Monday, June 30, 2008

1st day on the 3rd term!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

I was like 5 minutes late for the school's morning assembly today but a few of my friends were late too. My friend from my previous school was having his first day at my school and he was really happy.

We started our school lessons after a long holiday, life is back to routine again. I'm really happy to see my friends again after a two weeks break. I passed up the Science homework that all of us suppose to do during the holidays and all of us had a little test on Commerce. I had a really good break and a really good day!!

After school, my friends and I' hanged out' for a 'chit-chat' (at the school, of course) and my parents picked me and my little sister later. We had a good lunch and thereafter, we went to my uncle's house nearby to return his car for the exchange of our car that he borrowed during the weekend. He had to borrow our car because my aunt's auntie and her three friends came to their home all the way from Labuan, Sabah during the weekend. Since our car is much more spacious compared to my uncle's, we exchanged usage for the weekend.

After taking our car back, we went to a supermarket nearby because my mom wanted to get some groceries. We got some beef & mutton, vegetables and some cans of Tuna. I even got ice cream!! It was really good to have some cold ice cream down my throat on a hot day!!

I've got to go and eat my 'late dinner' now!!
Good Night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I was in TROUBLE!!!!!

Man oh man!!!
I was really in trouble yesterday (but it wasn't my fault actually!!).
It all started with my little sister as she was playing a game online, then after 30 minutes, It was my turn to use the laptop. I tried to go to Blogger but I can' just 'hanged'. I tried to restart the computer but in the middle of restarting, it 'hanged' again. I waited for about an hour but it just can't restart. When I told my mom and oh man!!, I was really in a heap of trouble!!! This is not the first it happened to me and I got the blame again...

Anyway, today I woke up at about 9.15 a.m and had a good shower. Tomorrow is the starting of the 3rd Term and I'm quite nervous and excited!!!
I'm really hungry now!!
BTW, I'm going to have some food to eat from the kitchen.

Good thing I've done all the holiday homework.
I'll write again after I finish watching VCD 'The Little rascals', one of my all-time favourites. BYE!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming, playground and ice cream!!!!

Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't write yesterday. I totally forgot because my little sister's best friend came over and had a sleepover. We had fun but when it was time for bedtime, it was hard for her to fall sleep because she had eaten two 'Mars' chocolate bar and that made her hyperactive.

Here's the picture I said I was going to post.
The 'smaller sized' guitar is my little sister's and mine is the one next to it.

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my guitar string BROKE!!!!!Arggghhhhhhhh!!!!
Ok, I have to calm down!!!!
My mom said that the shop where I bought the guitar should sell guitar string so I HOPE that they sell!!

Anyway, we had a great day today!!!!
Actually the plan was to go to the beach but my parents decided to bring us to the clubhouse pool. We packed the stuff that we need to bring along went to the pool around 3.00pm. The sun was still piercing with its sunrays, it's really hot. Once we got in the 'Girls' Room', we started to change our clothes but my little sister forgot her swimsuit!!!! and she's blaming me for not putting it into the bag... Due to my sister's carelessness, my dad have to drive back home with my sister to get her swimsuit.

While waiting for my sister, myself and my sister's friend decided to dip into the pool first. My sister came with her swimsuit around 20 mins later and joined us in the pool, we really had SPLASHING fun!!! We had fun in the sun and in the pool for about 2 - 3 hours!!!

We had to go at around 6.00pm. After washing & bathing we went to the Giant Superstore and we ordered Chicken Garlic pizza. It was the most delicious pizza I had ever tasted and I love it especially the crust!!

We had fun at the playground and we chased after some really mean boys and oh boy!, I really want to,,,,,,,,to,,,,,,arghhhh!!!!! After having fun at the playground, my parents decided to call it a day and signalled to us to go home. On our way to the exit, we bought some lollies (ice-cream on a stick) and ate them in the car. It was sour due to the orange flavour but nice down the throat!!!!

I'm really tired!!!!
Good Night to all!!!!!
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!!hehehe.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a day!!!


I just came back from my friend's house after bouncing on the trampoline at her house, skating at the beach and lots of climbing at the new playground by the beach. Actually, my friend's mom called my mom yesterday asking for my mom's permission to bring us to the beach today and so around 3.00 pm they came. My sister and myself brought along our roller blades and a some spare clothes, just in case we will get wet.

