Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday is here!!

Dear Diary,

Finally, Saturday is here. I really had great day at school today but again, I have to do some revision because the Commerce exams will be on Monday and the Home Science exams have been postponed to Wednesday, 21st May.

Yesterday, I had a great time too. My parents told us to clean our room and as soon we're done, my mom made a suggestion to go to the beach. Although, it was a rather late decision but we are so excited. Luckily, the beach is just a short 15 mins drive from home and soon after, we were at the beach.

My sister and I had a really great time with the sand and she got quite wet! Both my mom & myself got mosquito bites or is it the sand flies..mostly on the neck and legs. I itched all night long!

My dad has to work today and it seems we will be spending our Saturday afternoon at home watching some Mr. Bean DVDs. Anyway, have a very good afternoon snd a great weekend everyone!

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