Monday, June 30, 2008

1st day on the 3rd term!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

I was like 5 minutes late for the school's morning assembly today but a few of my friends were late too. My friend from my previous school was having his first day at my school and he was really happy.

We started our school lessons after a long holiday, life is back to routine again. I'm really happy to see my friends again after a two weeks break. I passed up the Science homework that all of us suppose to do during the holidays and all of us had a little test on Commerce. I had a really good break and a really good day!!

After school, my friends and I' hanged out' for a 'chit-chat' (at the school, of course) and my parents picked me and my little sister later. We had a good lunch and thereafter, we went to my uncle's house nearby to return his car for the exchange of our car that he borrowed during the weekend. He had to borrow our car because my aunt's auntie and her three friends came to their home all the way from Labuan, Sabah during the weekend. Since our car is much more spacious compared to my uncle's, we exchanged usage for the weekend.

After taking our car back, we went to a supermarket nearby because my mom wanted to get some groceries. We got some beef & mutton, vegetables and some cans of Tuna. I even got ice cream!! It was really good to have some cold ice cream down my throat on a hot day!!

I've got to go and eat my 'late dinner' now!!
Good Night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

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