Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hot, Spicy lunch!!!!!!!!!

Oh wow!!! It's such a 'hot' dish, hot as to chilli, spicy hot!! My mom cooked 'asam pedas ikan tenggiri' (mackerel fish) today and it was really hot but delicious...yummy!

Anyway, I have done my school's homework, watched T.V and while doing my homework, I was listening to music for about 20 minutes.

My mum pan-fried instant roti prata this morning and we ate them with yesterday's leftover sambal was really a very appertising, hearty breakfast. We had a glass of warm honey drink to go along with the meal. We were early for school today and surprising, I noticed that the traffic is less on most Thursday mornings compared to other weekdays.

I had a good time at school today. We did some tutorials on English, Geography and Computer. During Computer lessons, we did some reading and some practical 'hands-on'. During break time, I wrote some things in the BFF* book while eating nuggets and drinking a cup of Ribena.
Right after break, we had Home Science and we copied some notes written by the teacher on the white board. The topic for Home Science today is, 'Convenience Food'. Our teacher explained in detail about the topic quoting the advantages and disadvantages of 'Convenience Food'. We had a questions & answers session regarding the topic and I learnt a lot from them.

After Home Science, it was time for Mandarin lessons but our Mandarin teacher decided to gave us a 'free' period but we were asked to go to the Gym instead. The teacher who teaches us Mandarin is the same teacher who teaches us PE. Like yesterday, the teacher told us jokes again and again, I was splitting my sides!!! (laughing).

When the bell rang, my friends and I went out to the foyer on the ground floor located near the main gate. When my sister wanted to buy herself a drink, my parents arrived! We were really in trouble for letting them wait for a long time and absolutely, it wasn't my fault. I was just waiting for my sister.

Anyway, we went back straight home, had our lunch and thereafter, my dad continue with his nap. My mum had a short afternoon nap too, I guessed she is quite tired especially when the weather is unbearably hot. After about 2 hours, they woke up and my dad had some cookies with his favourite teh susu and went off to work. My dad is 'Off Duty' tomorrow and maybe we'll be going to get my sister's picture taken because she is applying for the school library card.

I really need to go to the bathroom!!
Bye from now!!!

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