We went to her house for a while and played with the trampoline. Since her house is quite near to the beach, we don't really need to rush to the beach. We spent around an hour at the beach skating and playing at the new playground.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my mom prepared something special for today's lunch. She boiled some instant ketupat (rice in small plastic packets) for almost two hours. She cooked delicious beef rendang to compliment with the rice yummy!

I really had a tiring day today and tomorrow I guessed will be more tiring since my little sister's best friend from her former school is coming for a sleepover. This will be her first sleepover at our home and don't really know how it will turn out...will she missed her family? I guess it will turn out just fine.

I tried playing my guitar and scratched my fingers for more than 4 times. Although it hurts but it's fun. My next 'target' is that I'll be buying the guitar bag so that when we go overseas, I can bring it along.

I'm gonna have some rest now.
Bye from now!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I finally bought a guitar!!!!

Good evening!!!

This morning I woke up at about 11.35 a.m, still in the school holiday mood I guessed. Only a few days to go before the 3rd term starts.

Oh yes, actually there was something that happened yesterday evening. My cousin called us all the way from France around 7.30pm last night and we talked for a while. Then, we decided to chat on the internet since talking on the phone will really burn a hole in the pocket. We used the MSN messenger, making video call so that we can actually see each other 'live'..that was much fun than just talking. We talked and talked for more than 3 hours!!!

We played games in the internet and while my little sister was chatting and talking, I was in the kitchen with my mom making a little snack. We made instant 'Bee Hoon soup' with mushrooms, vegetables & eggs. It was really delicious and furthermore, it was a cold night yesterday so drinking that hot soup down our throats was really great!!!

Today, we went to the clinic since my dad's throat was still sore. The doctor checked the condition of my dad's throat and prescribed some medicine for him. After paying for the medicine, we proceed to a small eatery near our home to have our lunch. Right after lunch, I persuaded my mom to go to the nearby store and ..........

FINALLY, I BOUGHT A GUITAR !!!!(which I was saving for a long time)
The price of the guitar was B$79.90 but I'm lucky, since now most of the stores are having a 'Mid-Year Sale', I got it for 15% less.

By the way, my little sister upon seeing me buying a guitar...she too wanted one for herself. She persuaded my mum to use her school allowance that she had saved up to buy her a guitar and she got it...but only a small, cute version. I'll post the picture of my sister's cute guitar some other time.

Good night everyone, see you later! Bye!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Nothing to do today except......

Good afternoon everyone!!

My dad's off to work as usual and my mom, my little sister and myself at home. It is quite monotonous doing the same thing everyday...I really missed my school friends.

We woke up at about....10.56 a.m. and then my mom's friend called and she chatted for a while. We had some really good lunch today, simple but nutritious with slices of fish meat, small chopped carrots & potatoes, garlic with some fine ginger slices in our porridge. Actually, I enjoyed eating my mom's delicious porridge.

We watched DVDs as usual and my mom got really angry because my little sister carelessly dropped a glass on the floor and oh boy, what a mess she had done. I helped to clean up all the small pieces of the smashed glass remembering to slip on my slippers, just in case. My mom finally cooled down when she decided to go downstairs to water her plants. She is in a better mood now.

I'm really hungry right now. Ok, I'll eat 'kaya' bun later with hot tea.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 more week till school reopens!!!!


Knock! Knock! Knock! Anybody there??? Hahahaha just kidding!

I'm in a really good mood today and I don't know why!!!!
Ok, what should I write today??? A week of school holidays had passed and another week to go. I just can't wait to see my school friends again.

Ok, today I woke up and showered, had homemade fried noodles for lunch and my little sister went to the store with my dad to buy some things including some cooling water for my dad.

My dad is having a sore throat again and he can't even swallowed the noodles that my mum cooked...oh! what a pity. As for my mom, she is still having her cough..I think it's more than 2 months now. It could be the weather nowadays, too hot and can be quite unbearable.

After watching a lot of TV and DVD movies, my dad & myself went to the fast food restaurant nearby which have chicken porridge in their menu. My dad decided to buy the porridge and as for myself, I bought fried chicken and french fries. As for my dad's packed dinner, my mum made some porridge with some fish slices for him..poor thing, my dad's throat is sore again!

Right now, my mom is watching her TV Korean serial drama, JUMONG!!!!! Its better not to disturb her when she is watching this...she will get really angry..hahaha.

Well, till we meet again tomorrow...bye from now!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leroy and Stitch (hahahahahaha)

Sorry I didn't write yesterday.

