Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Her Majesty, The Queen Of Jordan.

Good evening everyone!!!!

Today at school, we had mandarin lessons instead of P.E. This is because that the Queen of Jordan is paying a visit again to our school . We had our break time as usual that is exactly at 10 o'clock in the morning. Right after the break, we had to be in line to welcome Her Majesty at 10.30 a.m.

We waited for 1 hour and at last... Her Majesty, The Queen of Jordan arrived. The whole event took about 30 minutes before Her Majesty proceed to the Primary & Kindergarten section of the building. One can just imagine, with the hot, humid weather like today, we were really exhausted. By the time we reached our classroom, school hours was almost over.

When the bell rang, I proceed to the canteen and bought myself a glass of cold drink and waited for my little sister at the school's concourse for our parents to pick us home. A good, refreshing drink is what I deserved after that long ordeal.

Well, It is my bedtime!!!!!!!!!Good Night everyone!!!!

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