Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Arghhhh! Business fair!

Sorry I didn't write for quite sometime.
My sister and I were grounded because my little sister lost her English book (not her 1st time thou) and her bed was really messy, yes especially under her bed..lots of junks & rubbish. I just don't understand as to why she likes to keep all those rubbish hidden under the bed!!!!

Anyway, my head is really 'cramped'. The school is organising a Business Fair on the Excellence Academic Week (from 16th July 2008 till 19th July 2008) and our team of 5 are trying to figure out what to sell and what to do. During this fair, we will suppose to do a small 'retail' business in conjuction with what we have learnt from our Commerce lessons. Any good suggestions friends??

Tomorrow, we will be having P.E and for Science, we're suppose to go downstairs (foyer/canteen) for some sort of briefing I guess!

Today, I had History for the first subject followed by IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) and right after that, we had Geography. As for today's break at 10 am, my friends and I went to the canteen and we decided to buy some 'Chez Bergedil' for snacks. It was a really good snack and is really cheesy and delicious.

After break, we went to the Art room for lessons in Art. We were told to get some 'Glass Deco' to prepare some posters for the stall that we are organising during the Academic Excellence Week. We are so excited about all this 'store' because it's our first and hopefully not the last. I had done my homework and cleaned up the bedroom. I played on my guitar and made so many songs but I keep on forgetting the words. I really need to learn the basic steps of guitar playing.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that last Friday we had a very good lunch of Ambuyat, the country's traditional meal at the request of my sister. I'm very surprised that my sister requested us to go for the meal since she is always a French fries or a Nasi Lemak person. The last time we had Ambuyat was a sometime in early January this year together with my grandma, my aunt & my little cousin during their short visit here. We really enjoyed our meal and hopefully to have another together with friends and families.

My mum cooked yummy mutton curry, fried fish & stir-fried vegetables for lunch today. Eventhough, I've taken my lunch after school just now but thinking of all the food made me hungry again.I'm going to eat something because my tummy is grumbling...
Take care!

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