Yesterday, I was out the whole day and had lunch outside with my parents. Since, it was my dad's weekly 'off-day', we chosed to have 'Soup Tulang' (ie. beef rib-bone soup) with plain rice with a dash of cut chillies in soya sauce, a simple scrumptious meal indeed. Right after our meal, we decided to go to the 'Giant Superstore', todate is the largest superstore in this country.

While my parents went to do their weekly grocery shopping, my little sister & I played at the indoor playground. The playground is quite small but it is a good place for 'bored' kids like myself to spend our time while parents do their shopping..hhmmm.

At the playground, there were two mischievious young boys (I presumed the age range is the same as my sister) who were hiding under the playground poking sharp objects onto kid's soles...what a mischief!!! I went after the boys and gave them a stern warning but they just ignored me. When my mum was done with her grocery shopping, I told her about the two mischievious boys and showed the marks on my sole. My mum was so furious that she quickly approached the two boys and gave them a stern warning...either they stop doing it or she will call the security guards. This time, it worked...they left their secret 'hiding' place and left the playground...yessss, I love it when my mum do that!!

We continued playing at the playground for a little while longer and around 8.00 pm, we decided to go back home. Btw, we bought a few DVDs to watch at home. The DVDs here are selling quite cheap, cheaper than the price of a cinema ticket so it's worth to buy one & watch them at home where we can watch them over & over again. The DVD movies that we bought are 'The Forbidden Kingdom' (my dad's choice), 'The Legend' (a Korean drama serial, my mom's choice), 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' and 'Leroy & Stitch' (our choices).

Today, we woke up at about 11.30 a.m. feeling too tired from yesterday's outing. Actually my mum planned to have an early breakfast of 'mee rebus' but then after our subuh prayers, we continued to sleep again. Eventhough, we missed having breakfast, we still go to that nice little cafe by the nursery to have our brunch. My sister and I chosed to eat 'Nasi Lemak' whereas my mum chosed 'Mee Rebus' and my dad decided to try the specialty of the day, the 'Nasi Dagang'. My mum & my sister wanted to go to the nursery nearby after our brunch for a 'look & see' and to try to look for any African violets.

Both my mum & my sister love plants and they really enjoyed doing gardening together whenever they have the time. Since there is not a single African violet plant to be found, my mom decided to buy two bags of roses instead. She has always been wanting to try nurturing roses plants. She also bought a pot of a purple-flower anthurium to add to her collection of anthuriums at home. My sister wanted to get a small, unique flowering ginger plant for herself and she got it. The plants here are selling quite cheap compared to the prices of plants back home in nurseries.

Thereafter, we went to a shopping mall nearby to get some cans of Tuna and some salad greens since my dad wants Tuna salad for his packed dinner. Since the box of juices are on sale today, we also bought a few packs and few 'private stuff' for me.

I have to go, bye from now!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Hi everybody!!!

I woke up again and again because of a fly!!!!
Then, after the 6th time being woke up by a fly, I decided not to sleep again so me and my sister watched TV(surprisingly, my little sister woke up earlier than me!!!).
We watched the cartoons, 'Antz', 'Tom and Jerry', 'Brother bear' and 'Ant Bully'.

Tomorrow my dad's not working because that's his 'off' day. So I hope we're going out tomorrow because I'm getting really bored staying at home!

This afternoon, we went to the mini-mart as usual and bought newspaper and snacks.
I'm playing games right now because I don't know what to do at home.

My dad went off to work at 5.30 p.m. as usual. My mom's praying and my sister a movie called 'Pluto Nash'.

Well, for Brunei news, click here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hello again!!!

Hi again!!!

If you want news of what's happening in Brunei, click here.

Nothing interesting happened today but my sister & myself went out with my dad around noon to the nearest supermarket to buy a loaf of sandwich bread and a french loaf. After our zuhur prayers, we watched two old DVD movies entitled 'The Net' starring main actress Sandra Bullock and a Tom Cruise movie 'Mission Impossible III'.

My mom baked honey chicken drummets & wings and prepared a 'submarine' which made up of french loaf and pan-fried beef rashers (thin slices of beef) with onion rings, cucumber & tomato slices for my dad's packed dinner to the office. As usual, my dad went to work at 5.30 pm after eating some baked chicken and sandwiches with his all-time favourite teh susu (hot tea with creamer).

