Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Its Raining=No P.E.


I woke up to a very cold morning today because it has been raining continuously since last night. Since it was raining on our P.E day today, we have to stay indoors but we had a really good time in the Gym too. Our P.E teacher told us jokes and I was laughing so hard that I nearly split my sides!!!

I had a good break with a good time laughing and talking with my friends at the school's canteen. After our 30 mins break, we had Maths followed by Science lessons. During Science lessons, we did some questions in the workbook. When the bell rang to signal the end of school day for today, myself & my friends quickly got out from the classroom and proceed to the school's main gate. I saw both my parents were waiting for us at the foyer so I said goodbye to my friends and proceed to the our car parked nearby. In the car, we ate some 'bergedil' that my mum bought at our school's canteen.

We went straight home because my dad badly needs to get his 'Beauty Sleep'. Nah!! I was just kidding!! We got to go home because he didn't get any sleep since he came back from work around 5.00am this morning. He just managed to have a cat nap for about 45 mins after performing the subuh prayers.

My sister and myself had some fried spicy chicken wings for breakfast together with a glas of warm honey drink. Around 7.10 am, my dad together with the accompany of my mum left the house for our school. After sending us to school, my parents went to have their breakfast.

My mum told me that right after taking their breakfast, they went to a shop selling car auto parts. The car's brake need to be repaired and it took the mechanic quite some time to look for the spare parts.

They told me that they spent more than 2 hours at the car workshop. Since it was too late for my dad to continue with his sleep at home and too early to fetch us from school, my mum decided to go to the textile shop to buy some cloth material. Currently, almost every shop is having a mid-year sale. Most of the textile materials that can be found here are always the latest in the region and the prices are very much cheaper compared to the prices back home.

My mum wanted to get some silk material for my little cousin, the same colour material that she got for us the other day but discovered it was already out of stock. My mum bought herself a piece of silk material instead. They then proceed to our school and waited for us at the school's canteen.

My dad is all ready to go to work now. He had some Sambal Sardine (his favourite) with steaming hot plain rice for his early dinner and for his packed dinner too. Syukur Alhamdullillah, his throat is much better now that he can at least have some spicy food. After finishing his early dinner, he is off to work.

Well, I got to go now and have something to eat. Looking at my dad's eating just now, just make my stomach growling. BYE from now!!

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