Monday, May 26, 2008

Aaargh...Monday Blues....

Good afternoon!!!!!

Being the first schooling day of the week, really had a hard time getting up. After my Subuh prayers approximately around 5.40am, I took a short 15 mins nap again before showering. My sister & I always argue on who will be the first to take the showers since we really need the extra precious minutes to continue with our, its my turn to take my showers first....aarrgh.

This morning, I had chicken nuggets for breakfast and a glass of warm water with honey. Every Monday morning approximately at 7.30am, we will be having the school assembly and today is no exception. Thereafter, lessons are as usual and during the 10.00am break, I had 'bergedil' (mashed potato balls marinated with some minced beef, spring onion, chopped parsley and dipped into whisked egg before deep fried) for snacks...It was DELICIOUS and I love them. Actually I bought 2 more extra packets after school so that we (my sister & I) can munch them in the car.

At home, my mom cooked fish soup and rice porridge because my dad has a terrible sore throat. My dad is not feeling too well today & went to see the family's doctor this morning after sending us to school. Right now, he's at home resting because the doctor gave him 2 days medical leave...he surely need some rest because he had been working even on weekends for a few weeks now.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we bought a few small fishes to add into our small fish-bowl aquarium just to add some company to our lonely, sole fighting fish. This is the picture of our small fish-bowl aquarium.

Since the exams are over and the school holidays is just in 2 weeks time...I have sometime to do my own things...such as playing computer games, reading story books, watching movies and other stuff...bye from now. Have a nice day everyone!!!

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