Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming, playground and ice cream!!!!

Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't write yesterday. I totally forgot because my little sister's best friend came over and had a sleepover. We had fun but when it was time for bedtime, it was hard for her to fall sleep because she had eaten two 'Mars' chocolate bar and that made her hyperactive.

Here's the picture I said I was going to post.
The 'smaller sized' guitar is my little sister's and mine is the one next to it.

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my guitar string BROKE!!!!!Arggghhhhhhhh!!!!
Ok, I have to calm down!!!!
My mom said that the shop where I bought the guitar should sell guitar string so I HOPE that they sell!!

Anyway, we had a great day today!!!!
Actually the plan was to go to the beach but my parents decided to bring us to the clubhouse pool. We packed the stuff that we need to bring along went to the pool around 3.00pm. The sun was still piercing with its sunrays, it's really hot. Once we got in the 'Girls' Room', we started to change our clothes but my little sister forgot her swimsuit!!!! and she's blaming me for not putting it into the bag... Due to my sister's carelessness, my dad have to drive back home with my sister to get her swimsuit.

While waiting for my sister, myself and my sister's friend decided to dip into the pool first. My sister came with her swimsuit around 20 mins later and joined us in the pool, we really had SPLASHING fun!!! We had fun in the sun and in the pool for about 2 - 3 hours!!!

We had to go at around 6.00pm. After washing & bathing we went to the Giant Superstore and we ordered Chicken Garlic pizza. It was the most delicious pizza I had ever tasted and I love it especially the crust!!

We had fun at the playground and we chased after some really mean boys and oh boy!, I really want to,,,,,,,,to,,,,,,arghhhh!!!!! After having fun at the playground, my parents decided to call it a day and signalled to us to go home. On our way to the exit, we bought some lollies (ice-cream on a stick) and ate them in the car. It was sour due to the orange flavour but nice down the throat!!!!

I'm really tired!!!!
Good Night to all!!!!!
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!!hehehe.

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