Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm terribly BORED!!!!!!!!=(

I'm terribly bored.................

Don't blame me!!!! I'm still a young person and I get used to going to school and when when it comes to school holidays,,, I get terribly bored!!!!!

We tuned in to our favourite DJ on the radio and my mom's planning to go on a short( when I mean short,, I mean really short and tiring!!!) holiday. Anyway, all I did today was read a couple of Malay compositions, listened to the radio, played PSP, played with phone...... made some software,,,,,,

I just finished my dinner. We had omelette and we had some nice juice.... I drank like 3 small cups of Purple Carrot and Cranberry Juice.

You know what???!? The games in my PSP are quite boring to me right now... in the game of managing theme parks, I already owned all the theme parks, I deleted the game "Ghost Rider"(because it's not fun), and the only game I played today is Shrek(racing game).

I hope my mom's planning goes well and I hope my dad has no work then,, so we can go somewhere and actually has a holiday...

Have to go and help with the dishes now!!! Byeee!!! =)

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