Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

We had the Malay Exams and they were ok,,,,,,,anyway, I had a delicious breakfast of 'bull's' eye fried egg with breaded fried fish fillet together with a glass of honey drink and followed by a really nice leg massage........ When I reached school this morning,,most of my classmates were busy studying and writing for last minute revision since today is our 1st day for our year-end examinations.

After the 1st paper, the teacher allowed us to go out early. So, we had 10 minutes to spend to read books before we went for break. After break, we had our 2nd paper and the paper was ok, I guess and most of the students in my class can finish it within 1 1/2, we had like 2o minutes of free time after the teacher took our papers. Most of the boys have nothing else to do other than going to the bathroom. Every 5 minutes, you would here, "cher, I go to jamban ah!!!". Sometimes, I think it's kinda funny hearing them talking like that...well, that's the local malay spoken here which initially, I found to be quite 'crude' compared to the malay language spoken back home.

Anyways, I have a new cousin brother (he married to my cousin sister last August) who is quite famous in Malaysia and he is a bassist in a pop music group called 'Pop Shuvit' and I love their songs........

K,, have to go now,,, BYE!!!

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