Monday, June 16, 2008

Woke up late!!!!!

Good afternoon everyone!!!!

Oh boy!!!
I actually slept at 2.45 a.m. and woke up at 9.32 am and my dad came back home quite early than his usual time. He came back at around 1.00am compared to the usual 5.00 am. Since we woke up late, we had brunch and for brunch, we had noodle soup.

My mom's friend came to our house and me and my dad went to a nearby store and bought newspapers and I got a new game console for my game. I played the game for a while and revised some of my school work, did my holiday homework and watched TV.

My dad's going to work now because he's on NIGHT SHIFT. It's quite boring when he's not here at home at night.

I'll be posting a music video soon so keep a lookout.
If you want any music videos, just email me at
I'll try and find the one that you want and post it.


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