Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fun Sunday it is today........


We didn't go to Ugama classes today because there will be a few students attending since it was a long weekend with some families chose to spend their short holiday in a neighbouring country. Yesterday was Armed Forces Day, a public holiday to commemorate the 47th Anniversary of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces with splendid & colourful display, march past & exhibition being held at one of the Army base here.

Yesterday, we had our lunch at one of the eateries in the shopping mall and thereafter, my mum decided to go to a textile shop to buy some cloth materials . My sister and myself was asked by my cousin to be her 'flower girls' for her upcoming wedding in August this year and the theme colour is maroon...that's the reason my mum bought some silk, embroidery cloth materials to be made into our costumes.

After that, we went to the Mall and wandered around for a while since there's some sort of an Electrical & Computer fair going on at the Atrium. Since it is a public holiday, there are a lot of people at the Mall so we decided to go to another supermarket nearer to our home to do our grocery shopping. We finally reached home around 9.00pm and after having my showers & performed my prayers, I help my mum unpacking and storing the groceries to their proper place. My little sister was already fast asleep whereas I wasn't even feeling tired so I went to the internet to play some online games as well as chatting with my friends.

Although today is Sunday, my dad have to work since there's some urgent work need to be done at his work place. For me, I woke as usual around 5.30am for my Subuh prayers and thereafter, continue with my sleep again and finally woke up around 9.30am. For a long time, I have not be able to wake up this late..usually, the latest will be 8.30am..that's only on Friday & Sunday.

I had my shower, cleaned up the 'mess' in our rooms and then my dad came back home with my cousin because my uncle having some problem with his car. My uncle came a little while later along with my aunt & another smaller cousin. While waiting for the car to be repaired, we had our lunch and then enjoyed ourselves playing indoors as well as outdoors, until one of my little cousins fell asleep.

I'll update again soon!!!!!

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