anyway, all I did today was read a couple of Malay compositions, listened to the radio, played PSP, played with phone...... made some software,,,,,,

I just finished my dinner. We had omelette and we had some nice juice.... I drank like 3 small cups of Purple Carrot and Cranberry Juice.

You know what???!? The games in my PSP are quite boring to me right now... in the game of managing theme parks, I already owned all the theme parks, I deleted the game "Ghost Rider"(because it's not fun), and the only game I played today is Shrek(racing game).

I hope my mom's planning goes well and I hope my dad has no work then,, so we can go somewhere and actually has a holiday...

Have to go and help with the dishes now!!! Byeee!!! =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Watched Bolt!!!!!!!!


We finally went to the cinema and watched Bolt just now........... I cried like a lot of times and then, laughed tons more...........the show was interesting.

Then, after the show, we went to to the Food Court and ordered some food from a fast-food restaurant. After a while, my sister got bored so......... she went and begged my mom to let us to go to the arcade........we went there and bought some tokens and went in the arcade it was quite crowded as it was school holidays.....we had only 8 tokens but..... we won like more than 20 tickets!!!

We went home after that....... I'm now at home with nothing to do.....
Listening to music....looking for PSP software........

I have to go now!!!! BYE!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

December Sale at the Mall...................

Good afternoon everyone!!!

I just bought a PSP DVD game and now...... extracting the games...........

You all have to check this's from the animated Disney movie 'Bolt' sung by Miley Cyrus and John Travolta.............

Anyway......My dad is working night shift, we went to a restaurant to have brunch...I couldn't eat much because my mouth hurts!!!!! It hurts so much because my molars are's really stinky too!!

Anyone who wants to come to Brunei and shop, now's the best time..

I have to go now!!BYE!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Collecting the Report book............

Hello everybody!!!

We're going to school later to collect my report book and my mum gave me back my PSP after the trip to the OGDC (Oil and Gas Discovery Center) and days before that,,,, My cousin came here and on the 25th, we had a Prize Giving Ceremony at our school and I won for the 'Most Promising Student' of the year in the school.

I was equally surprised to receive the award but equally sad because my parents was unable to attend the ceremony due to my dad was so sleepy, working on the night shift the night before & my cousins visiting us. My mom felt bad thou for not attending it...well there will always be next year to look forward to. I promise myself to study harder for next year & to obtain better results coz I'm aiming to do a 4 year secondary course instead of the normal 5 years for my 'O' Levels examinations.

My parents were happy with my results but I think there are more room for me to improve next year. Two core subjects that I really did badly are Bahasa Melayu (shame!) & my IRK. My mom bought some revision books for these two subjects today & I'll be receiving personal tuition from her during this holiday abroad for me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My pet,, REMY!!!!!! Ain't he a cutie??

Ain't it cute???? My sister named it Remy the rat (like the one in the movie Ratatouille).

Our school had a three-day 'open' house cum fun-fair starting last Saturday. It was fun and it was there that I had my 'flying fox' experience and a ride on a horse. Ok, how the rat or mouse comes about? it is the story..

During the fair, my mum gave us $5 each for us to spend at the fair and precisely 'warn' us not to get anything that is not supposed to...especially to my little sister who is fond of buying 'surprises' especially at the school's bookshop. Ok, back to the little cutie mouse...since I have a few $ to spare, I bought some coupons worth $5 and gave them to my sister asking her to get the tiny mouse which I think she will really love to have.

When my parents came to pick us up around 12.30pm last Saturday, they were shocked and actually 'not' suprised to find out about the mouse BUT my dad was really angry at my sister for buying it and gave her a good scolding (which actually I was at fault too). By the way, my mum decided to go to the pet shop and bought a small cage including the chipsi (wood chips) & water dropper for the little pet. Since he is just a litttle baby, my sister named him REMY and gave him cheese & biscuits. He's so cute......

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Flying Fox is COOLLL!!!!


That was cool!!!! We had our school's funfair today and I had so much fun....... I went on the flying fox and man,, few seconds before I took off.... I said a little prayer and then, I was off!!! It was cool but the sad part was I closed my eyes!!!!! When I knew it, I can feel the ground...I quite twisted my wrist but it got better.....

I went on the horses too... they were quite smelly...... I hope tomorrow we can go to school again. I want to go on the flying fox again....

Uh oh!!! There she goes again!! My sister broke another glass(which all the broken glasses were broken by her)!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hahaha!!! Weird...........

Anyway,, we had P.E today and myself with the rest of the girls have to play "Monkey" because the boys wanted to play football...... After we got tired of Monkey, we tried to play "Dodgeball" but my friend wasted so much time just at getting ready, till the time was up!!! Can you all believe that??!?..the rest of us were so frustrated.

Anyway,, I slept in the afternoon today and oh no!! I left the TV on!! I don't know what made me sooooo sleeppppy!!!!!! I think it's the hours spent under the scorching hot morning sun just now and thereafter, off we go immediately into the cold rooms.... brrrr!!!!! It's cold in the classroom because we have two airconds......

I have to go and take a shower now coz my mum will really be angry!! Bye.

Monday, November 10, 2008

December come quick!!!!!

Hey everybody!!!!

I sure am relaxing at home because our exams are over and the last paper that we had today is arts. I drew a house with a background and it' was supposed to be a little cartoonish but,, when I saw it after colouring with the crayons, it looked like a real place and since we had like 25 minutes left, I couldn't finish the colouring properly.....

Anyway,, I ate sardine sambal today which my mom prepared and it was simply delicious.........
I'm excited about next month because next month, we are having our school holidays and we're going to have like a month of holidays..... so I was hoping my dad you know.......doesn't have to work during that time............ I had to wear my black sports shoes today because my school shoes were OUT!!!!! At the side of the shoe, it WAS TOTALLY TORN OFF!!

Tomorrow, all the boys are gonna be looking smart and of course the girls too because there will be a photoshoot(that's what i heard) of all the classes.

The plan in school for tomorrow is maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,nothing?????Nothing to do??hahaha

Anyway, talk later. Have to go and throw the trash!!!!XP

Thursday, November 6, 2008

3 more days until exams are over????NO!!!!!! more than that......


Guess what!!??!! Me and my sister won something by a DJ......... I won a 20% voucher for eating/drinking in a Cafe and my sister won 2 High School Musical 3 tickets!!!

Anyway, we have like a few more days of exams and then,, BOOM!!! no more exams and hopefully,I can get my PSP back,,,,,,,,,,

Today, my mom cooked some nice chicken, and fried some vegetables........ I studid like for a while for Saturday's exams..........which is Commercial Studies and there's one subject that I love because we don't have to study for it.......ARTS!!!

We had a jog like outside and I lost like 2 kilos,.......
I'm watchin videos in Youtube and I love them!!!
My mom was watching some videos and then, she played a video that a 10 year old boy playing the guitar!!!He was very good........

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

We had the Malay Exams and they were ok,,,,,,,anyway, I had a delicious breakfast of 'bull's' eye fried egg with breaded fried fish fillet together with a glass of honey drink and followed by a really nice leg massage........ When I reached school this morning,,most of my classmates were busy studying and writing for last minute revision since today is our 1st day for our year-end examinations.

After the 1st paper, the teacher allowed us to go out early. So, we had 10 minutes to spend to read books before we went for break. After break, we had our 2nd paper and the paper was ok, I guess and most of the students in my class can finish it within 1 1/2, we had like 2o minutes of free time after the teacher took our papers. Most of the boys have nothing else to do other than going to the bathroom. Every 5 minutes, you would here, "cher, I go to jamban ah!!!". Sometimes, I think it's kinda funny hearing them talking like that...well, that's the local malay spoken here which initially, I found to be quite 'crude' compared to the malay language spoken back home.

Anyways, I have a new cousin brother (he married to my cousin sister last August) who is quite famous in Malaysia and he is a bassist in a pop music group called 'Pop Shuvit' and I love their songs........

K,, have to go now,,, BYE!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Rainy day today!!

Hello everybody!!!

I'm freakin' scared!!!! Tomorrow is the starting of the exams until the 11th November. Anyway, I'm on Facebook and Friendster and there's a really cute and fun game on Facebook called Pet Society. The pets are super cute!! Anyway, I just have to revise my Malay and then, study something else.

Ok,,,, I have to go now,,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Exams are on SATURDAY!!!


