Monday, July 14, 2008

Tommorow is a public holiday!!1

Hi everybody!!

I had a really good day today. I woke up early, showered, had breakfast and went to school. I got to school at about 7.15 a.m and we had our 1st subject which was MIB and we went to the Primary School Hall after the lesson which ended earlier at about 8.00 a.m. We had a small meeting for the Choir members and once we got backstage, we waited for quite a while but when It was time to sing, I got butterflies in my tummy. When It was over, It was really good.

We didn't have any lessons today(except MIB) and I brought my bag full of books for nothing!!! At the hall, there were dances, and there was singing. After all that, the guest of honour, hit the gong and opened the Academics Excellence Week.

I was really confused where to go because there was a lot of things going on. I joined the Jawi writing competition, I saw the final round of the Science Quiz and the Temburong house won the match.

It was already 12.36 p.m. when all the events finished. I stayed at school till 2 p.m. helping out with the flyers. There were a few stalls downstairs selling books and the Book Shop opened. My little sister bought a sketch book and she's drawing on it every now and then.

Ok, I've got to go and get some of the yummy chicken that my mom cooked today.BYE!!! and Good Night!!

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