Sunday, September 14, 2008



I get to update this site. There was a problem that I encountered earlier and now it's all solved.
Anyway, I just registered to a new site called 'Stand up to Cancer'. If you want to check out the website and join, do so by Click here.

The weather had been quite cloudy these few days of Ramadhan but it is really very humid. We don't really go out often firstly because of the fast which really make one's really feel lethargic and secondly, my dad have been working almost everyday, including weekends for the past two months.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my dad just bought a new automatic saffron coloured Renault Colt III. It was a very cool car, with almost similar gadgets to those of the Formula I car..real cool. It was supposed for my mom's use, to fetch us to & fro from school but she has yet to drive us there. According to my parents, they bought the car sort of as a present to themselves on their 16th wedding anniversary recently.

Anyway, I had meatballs in spicy curry, fried rice noodles Singapore style (bee hoon) with hot lemon tea for breaking our fast today. It was really good to feel the hot tea flowing down your throat. I need to go now because my mom wants to use the laptop and for me, I have to wash my empty cup.


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