Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

This is the like the 5th day of the school holidays and IT'S GREAT!!!!! hahahahha. We went out yesterday and my mom went shopping while my dad went to the workshop. There was an incident,,,, my dad was just going out from the store and he was reversing and then, the car in front of him was reversing too but the car in front of him didn't stop. He just kept on reversing and then, he bumped into my dad's brand new Clio III with a WHAM!!!

Anyway, my mom bought me a small whiteboard yesterday for $4.90. My mom bought my little sister a pair of white boots but I'm not interested in those. My mom and dad said that if she gets those boots, she'll have to wear those for Hari Raya. hahahaha good for her

We woke up at 12 p.m today and we had such nice, long sleep. My mom decided to cook 'Western' today. So we're having 'beef rashes', 'mashed potato' and fries eggs.

My dad just came back and I have to take out the trash. Oh!! I forgot to tell you, we're going to Singapore this Thursday so, I might not have the time to update but I'll try to get pictures and post them here.

Ok. Got to go.BYE!!

PS: If you like brooches and aromatherapy, click here to view my mom's online store.

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