Right now, my mom is watching her favourite Korean drama series, Jumong while folding the washed clothes. I should be helping her but instead myself and my sister is busy playing computer games while occasionally writing on this blog.

My sister is helping me playing a game and oh, if you can, please join Dizzywood and my code is sail599.

Thanx if you join!!!!!
I have to go. Bye!!!!!!!


Sorry I didn't post the pictures yesterday. My internet browser I'm using is not working and giving me lots of problems.

I'll post news and pictures later.

Anyway, Hi!!!!

Since we got up late, my mom didn't cook anything. We ate yesterday's leftover of asam pedas and it was really delicious. I realised that this dish if you left it overnight, the flavour will even get better...yum..yum..what a yummy brunch we had!

(Loading pictures and news now!!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good evening!!!!

Good evening everyone!!!

Since we woke up late(again) and before we had our brunch, I accompanied my dad to the nearby store to buy today's newspaper. Right after we came back, we had brunch and for brunch, my mom cooked 'asam pedas' and some pineapple salsa to be eaten with hot, plain rice.
Boy, that was delicious!!!!!

I'm trying to update some news about what's happening in Brunei.
Anyway, today is the 2nd day of 2nd term school holidays. I have been texting my friends and all they said was the same thing that I said to my sister ie."I really miss school and hanging out!!!".

Anyway, I didn't have my dinner yet and I made a request to my mum that I wanted to eat some hard-boiled eggs with kicap (black soya sauce) so my mom is boiling some eggs right now. While the eggs are on the stove, my mom is performing her magrib prayers while my little sister is enjoying her show which is, Tom and Jerry. I just don't understand, why she loves the cartoon series 'Tom & Jerry'..she will see them over & over again without getting bored..huhhh.

I'm going to upload some pictures and I hope you'll like them!!!

(Next will be the updates for Brunei)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Woke up late!!!!!

Good afternoon everyone!!!!

Oh boy!!!
I actually slept at 2.45 a.m. and woke up at 9.32 am and my dad came back home quite early than his usual time. He came back at around 1.00am compared to the usual 5.00 am. Since we woke up late, we had brunch and for brunch, we had noodle soup.

My mom's friend came to our house and me and my dad went to a nearby store and bought newspapers and I got a new game console for my game. I played the game for a while and revised some of my school work, did my holiday homework and watched TV.

My dad's going to work now because he's on NIGHT SHIFT. It's quite boring when he's not here at home at night.

I'll be posting a music video soon so keep a lookout.
If you want any music videos, just email me at
I'll try and find the one that you want and post it.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ugama exams done!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!

I just finished my ugama exams today. It was quite hard actually. We have to recite some verses from the Al-Quran. We had our written exams last week and it wasn't that difficult. Anyway Happy Fathers Day to all dads!!! Abah, you are my greatest dad in the whole wide world & I love you!

After ugama classes, we went to a fast food restaurant and we ate chicken and french fries together with cups of Pepsi & Root beer. It was really a fast lunch and we need to go back home early since my dad was feeling very tired & sleepy. He came home from work at 3.30 a.m this morning and he really need to continue with his sleep.

Usually on weekends, either on Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon, we will spend our time outdoors. We will either go to the Mall, the beach or simply helping my mom gardening. It has been a few weeks now that my dad had been working on weekends. Now, with 2 weeks school holidays...I think it will be so boring for me, especially with not much activity to do!!! (AHHHHHHH!!!!)

I had a late meal together with dad before he goes to work, just a simple meal of rice, fried fish and 'sambal'. It was absolutely delicious. Now, I'm trying to find a nicer layout for this blog. everything that I've tried almost 24 layouts but nothing seems to be my liking!! uummhhh, need to have a break first.

Oh yeah thinking of tomorrow, we can wake up LATE!!!!! Yahooooooo!!!! That's at least the joy of having a school holiday!

Well, I'll try and write more soon!! Bye & adios!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

YAhooo!!!!!!! Holidays are here!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Today was our last day of school for the 2nd term. As predicted, we had not much revision or lessons for today. Most of the time we were allowed to use the computers, chatted with friends, spent some time at the library and a lot more other things.

The surrounding of the school seemed to be quiet today with the primary section of the school having no classes at all today, their last day was actually last Thursday. Usually, on normal schooling days, the school will be full with activities and the canteen will be crowded with busy parents waiting to fetch their children.

