Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good day!!

Dear Diary,

I had fried rice for breakfast and at break, I had nuggets and a glass Ribena. I had a lot of energy and after break, we went to the computer room and did some work. We had our Home Science exams right after computer classes. The paper was quite easy and I managed to answer the questions with much ease.

When I got home, I had 'sambal squid' for my lunch and thereafter, I had a little rest. After resting, I did my project which is Maths. I managed to finish writing & drawing the required diagrams onto the manila card within half an hour. My mom allowed us to watch T.V and while watching, I was eating (again!!).

My dad just came back and my little sister had just woken up from her nap. Anyway, I had a good day and you should too. Good Afternoon!!!!!!!!

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