Our school's exams are on Saturday,,, and that's like,,,, the day after tomorrow. I have to revise a little bit more on IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge), my Arabic as well as my Bahasa Melayu coz these are the 3 subjects that I'm weak at.

So,,,, what have i've been doing these days,,,,,,,lets seeee...Owh, I've been searching for a software that can convert my DVDs to mp4....... I got it now and then, I can watch my favourite Korean movie,,,,,,200 Pound Beauty. hahaha

I have been studying Geography, English(not so much) and mostly on Mathematics, History, IRK and Science. My sister's exams started today and she had Bahasa Melayu.......... and that's what I'm having on Saturday. My mom's on the phone, talking to her friend and my sister's in front of the TV, watching her favourite DVD cartoons, Tom & Jerry.

Oh yes, I got my I.C.(Identitiy card) yesterday. My parents collected my I.C. from the immigration dept as my dad was not working, his once a week 'off day'. After school, we went for our lunch and thereafter, I went for my tuition.

When my parents picked me up from the tuition school, they then proceed a shopping mall located only a short distance from our home and collected a 'Leg Massager'. The machine really works!! but my mom and dad doesn't really want us to use that thing all the time as we're still young.......

This morning, we had a really good breakfast and my mum made my sister to finish up her breakfast so that she can concentrate on the exam paper that she's having today. We had toasted 'Nutella' bread sandwich, toasted 'jam and butter' bread sandwich, half-boiled eggs and some honey drink.

Ok,, my movie conversion is done,, I have to go.... BYE!!!

I posted a French song at the music corner specially for 2 of my cousins in France,,,you know who you are,,,heheheehehe. I wish both of you & your parents a safe journey back home to France tomorrow after a month holiday in Singapore. Bon Voyage!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Teacher's day celebration,,,,,,,,,FUN!!!!

Today, our school was celebrating Teacher's Day. It was totally fun and tiring.
We had nothing to do from 7-30 till 10.00 a.m, we went inside the frozen lecture at 10.30 a.m and waited for the teachers to arrive.

After like 15 minutes, the teachers came inside the lecture hall and we all started to sing one of the teacher's day song. We were listening to a very loooooonnngg speech from our principal and after that, we had some performances by the higher form classes. My favourite of all is the act they made up.

Our school monitor's mom had a catering came by our class and boy,, we sure ate a lot.
I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My PSP!!!!!!!Arhhhhh!!!!!

Oh no!!!!

My mom took away my PSP (Playstation Portable) because the year-end school exams is just around the corner and here's a picture of the PSP. My mom didn't let me near the PSP so,,, I took a picture from the internet and the colour is exactly the same.
Nice huh???? I bought it for $500+ ( including the case, games and 4GB memory card. My mom just downloaded 3 games at the store and she have to pay $10.oo...quite expensive ya!
I'll post the car pictures as soon as I can find it!!!!

The laptops filled with things,,,, anyway, I had school today after a 3-day holiday and we didn't have school on last Satuday is because that it was the Teachers Day celebration at the ICC (International Convention Centre). I bought 2 of my teachers a really special mugs. The special thing about this cup is when the mug is cooled down, the whole mug's skin turn black and when it's filled with scorching hot water, the cup will be colourful and with some special inscriptions. My mom got it for $10 each.

Remember, if you want any songs, just type it in the chat box, I'll try to find it and if the song is available, I will post here.

Ok, finally I managed to get the pictures of our new it is..

ok. I have to go now,, bye

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back from Singapore=TIRED!!!


I'm so tired as we just came back from shopping for groceries since our home grocery stock is low. We just came back from Singapore only this afternoon, arriving Brunei around 1.10p.m. This morning, we went to the Singapore Changi International Airport at 8.00 a.m to board the 10.55 a.m BI422 flight back to Brunei. I'm actually dragging myself to wake up at 6.00 a.m this morning since I were so tired since we came back to my auntie's apartment almost midnight. Last night, we had a family reunion or 'open house' at one of my auntie's (my dad's eldest sister) house in Yishun.

Actually, eversince we were back in Singapore, we were having late nights, busy visiting grandparent's home & relatives for the Hari Raya Eidil Fitri celebrations. Since yesterday supposed to be our last day in Singapore, my parents were planning a 'free' day so that they can bring us to do some shopping or just plain window shopping. It just started of with a visit to my grandma's place to collect some cookies and then followed by to my another grandma's place somewhere in the north of the island & eventually to my auntie's place for the 'open house'. Oh boy!! our planned 'free' day turns out to be another visiting day as the other previous days....sad!!!! but I'm still happy coz I managed to seemost of my cousins especially my two special cousins who came back all the way from France to celebrate Hari Raya with the family in Singapore. According to my aunt, the next meeting will be...maybe in 3 years time...year 2011.

Anyway, my dad's friend came to fetch us to the airport and it took about 10 mins to reach the terminal 2 of the airport. My parents check-in at the counter and in no time, we were issued boarding passes. Actually, I expected my aunties & cousins to be at the airport to bid us farewell but only my grandma & one of my dad's cousin came...well, the rest can't make it due to late 'night-out' at my aunt's place last night...well, they are forgiven hehehe.

After bidding farewell to my grandma, we proceed to the immigration and thereafter, wandered around the terminal coz I wanted to buy a 'PSP'(playstation portable). I saw one shop displayed the PSP but wow! it was so expensive $309, but comparing to other shops in town, the prices at the airport is still considered lower. Eventhough, it is cheaper to get it in the Airport, with no taxes(GST) but still, my mom and dad wouldn't let me buy it because according to them, if the PSP is spoiled, it will be so inconvenient to sent them back to the agent in Singapore since we go back to Singapore only once or twice a year. In that case, I'll continue saving my allowances and wait for the Brunei sale instead. The sale here in Brunei is so frequent, happens every month or two...after a sale, another sale is always just around the corner!!!! Aiyaaaaaaa!!!

Actually, I just came back from grocery shopping with my parents a while ago. I changed clothes and together with my sister, we help to store the food & groceries that we bought. I'll try to post the pictures of the new car we bought recently tommorow. Bye from now coz I have get some sleep because school starts tommorow after 3 weeks break. I'm excited to meet my friends in school...yeah!

Goodnight, sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite....ZZZzzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 21, 2008

4 more days,,,,,,,,

Hi everybody,,,,,

We have 4 more days till we go Singapore and I'm really excited!!but to my little sister, it is really a bad day. My dad told her to clean under her bed. You should see what's under the bed of hers!!!! Pencils, pens, notebooks and the worst, CLOTHES!!! Ewwwwwww!!!!

Anyway, I have no idea what my mom's gonna cook today so, lets wait and today, I had a really bad stomach ache and I think it was because of the chillies I ate this morning to go with the Noodle Soup.

Anyway, I have to start making a list of what needs to be brought to Singapore and what doesn't.
i Have to go

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

This is the like the 5th day of the school holidays and IT'S GREAT!!!!! hahahahha. We went out yesterday and my mom went shopping while my dad went to the workshop. There was an incident,,,, my dad was just going out from the store and he was reversing and then, the car in front of him was reversing too but the car in front of him didn't stop. He just kept on reversing and then, he bumped into my dad's brand new Clio III with a WHAM!!!

Anyway, my mom bought me a small whiteboard yesterday for $4.90. My mom bought my little sister a pair of white boots but I'm not interested in those. My mom and dad said that if she gets those boots, she'll have to wear those for Hari Raya. hahahaha good for her

We woke up at 12 p.m today and we had such nice, long sleep. My mom decided to cook 'Western' today. So we're having 'beef rashes', 'mashed potato' and fries eggs.

My dad just came back and I have to take out the trash. Oh!! I forgot to tell you, we're going to Singapore this Thursday so, I might not have the time to update but I'll try to get pictures and post them here.

Ok. Got to go.BYE!!

PS: If you like brooches and aromatherapy, click here to view my mom's online store.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



I get to update this site. There was a problem that I encountered earlier and now it's all solved.
Anyway, I just registered to a new site called 'Stand up to Cancer'. If you want to check out the website and join, do so by Click here.

The weather had been quite cloudy these few days of Ramadhan but it is really very humid. We don't really go out often firstly because of the fast which really make one's really feel lethargic and secondly, my dad have been working almost everyday, including weekends for the past two months.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my dad just bought a new automatic saffron coloured Renault Colt III. It was a very cool car, with almost similar gadgets to those of the Formula I car..real cool. It was supposed for my mom's use, to fetch us to & fro from school but she has yet to drive us there. According to my parents, they bought the car sort of as a present to themselves on their 16th wedding anniversary recently.

