Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Late for school again......

Hi everybody!!!!

After our subuh prayers at 5.20 a.m, usually we will take a short cat-nap before hitting on the showers. Today, it was my little sister turn to take her showers first but instead of waking up at 6.00 a.m, she slept till 6.30 a.m!!!, are we really late this morning.

Surprisingly with everyone having quick hot showers and rushing here & there, we actually reached school earlier than expected. We left home around 7.15 am and arrived at the school 5 minutes later..that was super fast. I was actually quite surprise that today's traffic flow was really smooth, no traffic congestion at all.

Since yesterday, I have been telling my mum that I wanted to eat my favourite Singapore Mee Rebus. Here in Brunei, it is quite difficult to find an eatery selling Singapore food, the one that taste really like back home.

Right after school, my parents decided to fulfil my wishes..yes we decided to go to this little open cafe for my Mee Rebus craving..yahoooo. It will be my first visit to this little cafe and so is my sister. My parents had been to this cafe a few times previously for their breakfasts, usually on Saturdays when my dad is having his 'off' day & we were in school.

This little cafe is situated next to the Rimba nursery, a place where my mom usually buys her plants & soil for her potted garden. My sister had Nasi Lemak which she rated as good than the average one selling elsewhere. My dad seemed satisfied with the Chinese Noodle Seafood soup which he ordered. My mom & myself had our Mee Rebus and yes, oh yes, it really tasted quite similar to the one that they served back home...ooohhh, I really missed my Mee Rebus days at the Primary school that I attended in Singapore before moving here. To think of it, it was almost 5 years since I left that school back home. Just wondering, how are my friends, do they still remember me??

I'm at home now and I don't have anything to do, no school assignment for today! I think I will watch some DVD movies with my sister since my mom have gave us the 'green light' to do so. I will do some reading & revisions on my school subjects later at night.

I'll type again soon!!!

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