Saturday, August 2, 2008

Israk Mik'raj celebration

Hi everybody!!

I just came back from school and it was really a tiring day. In the morning, I woke up slightly late and went to school at approx. 7.15 am. Today, I wore my personal Baju Kurong (instead of the usual school uniform) to school with a matching blue tudong. The best part of all, even my classmates who are non-muslims & non-malays also put on their best baju kurong for today function.

Eventhough, I reached school slightly late at approx. 7.35 a.m but we still have to wait in class till 8.00 a.m and proceed to the school's lecture hall for the official function. We sang (nashyid, or course) and listened to the talks presented by the school's Islamic Religious teachers.

At 11.15 am, we had a short break and we were served some snacks that the school's staff bought from outside caterers. Apart from the food served, we still went downstairs to the school's canteen and bought some other snacks to satisfy our appetite.

After school, I'm supposed to join my friends for a visit to the ICC (International Convention Centre) where there is an exhibition on 'Majlis Ilmu', an exhibition regarding knowledge in conjuction with His Majesty, The Sultan 62nd birthday celebrations. I was told that the school provided free bus transport to the ICC and back to the school. Unfortunately, I was unable to join my friends because my father is working night shift today and will not be able to fetch me at school later around 3.00pm. It's ok, my mum was saying that we might go there tomorrow instead for a short while in the morning.

I need to go now, just had my lunch of Chicken Kurma and it was so delicious. It's time for my sis to use the laptop to play games on her favourite website, Bye!!

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