Anyway, I had meatballs in spicy curry, fried rice noodles Singapore style (bee hoon) with hot lemon tea for breaking our fast today. It was really good to feel the hot tea flowing down your throat. I need to go now because my mom wants to use the laptop and for me, I have to wash my empty cup.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Left alone,,,,,

Hey everyone!!!!

I got to school late because I woke up late and my sister took a long time to shower. She goes in the shower first, my dad goes in last and my dad comes out first!Haha,,,,

I had English, Geography and History and then, we had break and since we cannot eat, me and a couple of my friends went downstairs to the bookstore and see some things what they have got there....

Anyway, yesterday, I was left alone in the house yesterday all by myself,,,,,,,,but it was actually fun and scary at first,,,,,,,,

i have to go,bye

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bad stomach ache,,,,,,,


Bad stomach ache!!!! This morning, I had a really bad stomach ache. My mom said maybe it's because of the cucumbers I ate!!!!:(

Anyway, I didn't have enough nap after the 'Subuh prayers' because I went to the bathroom a couple of times and I woke up at 6.45 am. These days we wake up late because my lessons start at 7.35 am and my sister's starts at 7.40 am.

I have to go.......

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back from Sembahyang Terawih,,,,,,,,,TIRED!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Man! I'm really tired.
I'm just back from 'Sembahyang Terawih' and we went to a shop and got my dad's CDs. He had been working like all the time and so,,,, he had no time to watch movies. So right now, he is watching WWE(wrestling).

My mom just updated her online website(click here) and you might wanna check it out. The website is still under construction though,,,,,,

Anyway, I added a new song to the playlist(Jason Mraz, I'm yours) and, my parents bought for me a 'Disney Mania 5'.

Well, I have to go now.
Oh dear!!Look at the time!!!BYE!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today is fasting day!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Today, the whole of Brunei is fasting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
We woke up early this morning for an early breakfast called 'Zahur'. My dad woke us up and we ate 'Mexican Chicken' with hot steaming rice with hot tea with lemon slices. The hot tea down the throat was so good................

We just showered after waking up and by 1.30 pm, I should be ready because my dad will be picking me up and sending me to tuition.

Even though it is a public holiday, my dad had to work because he is his own boss(That's what my mom used to say). Anyway, my sister has just finished showering and she is already saying that she is hungry. My mom is making her own website if you want to view it, click here (the website is under construction).

I have to go.ByE!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Moon,,,,, No fasting!!

Hi everyone!!

I have just heard the announcement that there was no new moon sighted,,,,,,,,,,Sooo,,,,,,,we're not going to fast tomorrow. My mom said,'No moon,no puasa!!' hhehehehe.

Anyway, there's gonna be school tomorrow. Yerterday, we had a function at our school because the Ramadhan month is coming.

we have to go out now........bye

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ramadhan starts next Monday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi everyone!!!!

I'm feeling great today and after waking up today, we went to Ugama classes today as usual,,,,
My mom cooked 'Mee Sup' and it's delicious as usual.
My sister is watching the 'Spiderwick Chronicles', 'Scorpion King 2' and I don't know how many other movies she's watching now.

Anyway, I was supossed to got my friend's birthday bash at the Mall's cinema but my dad is working,,,,

FYI: Added new song from 'ABBA, Does your mother know', 'Jonas brothers, Sorry'.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ramadhan's approaching,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi everyone!!!

The muslim's holy month of Ramadhan is just slightly more than a week from today and my parents are thinking of moving things here and there. We were supposed to do it today but...... my mom was busy. She had been having these 'on & off' back pain eversince she came back from KL recently.

We had ugama classes today and went to a different class because our regular class teacher wasn't there. Nevertheless, we still had a good time learning the Al-Quran with the new teacher eventhough I think, she's a bit inexperienced. My dad as usual is busy with his work and have to work today.

The lunch menu for today is 'Kacang Phool', a new dish to me, which I haven't tasted before. The main ingredients in the dish is broad beans, boiled & grinded finely and cooked with some curry paste. It looks more like a stew and serve with chopped onions, fresh chopped green chilies and fried eggs. The dish is then eaten with slices of bread of preferably with french loaf. According to my mom, this dish supposed to be a vegetarian except for the fried 'bull-eyes' egg on it. It doesn't really taste that bad but definitely it won't be one of my favourite dish.

After lunch, my dad brought a small serving of the 'Kacang Phool' for his snack because definitely he will be home late today, most probably after 10.oopm.

My mom said that she likes the Ipod Shuffle she bought for us and she is thinking to get one for herself...well, that's a change. She said the sound from the gadget is just so listening to a home theatre system...hehehehe.

well,,, there's not much to sayyy,,,, and BYE from now!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey everyone!!!!

Lets start with what I did today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hmmmm,,,,,,,,,
Ok, we woke up at 5.15 a.m for the Subuh prayers and it was my little sister's turn to get ready first. She always takes longer than me to get ready. She showers for about 30 minutes no wonder my mom keeps on scolding her!!!!hehehehehe,,,,,,,,

Then, we went to school and I had Geography and learned about Farming................. and then, I had English wrote a composition called 'Groans and Moans'. hehehehehehe, the composition is supposed to be scary. Anyway, we had computer after that. We did a project which we're supposed to just make a drawing with paint. Then, I played a few maths games and played Club Penguin.

We had break after that and before heading to the canteen, I stop by the school's library to return the books that I borrowed. At the canteen, I waited for my friends so that we can have our snacks together....oh yes, we really ate all kinds of different food.

We all had to go the lecture hall for our Home Economics which is situated on the 2nd floor. For the subject of the day, we learned all about Grilling, Boiling and Roasting food. Right after Home Economics, we had Bahasa Arab. This term for our language lessons, we have to learn the basics of Arabic language instead of Mandarin for the last 2 terms.

Today, I don't have Science or Maths tuition....and in that case, I can have a short rest after my lunch at home today.

Well,,,, I have to go now. BYEE!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ipod Pictures!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody,

Now you know why I didn't write for quite a long period of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hehehehehe...quite scary huh!

Anyway, I'll post some of the pictures of the Ipod Shuffle later.

Right after school, I went home and quickly changed to my normal clothes and my dad sent us straight to the tuition centre. Today, my mom registered me for Math & Science tuition at one of the newly established tuition centre located not far from our home. After registration, I started with the Maths tuition and understood most of the things. I met two of my closest friends (sisters actually) from my former school at this fact, they are the ones who recommend me this centre. Too bad, by end of September this year, they will be going back home to Singapore for good because their dad have completed his working contract with one of the company here...sigh. They are two of my best friends that I had known here I will really missed them.

I revised through all the things that I didn't understand. Not bad for a first day at the centre. Tomorrow will be Science and the next day will be Maths again..Ok,Got to go.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My birthday is today!!!!


Today is my birthday and I'm exactly 12 years old today (its a compulsory to make an IC in this country when you turn 12 years old). I guess, I will be making my IC (Identity card) soon coz the time frame given is only 3 months from the time you turn 12. I need to remind my parents often regarding this.

My parents went to the mall yesterday when we are still in school and got me a blue Ipod shuffle as my birthday present. It was really a suprise and they also got my little sister a pink one too. Before giving us the Ipods, they made us promise something to them which is, to STUDY REALLY HARD and produce excellent results. So now, I really need be a good, smart student, not to be lazy and to make my parents proud. I will post the photo of the the two Ipod shuffle later.

Anyway, today, I went to Ugama classes and learned a new way of writing. I'm trying to add new songs to Ipod and the Ipod can keep over 200 songs. So I can keep my favourite songs.

I have to go now and do my home work. BYE_BYE!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back from KL!!!!

Hi everyone...

It's been quite a while since I last updated my blog. There are two main reasons for me not doing so....firstly, I had a phobia of looking at the laptop screen eversince I played this game online 'scary maze' with my sister and had the worse nightmare of our lives. This game was introduced by one of my classmate from school.

