Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hahaha!!! Weird...........

Anyway,, we had P.E today and myself with the rest of the girls have to play "Monkey" because the boys wanted to play football...... After we got tired of Monkey, we tried to play "Dodgeball" but my friend wasted so much time just at getting ready, till the time was up!!! Can you all believe that??!?..the rest of us were so frustrated.

Anyway,, I slept in the afternoon today and oh no!! I left the TV on!! I don't know what made me sooooo sleeppppy!!!!!! I think it's the hours spent under the scorching hot morning sun just now and thereafter, off we go immediately into the cold rooms.... brrrr!!!!! It's cold in the classroom because we have two airconds......

I have to go and take a shower now coz my mum will really be angry!! Bye.

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