Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow!!!What a day!!!

Hi everybody!!!

We just got back from school and shopping. Me and my little sister finished school at the usual time, 12.30 p.m. Downstairs, at the concourse, there are people selling books soooooo......this is where I got into real and big trouble!!!!!

Ok, they have one of my favourite books on sale and the price tag is $15 each. You may think I'm crazy but..... I actually bought 2 of those books (using the savings from my daily school allowances) and I got in real, big trouble. When I told my mum & dad about my purchase, they were very dissappointed because they found that it was not really worth the amount. Now, I realised that those books shouldn't be that expensive if to compare with its content, just had this feeling of being 'ripped' off. So, I learnt a lesson from here which is: DON'T BUY EXPENSIVE THINGS WITHOUT THINKING!!!!!!!!

So, my mom and dad was really disappointed and I made a promise to NOT to buy any expensive things which are not necessarily needed!!!

Anyway, we ate 'Sup Tulang' at the usual place which is situated in a shopping centre which is also connected to one of the hotels here in Gadong. After lunch, we went shopping for groceries at the supertmarket. We bought vegetables, cheese and juices. We didn't buy alot of perishable food stuff since we are leaving for KL next week.

Anyway, we will be having a performance on Saturday for the school's celebration of Israk Mikraj so all secondary students have to wear Baju Kurong (the Malay traditional costume) with tudong for the girls and songkok for the boys.

Ok, bye from now...

Oh no!!!!Korean movie is on(DVD). Write again soon!.BYEE!

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