The most shocking & scary part of the game is when you lose....that's where the shock & horror awful, scary image of the actress Linda Blair (the time she was possessed) from the movie 'Exorcist' will suddenly appear right in front of you. My sister & myself shout to the top of our voice and covered our faces and was as if glued to our seats, can't even move an inch. My mom & dad who was actually watching a Korean drama on tv during that time was also shocked & surprised. My mom quickly approached us & quickly switch off the laptop for us & warned us not to play the game again..and I can bet you that the awful, scary image can haunt you for days, weeks or even forever!!!

Secondly, we were away for my cousin's wedding in Kuala Lumpur from the 7th August 2008 till 12th August 2008. The wedding was lasted for 2 days from the 8th August 2008 till the 9th August 2008 (Spore National Day). There's lots of food and more food during the 3 days at my uncles place..hmm, I'll really putting some weight this time around. Below are some of the door gifts for the guest who attended the wedding, the cupcakes & the bunga telor.

On our 4th day in KL, ie on the 10th August 2008, a group of us consisting of my uncles, aunts, cousins & my own family firstly went to KLCC (The twin towers) to have our lunch and thereafter, we proceed by taxis to the Berjaya Times Square for the Cosmo's World Theme Park, an indoor fun exciting games such as mini roller-coaster & other similar types. This is my second visit to this place, the first was about 2 years ago.

My cousins, my sister & myself really have a great time at the indoor games and I wish that I will be able to visit it again in the near future. When it is time for us to go back to the hotel apartments that we are staying, my family together with my grandmother decided to go for our dinner at one of the eatery near my uncle's home in Ampang. That eatery served the best rice porridge together with different kind of condiments and of course, we ordered our favourite steam cockles too. My uncle came to meet us at the eatery and join us for a half bowl of porridge and thereafter we proceed to his home. We spent around 45 mins at his home and thereafter, he & my aunt sent us back to our hotel apartment. By the time we reached the apartment, it was already passed 11.00pm and it was really a tiring day.

On the next day Monday, again the same group (less a family coz they drove back to Spore on this day) went to the Central Market & the areas of Petaling Street in Chinatown. This time around, we walked all the way to the nearest LRT station (Ampang Park) to board the train. On my way to the station, I walked past a famous house, 'Rumah Awang Alak Bertatar', which now have been categorised as an historical site located along Jalan Ampang. I was very surprised & excited since I didn't have any idea that the famous house was located just a stone away from the apartment that we are staying ie. The Holiday Villa Apartment Suites. The late Awang Alak Bertatar was the first ruler of Brunei which later became Sultan Muhammad Shah..all this historical facts I learnt from my history lessons in school.

At the Central market, we bought a few nice stuff including some specially made hand-drawn badges that I bought for my friends & teacher. We proceed to the Petaling Street area to browse around and my parents bought my sister & myself a sling bag. This area of Chinatown is very well-known for its varieties of fake items (from branded brands of course) and it is always fill with lots of people...locals & tourists alike, looking for good bargains. We really had a very tiring day and the worse part is to get a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. Most taxi drivers preferred to charge their customers 'lump' sum amount rather than using the meter...their main reasons is always the bad traffic jam in Kuala Lumpur!!!

We checked out from the hotel apartment on Tuesday morning since we have to catch our flight which is at 2.40pm. My uncle & aunt came to the hotel and offered to sent us to the airport which will take around 1 hour drive. Since we are early, we stopped at one of the eatery located along the highway for our brunch which I had nasi lemak, my sister had rice with her favourite fried cat-fish whereas my uncles, aunts and parents chose to eat the Satay Kajang.

After brunch, we proceed directly to the airport and after customs clearance, we browsed around the airport shops where my mom bought 3 books of the Malaysian cartoonist Lat, which she knew is my sister & my favourites. We touched down at Brunei International Airport around 5.15pm. At the airport, my uncle, aunt & the 2 little cousins were waiting for us and after sending them back to their home, finally we reached our own home around maghrib ie. approx 6.15pm.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

4 more days to KL!!!

Hi everybody!!!

Just came back from shopping and bought a new 'Baju Jubah' and it's really long and bought some things for KL. My mom is trying out some of the things she bought.

Anyway, I couldn't go to the Ugama classes today so, I went and had breakfast with my parents, uncle and auntie and my little cousin. I had 'Bergedil', 'Mee hoon goreng' and plain water. After breakfast, we went to pick my little sister from Ugama class and we went to buy 'Baju Jubah' and while my mom was buying them, me, my little sister and my dad went to the fast-food restaurant because my little sister was hungry as she didn't eat anything since the Ugama classes ended.

My little sister is watching 'Tom and Jerry' and she is playing it on, and on!!!!
Anyway, my mom has to use the computer.BYE!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Israk Mik'raj celebration

Hi everybody!!

I just came back from school and it was really a tiring day. In the morning, I woke up slightly late and went to school at approx. 7.15 am. Today, I wore my personal Baju Kurong (instead of the usual school uniform) to school with a matching blue tudong. The best part of all, even my classmates who are non-muslims & non-malays also put on their best baju kurong for today function.

Eventhough, I reached school slightly late at approx. 7.35 a.m but we still have to wait in class till 8.00 a.m and proceed to the school's lecture hall for the official function. We sang (nashyid, or course) and listened to the talks presented by the school's Islamic Religious teachers.

At 11.15 am, we had a short break and we were served some snacks that the school's staff bought from outside caterers. Apart from the food served, we still went downstairs to the school's canteen and bought some other snacks to satisfy our appetite.

After school, I'm supposed to join my friends for a visit to the ICC (International Convention Centre) where there is an exhibition on 'Majlis Ilmu', an exhibition regarding knowledge in conjuction with His Majesty, The Sultan 62nd birthday celebrations. I was told that the school provided free bus transport to the ICC and back to the school. Unfortunately, I was unable to join my friends because my father is working night shift today and will not be able to fetch me at school later around 3.00pm. It's ok, my mum was saying that we might go there tomorrow instead for a short while in the morning.

I need to go now, just had my lunch of Chicken Kurma and it was so delicious. It's time for my sis to use the laptop to play games on her favourite website, Bye!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow!!!What a day!!!

Hi everybody!!!

We just got back from school and shopping. Me and my little sister finished school at the usual time, 12.30 p.m. Downstairs, at the concourse, there are people selling books soooooo......this is where I got into real and big trouble!!!!!

Ok, they have one of my favourite books on sale and the price tag is $15 each. You may think I'm crazy but..... I actually bought 2 of those books (using the savings from my daily school allowances) and I got in real, big trouble. When I told my mum & dad about my purchase, they were very dissappointed because they found that it was not really worth the amount. Now, I realised that those books shouldn't be that expensive if to compare with its content, just had this feeling of being 'ripped' off. So, I learnt a lesson from here which is: DON'T BUY EXPENSIVE THINGS WITHOUT THINKING!!!!!!!!

So, my mom and dad was really disappointed and I made a promise to NOT to buy any expensive things which are not necessarily needed!!!

Anyway, we ate 'Sup Tulang' at the usual place which is situated in a shopping centre which is also connected to one of the hotels here in Gadong. After lunch, we went shopping for groceries at the supertmarket. We bought vegetables, cheese and juices. We didn't buy alot of perishable food stuff since we are leaving for KL next week.

Anyway, we will be having a performance on Saturday for the school's celebration of Israk Mikraj so all secondary students have to wear Baju Kurong (the Malay traditional costume) with tudong for the girls and songkok for the boys.

Ok, bye from now...

Oh no!!!!Korean movie is on(DVD). Write again soon!.BYEE!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today is a Holiday!

Hi everybody!!!!

Today is a public holiday for Israk Mik'raj which falls on the 27th Rejab, 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar. This auspicious day is to commemorates the night of Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w) ascent to heaven.

My dad came home about 8.30 a.m this morning and he bought for us 3 packets of 'Nasi Lemak' and some kueh (malay cakes). My dad is not working today and tomorrow. We are going out today because my mom need to buy some groceries and some other stuff that she wanted to bring along to KL. As for me, I'll have to buy a new set of headset later because my old (not really that old), favourite set is ROSAK (BROKEN as to SPOILT).

I can't wait till next week. We're be going to KL (Kuala Lumpur) for my cousin's wedding. My mom just got her confirmation on the hotel apartment that she booked earlier and I'm really so excited about the trip...Yaahooooo...just can't wait to be there to meet my grandma, aunts & uncles and cousins.

Anyway, I'll have to go soon. the way, I posted another song by Richard Marx to this blog, more soothing and relaxing to the ears, Right here waiting. Enjoy!

