Friday, May 30, 2008

Long Weekend!!!!!


So sorry I didn't write for a long time. I was kind of tired and was actually grounded for not cleaning up our 'messy' rooms and only today, my mom finally let me use the laptop. Since it is a Friday, we had Ugama classes today but the special thing about today, we started off by having 'Nasi Lemak' breakfast before my dad sent us to the IQRA school. We supposed to have a long weekend with no schooling for tomorrow since it is a public holiday.

My dad wasn't supposed to work today but he was called back to work because there was an emergency. So we cleaned our 'study room' today and it really look a lot cleaner.

By the way, we had a Geography presentation last Monday and I realised after the presentation, I was stressing and being nervous for nothing. It's not really worth it to stress myself and being nervous for that presentation. Right now, I'm starving and my mom is frying my favourite noodles and the aroma already piercing thru my nose...uummmpphhh.

Anyway, I'll try and update soon. Have a good afternoon!!

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