Thursday, May 22, 2008

We're in the papers!!!!!

Good afternoon!!!!!

How's everyone?????? I'm just feeling great today. I had small fried sausages filled with cheese for breakfast which my mom pan-fried for us with a glass of honey drink while my dad got jam & butter sandwiches with his Kopi-O.

I had a great time at school today. The mid-year exams are over and the results will be out within these few days. During the break at 10.00am, I didn't buy any food for myself and by the time for me to go home, I was feeling quite hungry. I had asam pedas for lunch & it was really yummy.

My mom showed me the article in yesterday's newspaper regarding our school trip and there it was, a group photo taken by one of the photographers. We're in the papers!!!!! both in the English & Malay newspapers.

I'll post the picture when I get the time. Bye from now!

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