Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I finally bought a guitar!!!!

Good evening!!!

This morning I woke up at about 11.35 a.m, still in the school holiday mood I guessed. Only a few days to go before the 3rd term starts.

Oh yes, actually there was something that happened yesterday evening. My cousin called us all the way from France around 7.30pm last night and we talked for a while. Then, we decided to chat on the internet since talking on the phone will really burn a hole in the pocket. We used the MSN messenger, making video call so that we can actually see each other 'live'..that was much fun than just talking. We talked and talked for more than 3 hours!!!

We played games in the internet and while my little sister was chatting and talking, I was in the kitchen with my mom making a little snack. We made instant 'Bee Hoon soup' with mushrooms, vegetables & eggs. It was really delicious and furthermore, it was a cold night yesterday so drinking that hot soup down our throats was really great!!!

Today, we went to the clinic since my dad's throat was still sore. The doctor checked the condition of my dad's throat and prescribed some medicine for him. After paying for the medicine, we proceed to a small eatery near our home to have our lunch. Right after lunch, I persuaded my mom to go to the nearby store and ..........

FINALLY, I BOUGHT A GUITAR !!!!(which I was saving for a long time)
The price of the guitar was B$79.90 but I'm lucky, since now most of the stores are having a 'Mid-Year Sale', I got it for 15% less.

By the way, my little sister upon seeing me buying a guitar...she too wanted one for herself. She persuaded my mum to use her school allowance that she had saved up to buy her a guitar and she got it...but only a small, cute version. I'll post the picture of my sister's cute guitar some other time.

Good night everyone, see you later! Bye!

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