Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leroy and Stitch (hahahahahaha)

Sorry I didn't write yesterday.

Yesterday, I was out the whole day and had lunch outside with my parents. Since, it was my dad's weekly 'off-day', we chosed to have 'Soup Tulang' (ie. beef rib-bone soup) with plain rice with a dash of cut chillies in soya sauce, a simple scrumptious meal indeed. Right after our meal, we decided to go to the 'Giant Superstore', todate is the largest superstore in this country.

While my parents went to do their weekly grocery shopping, my little sister & I played at the indoor playground. The playground is quite small but it is a good place for 'bored' kids like myself to spend our time while parents do their shopping..hhmmm.

At the playground, there were two mischievious young boys (I presumed the age range is the same as my sister) who were hiding under the playground poking sharp objects onto kid's soles...what a mischief!!! I went after the boys and gave them a stern warning but they just ignored me. When my mum was done with her grocery shopping, I told her about the two mischievious boys and showed the marks on my sole. My mum was so furious that she quickly approached the two boys and gave them a stern warning...either they stop doing it or she will call the security guards. This time, it worked...they left their secret 'hiding' place and left the playground...yessss, I love it when my mum do that!!

We continued playing at the playground for a little while longer and around 8.00 pm, we decided to go back home. Btw, we bought a few DVDs to watch at home. The DVDs here are selling quite cheap, cheaper than the price of a cinema ticket so it's worth to buy one & watch them at home where we can watch them over & over again. The DVD movies that we bought are 'The Forbidden Kingdom' (my dad's choice), 'The Legend' (a Korean drama serial, my mom's choice), 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' and 'Leroy & Stitch' (our choices).

Today, we woke up at about 11.30 a.m. feeling too tired from yesterday's outing. Actually my mum planned to have an early breakfast of 'mee rebus' but then after our subuh prayers, we continued to sleep again. Eventhough, we missed having breakfast, we still go to that nice little cafe by the nursery to have our brunch. My sister and I chosed to eat 'Nasi Lemak' whereas my mum chosed 'Mee Rebus' and my dad decided to try the specialty of the day, the 'Nasi Dagang'. My mum & my sister wanted to go to the nursery nearby after our brunch for a 'look & see' and to try to look for any African violets.

Both my mum & my sister love plants and they really enjoyed doing gardening together whenever they have the time. Since there is not a single African violet plant to be found, my mom decided to buy two bags of roses instead. She has always been wanting to try nurturing roses plants. She also bought a pot of a purple-flower anthurium to add to her collection of anthuriums at home. My sister wanted to get a small, unique flowering ginger plant for herself and she got it. The plants here are selling quite cheap compared to the prices of plants back home in nurseries.

Thereafter, we went to a shopping mall nearby to get some cans of Tuna and some salad greens since my dad wants Tuna salad for his packed dinner. Since the box of juices are on sale today, we also bought a few packs and few 'private stuff' for me.

I have to go, bye from now!!

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