Furthermore, my mom called just after the school bell rang to inform me that they (my parents & sister) will be slightly late since they were still at the car's workshop. Luckily, my best friend was still around, waiting for her parents too so I wasn't lonely after all. By the time my parents came to fetch me, it was almost 1.30 p.m and the school is almost empty except for a few school's staff and the 2 lady security guards.

My mom updated a few things so you might want to visit her blog.

By the way, I'll be posting some pictures later.

Bye from now!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Holidays are here again..hooray!!

I'm really sorry that I didn't write anything. I was quite tired and actually quite LAZY to write.

Anyway, the 2nd term school holidays are just around the corner and I don't think we have any plans for it. With my dad's tight work schedule, it seems we will be spending our school holidays mostly at home...ummpphh, so boring.

As tomorrow is the last day for the 2nd term, I don't think there will be any 'serious' lessons going on. Everyone is in the holiday mood including the teachers..he.he.he. Really had nothing much to do today..had my ugama classes as usual in the morning and by 11.45 am, we are back at home.

While typing this, then I realised that today is Friday the 13th...oooooohhhh. So far, nothing spooky!! he..he..he.

Have a good day everyone, I have to go........

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Late for school again......

Hi everybody!!!!

After our subuh prayers at 5.20 a.m, usually we will take a short cat-nap before hitting on the showers. Today, it was my little sister turn to take her showers first but instead of waking up at 6.00 a.m, she slept till 6.30 a.m!!!, are we really late this morning.

Surprisingly with everyone having quick hot showers and rushing here & there, we actually reached school earlier than expected. We left home around 7.15 am and arrived at the school 5 minutes later..that was super fast. I was actually quite surprise that today's traffic flow was really smooth, no traffic congestion at all.

Since yesterday, I have been telling my mum that I wanted to eat my favourite Singapore Mee Rebus. Here in Brunei, it is quite difficult to find an eatery selling Singapore food, the one that taste really like back home.

Right after school, my parents decided to fulfil my wishes..yes we decided to go to this little open cafe for my Mee Rebus craving..yahoooo. It will be my first visit to this little cafe and so is my sister. My parents had been to this cafe a few times previously for their breakfasts, usually on Saturdays when my dad is having his 'off' day & we were in school.

This little cafe is situated next to the Rimba nursery, a place where my mom usually buys her plants & soil for her potted garden. My sister had Nasi Lemak which she rated as good than the average one selling elsewhere. My dad seemed satisfied with the Chinese Noodle Seafood soup which he ordered. My mom & myself had our Mee Rebus and yes, oh yes, it really tasted quite similar to the one that they served back home...ooohhh, I really missed my Mee Rebus days at the Primary school that I attended in Singapore before moving here. To think of it, it was almost 5 years since I left that school back home. Just wondering, how are my friends, do they still remember me??

I'm at home now and I don't have anything to do, no school assignment for today! I think I will watch some DVD movies with my sister since my mom have gave us the 'green light' to do so. I will do some reading & revisions on my school subjects later at night.

I'll type again soon!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My dad's at home........


My dad is at home today because he will be on night shift, going to work around 5.30pm. I don't really like my dad to work on night shift because I don't feel that safe when he's not around at night. Usually he will come back around 3.00am or sometimes slightly late at 5.30am.

I'm at home right now after coming back from lunch. Straight after fetching us from school, my parents decided to bring us to this little favourite Malaysian restaurant by the Brunei river for our lunch.

My parents & my sister chosed to have the theme lunch buffet for the day which is food from the Malaysian state of Perak. Each day of the week, for their buffet lunch & dinner, they will serve food from different states of Malaysia or from Indonesia as well as from Brunei. My sister really enjoyed the beef rendang and she had been taking a few helpings from the buffet. I decided to have my favourite Grilled Fish with Mashed potatoes. It was really a great lunch.

Well, I have a couple of school's assignments to do. Actually this morning, I was about 6 minutes late for school but the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I guessed I was pretty lucky yeah! This will be our last week of school for the term and will be having our 2 weeks school holidays.

Other than the school's assignment that I have to do, I'm still feeling really bored...maybe it could be the hot weather that we are experiencing now. I don't know what to do!!!

I'll write soon!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nothing-to-do Sunday

I forgot to mention that we went to the movies and watched Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.
It was a great movie.

Today, my mom woke me up and I had some breakfast before I went to take a shower. My dad came home and sent us to ugama which we had exams. After school, we had lunch(which was a great lunch!!).