I'll hopefully post some other things tommorrow. So,, BYE!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hello there!
I'm going to add a new widget later on....
By the way, I bought a new book at the school bookshop today. It's a book about birds and creepy crawlies.Urggh!!
I like the book anyway...I have to spot the birds and the insects and write them down and I learnt alot about the various types and characteristics of the insects as well as birds.

Today after school, we went to a small restaurant nearby named 'Cheri Cafe'. The food that serve there is really nice. I ate 'Grilled Chicken Chop' and it was really delicious whereas my little sister chose to eat Nasi Lemak with fried chicken wings (what a bored choice, since she had been eating Nasi Lemak with fried chicken almost everyday eversince she joined the school). My dad & my mom chose Black Pepper Lamb, Mango Fish and Fried Baby Kailan with Garlic to go along with their hot steaming plain rice. My dad is still working on night shift and he's going to work now and I wonder what we're having for dinner(?????).
I have to go now and let my little sister use the laptop to play games at her favourite website Dizzywood.

BTW, if any of you want new song, just post it at the shoutbox and hopefully, the song you want is available.

Well, GTG!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp rock rocks!!!!!

Sorry for not writing for a long time.

Anyway, I watched a movie called 'Camp Rock' and it was really cool. I' going to KL in August because of my cousin's wedding.

My dad changed his shift to morning. So these days, he's working in the morning. I had school today and there's a letter to parents that said to ask their children to be careful because HFMD(Hand Foot Mouthe Disease) is on the loose!!

My mom bought me a 3-in-1 bag. There's a really big backpack, a smaller version and the smallest bag to keep small things.

I had a good and very spicy lunch today. My mom cooked 'Asam Pedas' and my head was really spinning because of the spiciness. It was really spicy man!!!
I drank and drank a lots of water.

Anyway, my mom has to use the laptop now.BYEEE!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today was FUN!!!!

What a long day It has been!!
I reached school at about 7.15 a.m. and when the time I reached there, people were rushing in and out, busy preparing their stalls.

I got ready downstairs with my friends for the Grand Opening of the Business Fair. After the Business Fair was opened, we quickly helped my friend's mom with the things and we carried our stuff back to the our stall located at the school's foyer at the ground floor. It was really great. Parents, teachers and students bought a lot of things from our stall. We have nice notebooks previously bought by a friend during her recent holidays in Japan, cupcakes, frozen jelly(really nice for a hot day), chocolate dipped marshmallows, drinks and lots more.

The stall beside our stall was really popular because their stall had a PS2 and there were a lot of kids there renting games. There are other stalls selling games, food, bookmarks, cookies, books, there were stalls that were doing a Lucky Draw too. The prizes were an MP3 player, Pen drives, Phone Top-Up cards, and lots more.

It was a really good but tiring day. My parents picked us up around 2.00pm and after having lunch of rice with fish curry and stir-fried vegetable, I quickly performed my prayers and took an afternoon nap thereafter. When my mum woke me up, it was already past 5.30p.m., I realised that I had a very long nap, afterall, it was really a tiring day!

I got to go now. BYE!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tommorow is a public holiday!!1

Hi everybody!!

I had a really good day today. I woke up early, showered, had breakfast and went to school. I got to school at about 7.15 a.m and we had our 1st subject which was MIB and we went to the Primary School Hall after the lesson which ended earlier at about 8.00 a.m. We had a small meeting for the Choir members and once we got backstage, we waited for quite a while but when It was time to sing, I got butterflies in my tummy. When It was over, It was really good.

We didn't have any lessons today(except MIB) and I brought my bag full of books for nothing!!! At the hall, there were dances, and there was singing. After all that, the guest of honour, hit the gong and opened the Academics Excellence Week.

I was really confused where to go because there was a lot of things going on. I joined the Jawi writing competition, I saw the final round of the Science Quiz and the Temburong house won the match.

It was already 12.36 p.m. when all the events finished. I stayed at school till 2 p.m. helping out with the flyers. There were a few stalls downstairs selling books and the Book Shop opened. My little sister bought a sketch book and she's drawing on it every now and then.

Ok, I've got to go and get some of the yummy chicken that my mom cooked today.BYE!!! and Good Night!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrow is the assembly!!!!

Tomorrow,I'll have to wake up early because I don't want to be late for choir at the assembly because it will be my first debut eversince joining the school's choir. I've been practising singing, to be in rhyme with my so called 'choir comrades' for the whole of last week after classes and I hope I can do it well. By the way, I'm in the soprano.

I have a commerce project due and it's almost done. I chose to do the project alone instead as a team and the topic chosen is 'Wholesale Trade'. It was quite difficult to draw and write on a big piece of paper. Anyway, all I have to do now is to darken the letters and add some colours and then I'm done.

My dad's off to work and before he left, he had some rice with some fried beef with potatoes and accompanied with some green salad. He had requested my mum to fried for him some beef with potatoes for his packed dinner today. It was really nice when you eat it while It's hot. I'm going to get something to eat later and get something to drink.

Note to everyone BEWARE: When your phone rings and when you pick it up with no one answering on the other end, but instead you just hear a sharp tingling tone, sort of a overseas call tone...please don't hang up, just press a few number buttons on your phone till finally you hear an engage tone. This is a sign that someone, somewhere is taping your phone line to be used to call overseas somewhere. If you just hang-up after the hearing the sharp tingling tone, you just connected the user on the other end to use your line to make unauthorised overseas call...and by the end of the month, you might just see big, fat bill for your phone bill.

I just got that call just now and my mom quickly pressed a lot of buttons of numbers until finally, an engaged tone is heard. In fact, it wasn't the first time that we received such a was the fourth time within these 3 days. If the the hacker still doesn't give up, we might as well report to the authorities and have our phone line number change.

Anyway, I'll put on a different music and a new layout some time later. BYE!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hi!!!!! Choir practice was great!!!

Hi everybody!!!
My friends and I had Choir practice today and it was really great. It was my first day joining the school's choir and we sang for about 45 minutes. We started off by to singing the country's National Anthem then followed by the school song. Myself, together with my sister and my choir friends stayed back at school till 2.00 pm today.

Right after school hours end around 12.30 pm today, I quickly proceed to the school canteen and bought 2 pieces of pizza and a small glass of Milo. The choir practices supposed to start at approximately 1.00 pm and to pass some time, we wondered around school's compound.

Anyway, I did mentioned before about a business fair at my school that will be held from 16th July till 19th July. Our group consisting of 5 girls from both classes of Form 1 in this school and for our stall, we decided to sell a bit of packet food, drinks as well as introducing some fun games.

Tomorrow is Friday, a non schooling day and we were told by the Ustaz last Sunday that there will be no IQRA classes for us tomorrow since there will be a Parents/Teachers session going on....yeah! we will be able to wake up late tomorrow. My mum just told me that she wanted to go to the Agri Food Fair tomorrow and I think it will be fun, especially all those local fruits & plants will be on display.

I've got to go now to do my prayers. BYE from now!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Arghhhhh!!!!!Mud on my white T-shirt!!!!

Arghhhh!!!! There's mud on my T-shirt!!!!!!!
I got some ridiculous and brown mud on the back of my T-shirt!!! It all happened when we were at the school compound for our practical science lessons, observing and writing down all the vertebrates (living things with backbone) and invertebrates (living things without backbone).

The soil was really wet and soggy, all because of heavy downpour last night and to make it worse, there was a leaking pipe nearby. When we stood on the soil, the soil was actually MOVING!!!!!

Anyway, for P.E lessons today, I ran about 5 to 10 rounds and I feel really good right now. After running, we warmed up and played a little bit of Badminton. I was supposed to stay at school because there was a Choir meeting but I forgot to tell my parents about it. Precisely at 12.30pm, my parents were there outside the gate at the nearby school's carpark waiting for us in the car. Anyway, we went to a fast food restaurant near our home for a quick lunch. I had rice and fried chicken with egg whereas my sister chose french fries with fried chicken.

I got to go now because its my sister turn to use the computer!! BYEEEE!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Arghhhh! Business fair!

Sorry I didn't write for quite sometime.
My sister and I were grounded because my little sister lost her English book (not her 1st time thou) and her bed was really messy, yes especially under her bed..lots of junks & rubbish. I just don't understand as to why she likes to keep all those rubbish hidden under the bed!!!!

