Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My dad's at home........


My dad is at home today because he will be on night shift, going to work around 5.30pm. I don't really like my dad to work on night shift because I don't feel that safe when he's not around at night. Usually he will come back around 3.00am or sometimes slightly late at 5.30am.

I'm at home right now after coming back from lunch. Straight after fetching us from school, my parents decided to bring us to this little favourite Malaysian restaurant by the Brunei river for our lunch.

My parents & my sister chosed to have the theme lunch buffet for the day which is food from the Malaysian state of Perak. Each day of the week, for their buffet lunch & dinner, they will serve food from different states of Malaysia or from Indonesia as well as from Brunei. My sister really enjoyed the beef rendang and she had been taking a few helpings from the buffet. I decided to have my favourite Grilled Fish with Mashed potatoes. It was really a great lunch.

Well, I have a couple of school's assignments to do. Actually this morning, I was about 6 minutes late for school but the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I guessed I was pretty lucky yeah! This will be our last week of school for the term and will be having our 2 weeks school holidays.

Other than the school's assignment that I have to do, I'm still feeling really bored...maybe it could be the hot weather that we are experiencing now. I don't know what to do!!!

I'll write soon!!!

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