Thursday, November 6, 2008

3 more days until exams are over????NO!!!!!! more than that......


Guess what!!??!! Me and my sister won something by a DJ......... I won a 20% voucher for eating/drinking in a Cafe and my sister won 2 High School Musical 3 tickets!!!

Anyway, we have like a few more days of exams and then,, BOOM!!! no more exams and hopefully,I can get my PSP back,,,,,,,,,,

Today, my mom cooked some nice chicken, and fried some vegetables........ I studid like for a while for Saturday's exams..........which is Commercial Studies and there's one subject that I love because we don't have to study for it.......ARTS!!!

We had a jog like outside and I lost like 2 kilos,.......
I'm watchin videos in Youtube and I love them!!!
My mom was watching some videos and then, she played a video that a 10 year old boy playing the guitar!!!He was very good........

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