Anyway, my head is really 'cramped'. The school is organising a Business Fair on the Excellence Academic Week (from 16th July 2008 till 19th July 2008) and our team of 5 are trying to figure out what to sell and what to do. During this fair, we will suppose to do a small 'retail' business in conjuction with what we have learnt from our Commerce lessons. Any good suggestions friends??

Tomorrow, we will be having P.E and for Science, we're suppose to go downstairs (foyer/canteen) for some sort of briefing I guess!

Today, I had History for the first subject followed by IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) and right after that, we had Geography. As for today's break at 10 am, my friends and I went to the canteen and we decided to buy some 'Chez Bergedil' for snacks. It was a really good snack and is really cheesy and delicious.

After break, we went to the Art room for lessons in Art. We were told to get some 'Glass Deco' to prepare some posters for the stall that we are organising during the Academic Excellence Week. We are so excited about all this 'store' because it's our first and hopefully not the last. I had done my homework and cleaned up the bedroom. I played on my guitar and made so many songs but I keep on forgetting the words. I really need to learn the basic steps of guitar playing.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that last Friday we had a very good lunch of Ambuyat, the country's traditional meal at the request of my sister. I'm very surprised that my sister requested us to go for the meal since she is always a French fries or a Nasi Lemak person. The last time we had Ambuyat was a sometime in early January this year together with my grandma, my aunt & my little cousin during their short visit here. We really enjoyed our meal and hopefully to have another together with friends and families.

My mum cooked yummy mutton curry, fried fish & stir-fried vegetables for lunch today. Eventhough, I've taken my lunch after school just now but thinking of all the food made me hungry again.I'm going to eat something because my tummy is grumbling...
Take care!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hot, Spicy lunch!!!!!!!!!

Oh wow!!! It's such a 'hot' dish, hot as to chilli, spicy hot!! My mom cooked 'asam pedas ikan tenggiri' (mackerel fish) today and it was really hot but delicious...yummy!

Anyway, I have done my school's homework, watched T.V and while doing my homework, I was listening to music for about 20 minutes.

My mum pan-fried instant roti prata this morning and we ate them with yesterday's leftover sambal was really a very appertising, hearty breakfast. We had a glass of warm honey drink to go along with the meal. We were early for school today and surprising, I noticed that the traffic is less on most Thursday mornings compared to other weekdays.

I had a good time at school today. We did some tutorials on English, Geography and Computer. During Computer lessons, we did some reading and some practical 'hands-on'. During break time, I wrote some things in the BFF* book while eating nuggets and drinking a cup of Ribena.
Right after break, we had Home Science and we copied some notes written by the teacher on the white board. The topic for Home Science today is, 'Convenience Food'. Our teacher explained in detail about the topic quoting the advantages and disadvantages of 'Convenience Food'. We had a questions & answers session regarding the topic and I learnt a lot from them.

After Home Science, it was time for Mandarin lessons but our Mandarin teacher decided to gave us a 'free' period but we were asked to go to the Gym instead. The teacher who teaches us Mandarin is the same teacher who teaches us PE. Like yesterday, the teacher told us jokes again and again, I was splitting my sides!!! (laughing).

When the bell rang, my friends and I went out to the foyer on the ground floor located near the main gate. When my sister wanted to buy herself a drink, my parents arrived! We were really in trouble for letting them wait for a long time and absolutely, it wasn't my fault. I was just waiting for my sister.

Anyway, we went back straight home, had our lunch and thereafter, my dad continue with his nap. My mum had a short afternoon nap too, I guessed she is quite tired especially when the weather is unbearably hot. After about 2 hours, they woke up and my dad had some cookies with his favourite teh susu and went off to work. My dad is 'Off Duty' tomorrow and maybe we'll be going to get my sister's picture taken because she is applying for the school library card.

I really need to go to the bathroom!!
Bye from now!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Its Raining=No P.E.


I woke up to a very cold morning today because it has been raining continuously since last night. Since it was raining on our P.E day today, we have to stay indoors but we had a really good time in the Gym too. Our P.E teacher told us jokes and I was laughing so hard that I nearly split my sides!!!

I had a good break with a good time laughing and talking with my friends at the school's canteen. After our 30 mins break, we had Maths followed by Science lessons. During Science lessons, we did some questions in the workbook. When the bell rang to signal the end of school day for today, myself & my friends quickly got out from the classroom and proceed to the school's main gate. I saw both my parents were waiting for us at the foyer so I said goodbye to my friends and proceed to the our car parked nearby. In the car, we ate some 'bergedil' that my mum bought at our school's canteen.

We went straight home because my dad badly needs to get his 'Beauty Sleep'. Nah!! I was just kidding!! We got to go home because he didn't get any sleep since he came back from work around 5.00am this morning. He just managed to have a cat nap for about 45 mins after performing the subuh prayers.

My sister and myself had some fried spicy chicken wings for breakfast together with a glas of warm honey drink. Around 7.10 am, my dad together with the accompany of my mum left the house for our school. After sending us to school, my parents went to have their breakfast.

My mum told me that right after taking their breakfast, they went to a shop selling car auto parts. The car's brake need to be repaired and it took the mechanic quite some time to look for the spare parts.

They told me that they spent more than 2 hours at the car workshop. Since it was too late for my dad to continue with his sleep at home and too early to fetch us from school, my mum decided to go to the textile shop to buy some cloth material. Currently, almost every shop is having a mid-year sale. Most of the textile materials that can be found here are always the latest in the region and the prices are very much cheaper compared to the prices back home.

My mum wanted to get some silk material for my little cousin, the same colour material that she got for us the other day but discovered it was already out of stock. My mum bought herself a piece of silk material instead. They then proceed to our school and waited for us at the school's canteen.

My dad is all ready to go to work now. He had some Sambal Sardine (his favourite) with steaming hot plain rice for his early dinner and for his packed dinner too. Syukur Alhamdullillah, his throat is much better now that he can at least have some spicy food. After finishing his early dinner, he is off to work.

Well, I got to go now and have something to eat. Looking at my dad's eating just now, just make my stomach growling. BYE from now!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I got a really nice gift!!!!!!

Hey everyone!!!!

I had a really great day today and plus, I got a really nice gift from my BFF!!!!
She got a phone danggler for me with the first letter of my first name. It was blue and it was with a dolphin.

Anyway, I had a great time today at school. We went to the History room for history and talked about this Academic Excellence week which involves a selling. So we were having a meeting and we're waiting for tomorrow because the Commerce teacher will be giving us Form slips to fill up.

I had some 'bergedil', sausage, some 'Nasi Lemak' and some 'Aloe Vera' drink. It was a really good lunch.

My dad had a good nap before he went to work and he had some fried beef with ginger.
It was delicious!
Well, I have to go and have a shower. Bye!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

1st day on the 3rd term!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

I was like 5 minutes late for the school's morning assembly today but a few of my friends were late too. My friend from my previous school was having his first day at my school and he was really happy.

We started our school lessons after a long holiday, life is back to routine again. I'm really happy to see my friends again after a two weeks break. I passed up the Science homework that all of us suppose to do during the holidays and all of us had a little test on Commerce. I had a really good break and a really good day!!

After school, my friends and I' hanged out' for a 'chit-chat' (at the school, of course) and my parents picked me and my little sister later. We had a good lunch and thereafter, we went to my uncle's house nearby to return his car for the exchange of our car that he borrowed during the weekend. He had to borrow our car because my aunt's auntie and her three friends came to their home all the way from Labuan, Sabah during the weekend. Since our car is much more spacious compared to my uncle's, we exchanged usage for the weekend.

After taking our car back, we went to a supermarket nearby because my mom wanted to get some groceries. We got some beef & mutton, vegetables and some cans of Tuna. I even got ice cream!! It was really good to have some cold ice cream down my throat on a hot day!!

I've got to go and eat my 'late dinner' now!!
Good Night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I was in TROUBLE!!!!!

Man oh man!!!
I was really in trouble yesterday (but it wasn't my fault actually!!).
It all started with my little sister as she was playing a game online, then after 30 minutes, It was my turn to use the laptop. I tried to go to Blogger but I can' just 'hanged'. I tried to restart the computer but in the middle of restarting, it 'hanged' again. I waited for about an hour but it just can't restart. When I told my mom and oh man!!, I was really in a heap of trouble!!! This is not the first it happened to me and I got the blame again...

