Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ugama exams done!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!

I just finished my ugama exams today. It was quite hard actually. We have to recite some verses from the Al-Quran. We had our written exams last week and it wasn't that difficult. Anyway Happy Fathers Day to all dads!!! Abah, you are my greatest dad in the whole wide world & I love you!

After ugama classes, we went to a fast food restaurant and we ate chicken and french fries together with cups of Pepsi & Root beer. It was really a fast lunch and we need to go back home early since my dad was feeling very tired & sleepy. He came home from work at 3.30 a.m this morning and he really need to continue with his sleep.

Usually on weekends, either on Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon, we will spend our time outdoors. We will either go to the Mall, the beach or simply helping my mom gardening. It has been a few weeks now that my dad had been working on weekends. Now, with 2 weeks school holidays...I think it will be so boring for me, especially with not much activity to do!!! (AHHHHHHH!!!!)

I had a late meal together with dad before he goes to work, just a simple meal of rice, fried fish and 'sambal'. It was absolutely delicious. Now, I'm trying to find a nicer layout for this blog. everything that I've tried almost 24 layouts but nothing seems to be my liking!! uummhhh, need to have a break first.

Oh yeah thinking of tomorrow, we can wake up LATE!!!!! Yahooooooo!!!! That's at least the joy of having a school holiday!

Well, I'll try and write more soon!! Bye & adios!

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