Monday, August 18, 2008

Ipod Pictures!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody,

Now you know why I didn't write for quite a long period of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hehehehehe...quite scary huh!

Anyway, I'll post some of the pictures of the Ipod Shuffle later.

Right after school, I went home and quickly changed to my normal clothes and my dad sent us straight to the tuition centre. Today, my mom registered me for Math & Science tuition at one of the newly established tuition centre located not far from our home. After registration, I started with the Maths tuition and understood most of the things. I met two of my closest friends (sisters actually) from my former school at this fact, they are the ones who recommend me this centre. Too bad, by end of September this year, they will be going back home to Singapore for good because their dad have completed his working contract with one of the company here...sigh. They are two of my best friends that I had known here I will really missed them.

I revised through all the things that I didn't understand. Not bad for a first day at the centre. Tomorrow will be Science and the next day will be Maths again..Ok,Got to go.

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