Anyway, today I woke up at about 9.15 a.m and had a good shower. Tomorrow is the starting of the 3rd Term and I'm quite nervous and excited!!!
I'm really hungry now!!
BTW, I'm going to have some food to eat from the kitchen.

Good thing I've done all the holiday homework.
I'll write again after I finish watching VCD 'The Little rascals', one of my all-time favourites. BYE!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming, playground and ice cream!!!!

Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't write yesterday. I totally forgot because my little sister's best friend came over and had a sleepover. We had fun but when it was time for bedtime, it was hard for her to fall sleep because she had eaten two 'Mars' chocolate bar and that made her hyperactive.

Here's the picture I said I was going to post.
The 'smaller sized' guitar is my little sister's and mine is the one next to it.

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my guitar string BROKE!!!!!Arggghhhhhhhh!!!!
Ok, I have to calm down!!!!
My mom said that the shop where I bought the guitar should sell guitar string so I HOPE that they sell!!

Anyway, we had a great day today!!!!
Actually the plan was to go to the beach but my parents decided to bring us to the clubhouse pool. We packed the stuff that we need to bring along went to the pool around 3.00pm. The sun was still piercing with its sunrays, it's really hot. Once we got in the 'Girls' Room', we started to change our clothes but my little sister forgot her swimsuit!!!! and she's blaming me for not putting it into the bag... Due to my sister's carelessness, my dad have to drive back home with my sister to get her swimsuit.

While waiting for my sister, myself and my sister's friend decided to dip into the pool first. My sister came with her swimsuit around 20 mins later and joined us in the pool, we really had SPLASHING fun!!! We had fun in the sun and in the pool for about 2 - 3 hours!!!

We had to go at around 6.00pm. After washing & bathing we went to the Giant Superstore and we ordered Chicken Garlic pizza. It was the most delicious pizza I had ever tasted and I love it especially the crust!!

We had fun at the playground and we chased after some really mean boys and oh boy!, I really want to,,,,,,,,to,,,,,,arghhhh!!!!! After having fun at the playground, my parents decided to call it a day and signalled to us to go home. On our way to the exit, we bought some lollies (ice-cream on a stick) and ate them in the car. It was sour due to the orange flavour but nice down the throat!!!!

I'm really tired!!!!
Good Night to all!!!!!
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!!hehehe.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a day!!!


I just came back from my friend's house after bouncing on the trampoline at her house, skating at the beach and lots of climbing at the new playground by the beach. Actually, my friend's mom called my mom yesterday asking for my mom's permission to bring us to the beach today and so around 3.00 pm they came. My sister and myself brought along our roller blades and a some spare clothes, just in case we will get wet.

We went to her house for a while and played with the trampoline. Since her house is quite near to the beach, we don't really need to rush to the beach. We spent around an hour at the beach skating and playing at the new playground.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my mom prepared something special for today's lunch. She boiled some instant ketupat (rice in small plastic packets) for almost two hours. She cooked delicious beef rendang to compliment with the rice yummy!

I really had a tiring day today and tomorrow I guessed will be more tiring since my little sister's best friend from her former school is coming for a sleepover. This will be her first sleepover at our home and don't really know how it will turn out...will she missed her family? I guess it will turn out just fine.

I tried playing my guitar and scratched my fingers for more than 4 times. Although it hurts but it's fun. My next 'target' is that I'll be buying the guitar bag so that when we go overseas, I can bring it along.

I'm gonna have some rest now.
Bye from now!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I finally bought a guitar!!!!

Good evening!!!

This morning I woke up at about 11.35 a.m, still in the school holiday mood I guessed. Only a few days to go before the 3rd term starts.

Oh yes, actually there was something that happened yesterday evening. My cousin called us all the way from France around 7.30pm last night and we talked for a while. Then, we decided to chat on the internet since talking on the phone will really burn a hole in the pocket. We used the MSN messenger, making video call so that we can actually see each other 'live'..that was much fun than just talking. We talked and talked for more than 3 hours!!!

We played games in the internet and while my little sister was chatting and talking, I was in the kitchen with my mom making a little snack. We made instant 'Bee Hoon soup' with mushrooms, vegetables & eggs. It was really delicious and furthermore, it was a cold night yesterday so drinking that hot soup down our throats was really great!!!

Today, we went to the clinic since my dad's throat was still sore. The doctor checked the condition of my dad's throat and prescribed some medicine for him. After paying for the medicine, we proceed to a small eatery near our home to have our lunch. Right after lunch, I persuaded my mom to go to the nearby store and ..........

FINALLY, I BOUGHT A GUITAR !!!!(which I was saving for a long time)
The price of the guitar was B$79.90 but I'm lucky, since now most of the stores are having a 'Mid-Year Sale', I got it for 15% less.

By the way, my little sister upon seeing me buying a guitar...she too wanted one for herself. She persuaded my mum to use her school allowance that she had saved up to buy her a guitar and she got it...but only a small, cute version. I'll post the picture of my sister's cute guitar some other time.

Good night everyone, see you later! Bye!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Nothing to do today except......

Good afternoon everyone!!

My dad's off to work as usual and my mom, my little sister and myself at home. It is quite monotonous doing the same thing everyday...I really missed my school friends.

We woke up at about....10.56 a.m. and then my mom's friend called and she chatted for a while. We had some really good lunch today, simple but nutritious with slices of fish meat, small chopped carrots & potatoes, garlic with some fine ginger slices in our porridge. Actually, I enjoyed eating my mom's delicious porridge.

We watched DVDs as usual and my mom got really angry because my little sister carelessly dropped a glass on the floor and oh boy, what a mess she had done. I helped to clean up all the small pieces of the smashed glass remembering to slip on my slippers, just in case. My mom finally cooled down when she decided to go downstairs to water her plants. She is in a better mood now.

I'm really hungry right now. Ok, I'll eat 'kaya' bun later with hot tea.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 more week till school reopens!!!!


Knock! Knock! Knock! Anybody there??? Hahahaha just kidding!

I'm in a really good mood today and I don't know why!!!!
Ok, what should I write today??? A week of school holidays had passed and another week to go. I just can't wait to see my school friends again.

Ok, today I woke up and showered, had homemade fried noodles for lunch and my little sister went to the store with my dad to buy some things including some cooling water for my dad.

My dad is having a sore throat again and he can't even swallowed the noodles that my mum cooked...oh! what a pity. As for my mom, she is still having her cough..I think it's more than 2 months now. It could be the weather nowadays, too hot and can be quite unbearable.

After watching a lot of TV and DVD movies, my dad & myself went to the fast food restaurant nearby which have chicken porridge in their menu. My dad decided to buy the porridge and as for myself, I bought fried chicken and french fries. As for my dad's packed dinner, my mum made some porridge with some fish slices for him..poor thing, my dad's throat is sore again!

Right now, my mom is watching her TV Korean serial drama, JUMONG!!!!! Its better not to disturb her when she is watching this...she will get really angry..hahaha.

Well, till we meet again tomorrow...bye from now!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leroy and Stitch (hahahahahaha)

Sorry I didn't write yesterday.

Yesterday, I was out the whole day and had lunch outside with my parents. Since, it was my dad's weekly 'off-day', we chosed to have 'Soup Tulang' (ie. beef rib-bone soup) with plain rice with a dash of cut chillies in soya sauce, a simple scrumptious meal indeed. Right after our meal, we decided to go to the 'Giant Superstore', todate is the largest superstore in this country.

While my parents went to do their weekly grocery shopping, my little sister & I played at the indoor playground. The playground is quite small but it is a good place for 'bored' kids like myself to spend our time while parents do their shopping..hhmmm.

At the playground, there were two mischievious young boys (I presumed the age range is the same as my sister) who were hiding under the playground poking sharp objects onto kid's soles...what a mischief!!! I went after the boys and gave them a stern warning but they just ignored me. When my mum was done with her grocery shopping, I told her about the two mischievious boys and showed the marks on my sole. My mum was so furious that she quickly approached the two boys and gave them a stern warning...either they stop doing it or she will call the security guards. This time, it worked...they left their secret 'hiding' place and left the playground...yessss, I love it when my mum do that!!

We continued playing at the playground for a little while longer and around 8.00 pm, we decided to go back home. Btw, we bought a few DVDs to watch at home. The DVDs here are selling quite cheap, cheaper than the price of a cinema ticket so it's worth to buy one & watch them at home where we can watch them over & over again. The DVD movies that we bought are 'The Forbidden Kingdom' (my dad's choice), 'The Legend' (a Korean drama serial, my mom's choice), 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' and 'Leroy & Stitch' (our choices).

