Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrow is the assembly!!!!

Tomorrow,I'll have to wake up early because I don't want to be late for choir at the assembly because it will be my first debut eversince joining the school's choir. I've been practising singing, to be in rhyme with my so called 'choir comrades' for the whole of last week after classes and I hope I can do it well. By the way, I'm in the soprano.

I have a commerce project due and it's almost done. I chose to do the project alone instead as a team and the topic chosen is 'Wholesale Trade'. It was quite difficult to draw and write on a big piece of paper. Anyway, all I have to do now is to darken the letters and add some colours and then I'm done.

My dad's off to work and before he left, he had some rice with some fried beef with potatoes and accompanied with some green salad. He had requested my mum to fried for him some beef with potatoes for his packed dinner today. It was really nice when you eat it while It's hot. I'm going to get something to eat later and get something to drink.

Note to everyone BEWARE: When your phone rings and when you pick it up with no one answering on the other end, but instead you just hear a sharp tingling tone, sort of a overseas call tone...please don't hang up, just press a few number buttons on your phone till finally you hear an engage tone. This is a sign that someone, somewhere is taping your phone line to be used to call overseas somewhere. If you just hang-up after the hearing the sharp tingling tone, you just connected the user on the other end to use your line to make unauthorised overseas call...and by the end of the month, you might just see big, fat bill for your phone bill.

I just got that call just now and my mom quickly pressed a lot of buttons of numbers until finally, an engaged tone is heard. In fact, it wasn't the first time that we received such a was the fourth time within these 3 days. If the the hacker still doesn't give up, we might as well report to the authorities and have our phone line number change.

Anyway, I'll put on a different music and a new layout some time later. BYE!!

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