Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 more week till school reopens!!!!


Knock! Knock! Knock! Anybody there??? Hahahaha just kidding!

I'm in a really good mood today and I don't know why!!!!
Ok, what should I write today??? A week of school holidays had passed and another week to go. I just can't wait to see my school friends again.

Ok, today I woke up and showered, had homemade fried noodles for lunch and my little sister went to the store with my dad to buy some things including some cooling water for my dad.

My dad is having a sore throat again and he can't even swallowed the noodles that my mum cooked...oh! what a pity. As for my mom, she is still having her cough..I think it's more than 2 months now. It could be the weather nowadays, too hot and can be quite unbearable.

After watching a lot of TV and DVD movies, my dad & myself went to the fast food restaurant nearby which have chicken porridge in their menu. My dad decided to buy the porridge and as for myself, I bought fried chicken and french fries. As for my dad's packed dinner, my mum made some porridge with some fish slices for him..poor thing, my dad's throat is sore again!

Right now, my mom is watching her TV Korean serial drama, JUMONG!!!!! Its better not to disturb her when she is watching this...she will get really angry..hahaha.

Well, till we meet again tomorrow...bye from now!

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