Monday, November 10, 2008

December come quick!!!!!

Hey everybody!!!!

I sure am relaxing at home because our exams are over and the last paper that we had today is arts. I drew a house with a background and it' was supposed to be a little cartoonish but,, when I saw it after colouring with the crayons, it looked like a real place and since we had like 25 minutes left, I couldn't finish the colouring properly.....

Anyway,, I ate sardine sambal today which my mom prepared and it was simply delicious.........
I'm excited about next month because next month, we are having our school holidays and we're going to have like a month of holidays..... so I was hoping my dad you know.......doesn't have to work during that time............ I had to wear my black sports shoes today because my school shoes were OUT!!!!! At the side of the shoe, it WAS TOTALLY TORN OFF!!

Tomorrow, all the boys are gonna be looking smart and of course the girls too because there will be a photoshoot(that's what i heard) of all the classes.

The plan in school for tomorrow is maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,nothing?????Nothing to do??hahaha

Anyway, talk later. Have to go and throw the trash!!!!XP

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