Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My pet,, REMY!!!!!! Ain't he a cutie??

Ain't it cute???? My sister named it Remy the rat (like the one in the movie Ratatouille).

Our school had a three-day 'open' house cum fun-fair starting last Saturday. It was fun and it was there that I had my 'flying fox' experience and a ride on a horse. Ok, how the rat or mouse comes about?...here it is the story..

During the fair, my mum gave us $5 each for us to spend at the fair and precisely 'warn' us not to get anything that is not supposed to...especially to my little sister who is fond of buying 'surprises' especially at the school's bookshop. Ok, back to the little cutie mouse...since I have a few $ to spare, I bought some coupons worth $5 and gave them to my sister asking her to get the tiny mouse which I think she will really love to have.

When my parents came to pick us up around 12.30pm last Saturday, they were shocked and actually 'not' suprised to find out about the mouse BUT my dad was really angry at my sister for buying it and gave her a good scolding (which actually I was at fault too). By the way, my mum decided to go to the pet shop and bought a small cage including the chipsi (wood chips) & water dropper for the little pet. Since he is just a litttle baby, my sister named him REMY and gave him cheese & biscuits. He's so cute......

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