I had a good time at home with my mom while my little sister was at her friend's birthday party.
It's my friend's birthday tomorrow so I'll have to make a card.

Anyway, when you have time and when you love green fingers, visit my mom's blog.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


How's everybody today???
I'm good, great actually!!!!

I had my favourite nuggets for breakfast and a glass of honey drink.
I had E.C.A(Extra Curricular Activities) in the morning, then had history, then had mathematics, Science and Malay. I went home about 10 mins after the bell rang. I stopped and talked with a few of my friends and went home. After I got home, I ate the nuggets again and used the laptop.

I finished my history homework too. Well, yawn!!!! Write to you soon!!!


Thursday, June 5, 2008



I'm so bored right now!!!!
I have nothing to do. I had a good time at school today. I had a good cup of honey drink and 'roti prata' with my mom's beef rendang. I had Home Science, Geography, English, Computer and mandarin.

I had a really great time but I am really bored right now!!!
I have to do my Geography assignment right now. Got to go.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008



What a tired day it has been!! Today, we reached school on time and the first lesson I had was P.E. (Physical Education). This time around for P.E. we had badminton practice and for that, I brought my 'junior' badminton racket with me. The 'junior' racket is designed with the handle slightly shorter than the normal regular racket and it's just right for children/juniors like me. We had badminton practice for about 40 minutes. After P.E, we went back to the classroom, rested for a while and continued with the next lesson which was Maths. Today for Maths, we learned more on geometry and did some related class exercises.

The next lesson after Maths was Commerce (Commercial Studies). Although the subject sounds 'boring' but the teacher who taught us can actually made the subject more interesting. Right after Commerce, we had our recess precisely at 10.00am. We really had a great time laughing and eating with our classmates.

After 30mins break, we had our English lessons and today, we did comprehension. When the bell rings for the next lesson, we had to pack our bags and quickly proceed to the Science lab for our Home Science lessons for some tutorials.

5 hours of school seems to pass very fast and again at 12.30pm, its time to go home. As usual, my parents are waiting for me & my little sister at the school's carpark. It was really a very hot & humid day today and inspite of the full blast airconditioning from the car, we still felt very hot and sweating continuoously.

For lunch today, I had rice with beef rendang. It's been quite sometime since the last time my mum cooked rendang and it was really delicious. Due to the hot weather & the tiredness, I had a really good nap in the afternoon.

Right now, I have to shower and thereafter, perform my religious obligations. I still feel quite tired and will probably go to bed early tonight. Bye from now!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Jakarta - An Indonesian businessman sparked a scramble for cash when he dropped 100 million rupiah (10,700 dollars) in banknotes from an aircraft Sunday to promote a book he has written.

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Brunei Darussalam team competing in the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-14 Festival of Football in Kota Kinabalu from May 25 to June 7, had a dream start defeating Laos 1-0 and Philippines 2-0 and drawing 1-1 against Timor Leste.

AP - A car bomb exploded outside the Danish Embassy in Islamabad on Monday, killing six people and wounding dozens weeks after al-Qaida issued threats against Denmark over the reprinting of a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.

Bandar Seri Begawan - Some 40 special need athletes will be participating in the Special Olympics National Bocce Competition 2008 hosted by Special Olympics Brunei Darussalam at the Bocce Field of Pusat Ehsan on June 6.

The participating teams are from Special Education Unit, Ministry of Education (Secondary schools, Department of Schools), Community Development Department and Pusat Ehsan.

The aim of hosting the meet is to select athletes to represent Brunei Darussalam in the upcoming 2nd Asia Pacific Bocce Competition from Aug 17-24 at the Lawn Ball Sport Complex. of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium.

In addition, the tournament will also help local athletes to better prepare for the tournament, raise their confidence and provide opportunities for them to interact with each other.

As many as five categories will be contested namely individual, team, doubles, double 'unified' and team 'unified'.

For more news, click here

Good Tuesday!!!!


I am having a great day today. My sister has been pestering my mum to fry for some chicken nuggets since yesterday and surprisingly, for breakfast we had chicken nuggets and a glass of honey drink.

I was about 5 mins late for my first lesson today which is History. The History lessons that we learned is all about the History of Brunei Darussalam. Other than History, we had Art, IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) and BM (Bahasa Melayu ie. Malay Language).

