Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today was FUN!!!!

What a long day It has been!!
I reached school at about 7.15 a.m. and when the time I reached there, people were rushing in and out, busy preparing their stalls.

I got ready downstairs with my friends for the Grand Opening of the Business Fair. After the Business Fair was opened, we quickly helped my friend's mom with the things and we carried our stuff back to the our stall located at the school's foyer at the ground floor. It was really great. Parents, teachers and students bought a lot of things from our stall. We have nice notebooks previously bought by a friend during her recent holidays in Japan, cupcakes, frozen jelly(really nice for a hot day), chocolate dipped marshmallows, drinks and lots more.

The stall beside our stall was really popular because their stall had a PS2 and there were a lot of kids there renting games. There are other stalls selling games, food, bookmarks, cookies, books, there were stalls that were doing a Lucky Draw too. The prizes were an MP3 player, Pen drives, Phone Top-Up cards, and lots more.

It was a really good but tiring day. My parents picked us up around 2.00pm and after having lunch of rice with fish curry and stir-fried vegetable, I quickly performed my prayers and took an afternoon nap thereafter. When my mum woke me up, it was already past 5.30p.m., I realised that I had a very long nap, afterall, it was really a tiring day!

I got to go now. BYE!!!

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