Monday, May 19, 2008

Commerce exams,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear diary,

For breakfast this morning, my mum fried some chicken pieces marinated 'mexican' style...that's what was listed on the label of the packets. We decided to eat the chicken with plain was really 'yummy'.

I had my Commerce exams today and frankly, I managed to answer the questions with ease. My next and the last exam paper will be Home Science and it will be on Wednesday, 21st May.

As for lunch today, my mum cooked her 'special' mutton curry and I really enjoy it...thanks mama for the great lunch. Anyway, I have to carry on with my Maths project due next Monday. It is a team project and I'm selected as the leader...phew!! Anyway, have a nice day everyone.

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