Saturday, November 29, 2008

Collecting the Report book............

Hello everybody!!!

We're going to school later to collect my report book and my mum gave me back my PSP after the trip to the OGDC (Oil and Gas Discovery Center) and days before that,,,, My cousin came here and on the 25th, we had a Prize Giving Ceremony at our school and I won for the 'Most Promising Student' of the year in the school.

I was equally surprised to receive the award but equally sad because my parents was unable to attend the ceremony due to my dad was so sleepy, working on the night shift the night before & my cousins visiting us. My mom felt bad thou for not attending it...well there will always be next year to look forward to. I promise myself to study harder for next year & to obtain better results coz I'm aiming to do a 4 year secondary course instead of the normal 5 years for my 'O' Levels examinations.

My parents were happy with my results but I think there are more room for me to improve next year. Two core subjects that I really did badly are Bahasa Melayu (shame!) & my IRK. My mom bought some revision books for these two subjects today & I'll be receiving personal tuition from her during this holiday abroad for me.

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