Monday, June 2, 2008

Local News Updates!!

Updates are here!!

Lets start with yesterday,1st June 2008. That's the official date for the new law to come into force in this country after a few months of 'warning' to everyone here.

As at 1st June 2008, youngsters below 18 years of age are not allowed to buy cigarettes or any related tobacco products. Any underage youngsters caught smoking, chewing or in the possession of any tobacco products (whether his/her consumption or others) would be liable for a fine not exceeding B$5000 and B$10000 for subsequent convictions.

The most welcoming news is that all schools in the Sultanate will be a 'No Smoking Zone'...hooooray (too bad for teachers who smoke). Really expecting fresh, healthy air every schooling day. You can read more on the local news .

I'll try to update more local news soon. Adios!

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