Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a day!!!


I just came back from my friend's house after bouncing on the trampoline at her house, skating at the beach and lots of climbing at the new playground by the beach. Actually, my friend's mom called my mom yesterday asking for my mom's permission to bring us to the beach today and so around 3.00 pm they came. My sister and myself brought along our roller blades and a some spare clothes, just in case we will get wet.

We went to her house for a while and played with the trampoline. Since her house is quite near to the beach, we don't really need to rush to the beach. We spent around an hour at the beach skating and playing at the new playground.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my mom prepared something special for today's lunch. She boiled some instant ketupat (rice in small plastic packets) for almost two hours. She cooked delicious beef rendang to compliment with the rice yummy!

I really had a tiring day today and tomorrow I guessed will be more tiring since my little sister's best friend from her former school is coming for a sleepover. This will be her first sleepover at our home and don't really know how it will turn out...will she missed her family? I guess it will turn out just fine.

I tried playing my guitar and scratched my fingers for more than 4 times. Although it hurts but it's fun. My next 'target' is that I'll be buying the guitar bag so that when we go overseas, I can bring it along.

I'm gonna have some rest now.
Bye from now!

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