Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a Great Tuesday it is today !!

Hey everybody!!!

Once again, I had a great morning today. It was a bright, cheery morning with birds chirping happily to welcome the new day. I had 'mexican chicken' for breakfast and it was just what I needed to start a great day. This morning, my mum came along to accompany my dad to sent us to school since my dad is still on his medical leave. He is very much better now. As usual school starts at precisely 7.30am and the morning and everyone was busy as ever....students, teachers, parents....etc...

We had History and our teacher told us to copy notes from the white board. Other than the normal subjects like Maths, English, etc...today we had IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) too and surprisingly the Arts exams. I a drew picture of selected fruits for the paper. After school, my parents brought us to a our favourite Indonesian Restaurant and I had 'Mee Tiaw basah' whereas my dad with his throat still slightly sore, chose to have 'Soup Tulang' with plain white rice. Both my mum & little sister had 'Ayam Kalasan' which have always been one of our favourite item on the menu. Syukur Alhamdullillah, we really had a GOOD, delicious lunch today.

After lunch, we went home and here I am typing my daily activities for the day on this blog. Oh yeah, I'll be wearing my new pair of sports shoes tomorrow since I will be having my PE for the first lessons. I don't think I can run really fast tomorrow at PE because I have a slight pain on my thigh. Ok, I'm feeling a bit tired & sleepy, maybe due to this hot weather. I'll type again soon & bye from now..Have a great afternoon everyone!!

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