Today, we woke up at about 11.30 a.m. feeling too tired from yesterday's outing. Actually my mum planned to have an early breakfast of 'mee rebus' but then after our subuh prayers, we continued to sleep again. Eventhough, we missed having breakfast, we still go to that nice little cafe by the nursery to have our brunch. My sister and I chosed to eat 'Nasi Lemak' whereas my mum chosed 'Mee Rebus' and my dad decided to try the specialty of the day, the 'Nasi Dagang'. My mum & my sister wanted to go to the nursery nearby after our brunch for a 'look & see' and to try to look for any African violets.

Both my mum & my sister love plants and they really enjoyed doing gardening together whenever they have the time. Since there is not a single African violet plant to be found, my mom decided to buy two bags of roses instead. She has always been wanting to try nurturing roses plants. She also bought a pot of a purple-flower anthurium to add to her collection of anthuriums at home. My sister wanted to get a small, unique flowering ginger plant for herself and she got it. The plants here are selling quite cheap compared to the prices of plants back home in nurseries.

Thereafter, we went to a shopping mall nearby to get some cans of Tuna and some salad greens since my dad wants Tuna salad for his packed dinner. Since the box of juices are on sale today, we also bought a few packs and few 'private stuff' for me.

I have to go, bye from now!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Hi everybody!!!

I woke up again and again because of a fly!!!!
Then, after the 6th time being woke up by a fly, I decided not to sleep again so me and my sister watched TV(surprisingly, my little sister woke up earlier than me!!!).
We watched the cartoons, 'Antz', 'Tom and Jerry', 'Brother bear' and 'Ant Bully'.

Tomorrow my dad's not working because that's his 'off' day. So I hope we're going out tomorrow because I'm getting really bored staying at home!

This afternoon, we went to the mini-mart as usual and bought newspaper and snacks.
I'm playing games right now because I don't know what to do at home.

My dad went off to work at 5.30 p.m. as usual. My mom's praying and my sister a movie called 'Pluto Nash'.

Well, for Brunei news, click here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hello again!!!

Hi again!!!

If you want news of what's happening in Brunei, click here.

Nothing interesting happened today but my sister & myself went out with my dad around noon to the nearest supermarket to buy a loaf of sandwich bread and a french loaf. After our zuhur prayers, we watched two old DVD movies entitled 'The Net' starring main actress Sandra Bullock and a Tom Cruise movie 'Mission Impossible III'.

My mom baked honey chicken drummets & wings and prepared a 'submarine' which made up of french loaf and pan-fried beef rashers (thin slices of beef) with onion rings, cucumber & tomato slices for my dad's packed dinner to the office. As usual, my dad went to work at 5.30 pm after eating some baked chicken and sandwiches with his all-time favourite teh susu (hot tea with creamer).

Right now, my mom is watching her favourite Korean drama series, Jumong while folding the washed clothes. I should be helping her but instead myself and my sister is busy playing computer games while occasionally writing on this blog.

My sister is helping me playing a game and oh, if you can, please join Dizzywood and my code is sail599.

Thanx if you join!!!!!
I have to go. Bye!!!!!!!


Sorry I didn't post the pictures yesterday. My internet browser I'm using is not working and giving me lots of problems.

I'll post news and pictures later.

Anyway, Hi!!!!

Since we got up late, my mom didn't cook anything. We ate yesterday's leftover of asam pedas and it was really delicious. I realised that this dish if you left it overnight, the flavour will even get better...yum..yum..what a yummy brunch we had!

(Loading pictures and news now!!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good evening!!!!

Good evening everyone!!!

Since we woke up late(again) and before we had our brunch, I accompanied my dad to the nearby store to buy today's newspaper. Right after we came back, we had brunch and for brunch, my mom cooked 'asam pedas' and some pineapple salsa to be eaten with hot, plain rice.
Boy, that was delicious!!!!!

I'm trying to update some news about what's happening in Brunei.
Anyway, today is the 2nd day of 2nd term school holidays. I have been texting my friends and all they said was the same thing that I said to my sister ie."I really miss school and hanging out!!!".

Anyway, I didn't have my dinner yet and I made a request to my mum that I wanted to eat some hard-boiled eggs with kicap (black soya sauce) so my mom is boiling some eggs right now. While the eggs are on the stove, my mom is performing her magrib prayers while my little sister is enjoying her show which is, Tom and Jerry. I just don't understand, why she loves the cartoon series 'Tom & Jerry'..she will see them over & over again without getting bored..huhhh.

I'm going to upload some pictures and I hope you'll like them!!!

(Next will be the updates for Brunei)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Woke up late!!!!!

Good afternoon everyone!!!!

Oh boy!!!
I actually slept at 2.45 a.m. and woke up at 9.32 am and my dad came back home quite early than his usual time. He came back at around 1.00am compared to the usual 5.00 am. Since we woke up late, we had brunch and for brunch, we had noodle soup.

My mom's friend came to our house and me and my dad went to a nearby store and bought newspapers and I got a new game console for my game. I played the game for a while and revised some of my school work, did my holiday homework and watched TV.

My dad's going to work now because he's on NIGHT SHIFT. It's quite boring when he's not here at home at night.

I'll be posting a music video soon so keep a lookout.
If you want any music videos, just email me at
I'll try and find the one that you want and post it.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ugama exams done!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!

I just finished my ugama exams today. It was quite hard actually. We have to recite some verses from the Al-Quran. We had our written exams last week and it wasn't that difficult. Anyway Happy Fathers Day to all dads!!! Abah, you are my greatest dad in the whole wide world & I love you!

After ugama classes, we went to a fast food restaurant and we ate chicken and french fries together with cups of Pepsi & Root beer. It was really a fast lunch and we need to go back home early since my dad was feeling very tired & sleepy. He came home from work at 3.30 a.m this morning and he really need to continue with his sleep.

Usually on weekends, either on Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon, we will spend our time outdoors. We will either go to the Mall, the beach or simply helping my mom gardening. It has been a few weeks now that my dad had been working on weekends. Now, with 2 weeks school holidays...I think it will be so boring for me, especially with not much activity to do!!! (AHHHHHHH!!!!)

I had a late meal together with dad before he goes to work, just a simple meal of rice, fried fish and 'sambal'. It was absolutely delicious. Now, I'm trying to find a nicer layout for this blog. everything that I've tried almost 24 layouts but nothing seems to be my liking!! uummhhh, need to have a break first.

Oh yeah thinking of tomorrow, we can wake up LATE!!!!! Yahooooooo!!!! That's at least the joy of having a school holiday!

Well, I'll try and write more soon!! Bye & adios!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

YAhooo!!!!!!! Holidays are here!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Today was our last day of school for the 2nd term. As predicted, we had not much revision or lessons for today. Most of the time we were allowed to use the computers, chatted with friends, spent some time at the library and a lot more other things.

The surrounding of the school seemed to be quiet today with the primary section of the school having no classes at all today, their last day was actually last Thursday. Usually, on normal schooling days, the school will be full with activities and the canteen will be crowded with busy parents waiting to fetch their children.

Furthermore, my mom called just after the school bell rang to inform me that they (my parents & sister) will be slightly late since they were still at the car's workshop. Luckily, my best friend was still around, waiting for her parents too so I wasn't lonely after all. By the time my parents came to fetch me, it was almost 1.30 p.m and the school is almost empty except for a few school's staff and the 2 lady security guards.

My mom updated a few things so you might want to visit her blog.

By the way, I'll be posting some pictures later.

Bye from now!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Holidays are here again..hooray!!

I'm really sorry that I didn't write anything. I was quite tired and actually quite LAZY to write.

Anyway, the 2nd term school holidays are just around the corner and I don't think we have any plans for it. With my dad's tight work schedule, it seems we will be spending our school holidays mostly at home...ummpphh, so boring.

As tomorrow is the last day for the 2nd term, I don't think there will be any 'serious' lessons going on. Everyone is in the holiday mood including the teachers..he.he.he. Really had nothing much to do today..had my ugama classes as usual in the morning and by 11.45 am, we are back at home.

While typing this, then I realised that today is Friday the 13th...oooooohhhh. So far, nothing spooky!! he..he..he.

Have a good day everyone, I have to go........