Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp rock rocks!!!!!

Sorry for not writing for a long time.

Anyway, I watched a movie called 'Camp Rock' and it was really cool. I' going to KL in August because of my cousin's wedding.

My dad changed his shift to morning. So these days, he's working in the morning. I had school today and there's a letter to parents that said to ask their children to be careful because HFMD(Hand Foot Mouthe Disease) is on the loose!!

My mom bought me a 3-in-1 bag. There's a really big backpack, a smaller version and the smallest bag to keep small things.

I had a good and very spicy lunch today. My mom cooked 'Asam Pedas' and my head was really spinning because of the spiciness. It was really spicy man!!!
I drank and drank a lots of water.

Anyway, my mom has to use the laptop now.BYEEE!!!!

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