Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Hi everybody!!!

I woke up again and again because of a fly!!!!
Then, after the 6th time being woke up by a fly, I decided not to sleep again so me and my sister watched TV(surprisingly, my little sister woke up earlier than me!!!).
We watched the cartoons, 'Antz', 'Tom and Jerry', 'Brother bear' and 'Ant Bully'.

Tomorrow my dad's not working because that's his 'off' day. So I hope we're going out tomorrow because I'm getting really bored staying at home!

This afternoon, we went to the mini-mart as usual and bought newspaper and snacks.
I'm playing games right now because I don't know what to do at home.

My dad went off to work at 5.30 p.m. as usual. My mom's praying and my sister a movie called 'Pluto Nash'.

Well, for Brunei news, click here.

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