For Art lessons today, we were taught to draw free hand shapes. The teacher who taught us Art is a experience art graduate and he is a foreigner. Need to go now, I'll update the news for Brunei soon.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Local News Updates!!

Updates are here!!

Lets start with yesterday,1st June 2008. That's the official date for the new law to come into force in this country after a few months of 'warning' to everyone here.

As at 1st June 2008, youngsters below 18 years of age are not allowed to buy cigarettes or any related tobacco products. Any underage youngsters caught smoking, chewing or in the possession of any tobacco products (whether his/her consumption or others) would be liable for a fine not exceeding B$5000 and B$10000 for subsequent convictions.

The most welcoming news is that all schools in the Sultanate will be a 'No Smoking Zone'...hooooray (too bad for teachers who smoke). Really expecting fresh, healthy air every schooling day. You can read more on the local news .

I'll try to update more local news soon. Adios!

Another week, another Monday.....

Hi everyone!!!!

The day started with a good, yummy breakfast of 'mexican' fried chicken and honey drink. I just love eating 'mexican' chicken and I can have it for breakfast everyday if I have a choice. This morning I was 5 mins late for class and the first lesson was Mathematics. I find Mathematics is an interesting subject which actually a good stimulator for the mind. Right after Maths lesson which lasted an hour, we went to the Science lab for Science lesson. Since the mid-year exams are over, our Science teacher decided to use the Science period today to go thru all the questions from the examination papers. Since the Commerce teacher was absent today, we have a free period after Science so myself and some friends decided to spent our time at the school's library. We actually had fun reading & browsing through some books of various topics.

For break at 10.00am, I had chicken nuggets for snacks with a glass of cold 'Ribena' drink. The last lesson for the day was MIB (absolutely NOT 'Man In Black' but 'Melayu Islam Beraja'). In this lesson, we were taught more on do's & don'ts when in this country, the traditions, the proper salutations to use, etc..etc..well, all teaching you to be a good citizen. The MIB lessons was conducted by the Assistant Principal in the school's lecture hall.

School ends precisely at 12.30pm and by the time I reached the main entrance of the school, my parents were already waiting in the carpark to pick us up (myself & sister). On our way home, my dad made a brief stop at one of the retail store along the road to get today's newspaper and some other 'munchies' for us. I just had my lunch, a simple meal of fried slices of mackerel and 'kailan' vegetable soup. My dad is still recovering from a sore throat so 'hot spicy' stuff is a no-no for the time being. Ooohhh, I miss eating my mum's spicy homecooked food. Well, I guess I need to be a little patient for just a few more days.

Presently, I'm playing an online game. Good bye for now & have a pleasant afternoon.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fun Sunday it is today........


We didn't go to Ugama classes today because there will be a few students attending since it was a long weekend with some families chose to spend their short holiday in a neighbouring country. Yesterday was Armed Forces Day, a public holiday to commemorate the 47th Anniversary of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces with splendid & colourful display, march past & exhibition being held at one of the Army base here.

Yesterday, we had our lunch at one of the eateries in the shopping mall and thereafter, my mum decided to go to a textile shop to buy some cloth materials . My sister and myself was asked by my cousin to be her 'flower girls' for her upcoming wedding in August this year and the theme colour is maroon...that's the reason my mum bought some silk, embroidery cloth materials to be made into our costumes.

After that, we went to the Mall and wandered around for a while since there's some sort of an Electrical & Computer fair going on at the Atrium. Since it is a public holiday, there are a lot of people at the Mall so we decided to go to another supermarket nearer to our home to do our grocery shopping. We finally reached home around 9.00pm and after having my showers & performed my prayers, I help my mum unpacking and storing the groceries to their proper place. My little sister was already fast asleep whereas I wasn't even feeling tired so I went to the internet to play some online games as well as chatting with my friends.

Although today is Sunday, my dad have to work since there's some urgent work need to be done at his work place. For me, I woke as usual around 5.30am for my Subuh prayers and thereafter, continue with my sleep again and finally woke up around 9.30am. For a long time, I have not be able to wake up this late..usually, the latest will be 8.30am..that's only on Friday & Sunday.

I had my shower, cleaned up the 'mess' in our rooms and then my dad came back home with my cousin because my uncle having some problem with his car. My uncle came a little while later along with my aunt & another smaller cousin. While waiting for the car to be repaired, we had our lunch and then enjoyed ourselves playing indoors as well as outdoors, until one of my little cousins fell asleep.

I'll update again soon!!!!!