Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow!!!What a day!!!

Hi everybody!!!

We just got back from school and shopping. Me and my little sister finished school at the usual time, 12.30 p.m. Downstairs, at the concourse, there are people selling books soooooo......this is where I got into real and big trouble!!!!!

Ok, they have one of my favourite books on sale and the price tag is $15 each. You may think I'm crazy but..... I actually bought 2 of those books (using the savings from my daily school allowances) and I got in real, big trouble. When I told my mum & dad about my purchase, they were very dissappointed because they found that it was not really worth the amount. Now, I realised that those books shouldn't be that expensive if to compare with its content, just had this feeling of being 'ripped' off. So, I learnt a lesson from here which is: DON'T BUY EXPENSIVE THINGS WITHOUT THINKING!!!!!!!!

So, my mom and dad was really disappointed and I made a promise to NOT to buy any expensive things which are not necessarily needed!!!

Anyway, we ate 'Sup Tulang' at the usual place which is situated in a shopping centre which is also connected to one of the hotels here in Gadong. After lunch, we went shopping for groceries at the supertmarket. We bought vegetables, cheese and juices. We didn't buy alot of perishable food stuff since we are leaving for KL next week.

Anyway, we will be having a performance on Saturday for the school's celebration of Israk Mikraj so all secondary students have to wear Baju Kurong (the Malay traditional costume) with tudong for the girls and songkok for the boys.

Ok, bye from now...

Oh no!!!!Korean movie is on(DVD). Write again soon!.BYEE!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today is a Holiday!

Hi everybody!!!!

Today is a public holiday for Israk Mik'raj which falls on the 27th Rejab, 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar. This auspicious day is to commemorates the night of Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w) ascent to heaven.

My dad came home about 8.30 a.m this morning and he bought for us 3 packets of 'Nasi Lemak' and some kueh (malay cakes). My dad is not working today and tomorrow. We are going out today because my mom need to buy some groceries and some other stuff that she wanted to bring along to KL. As for me, I'll have to buy a new set of headset later because my old (not really that old), favourite set is ROSAK (BROKEN as to SPOILT).

I can't wait till next week. We're be going to KL (Kuala Lumpur) for my cousin's wedding. My mom just got her confirmation on the hotel apartment that she booked earlier and I'm really so excited about the trip...Yaahooooo...just can't wait to be there to meet my grandma, aunts & uncles and cousins.

Anyway, I'll have to go soon. the way, I posted another song by Richard Marx to this blog, more soothing and relaxing to the ears, Right here waiting. Enjoy!

I'll hopefully post some other things tommorrow. So,, BYE!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hello there!
I'm going to add a new widget later on....
By the way, I bought a new book at the school bookshop today. It's a book about birds and creepy crawlies.Urggh!!
I like the book anyway...I have to spot the birds and the insects and write them down and I learnt alot about the various types and characteristics of the insects as well as birds.

Today after school, we went to a small restaurant nearby named 'Cheri Cafe'. The food that serve there is really nice. I ate 'Grilled Chicken Chop' and it was really delicious whereas my little sister chose to eat Nasi Lemak with fried chicken wings (what a bored choice, since she had been eating Nasi Lemak with fried chicken almost everyday eversince she joined the school). My dad & my mom chose Black Pepper Lamb, Mango Fish and Fried Baby Kailan with Garlic to go along with their hot steaming plain rice. My dad is still working on night shift and he's going to work now and I wonder what we're having for dinner(?????).
I have to go now and let my little sister use the laptop to play games at her favourite website Dizzywood.

BTW, if any of you want new song, just post it at the shoutbox and hopefully, the song you want is available.

Well, GTG!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp rock rocks!!!!!

Sorry for not writing for a long time.

Anyway, I watched a movie called 'Camp Rock' and it was really cool. I' going to KL in August because of my cousin's wedding.

My dad changed his shift to morning. So these days, he's working in the morning. I had school today and there's a letter to parents that said to ask their children to be careful because HFMD(Hand Foot Mouthe Disease) is on the loose!!

My mom bought me a 3-in-1 bag. There's a really big backpack, a smaller version and the smallest bag to keep small things.

I had a good and very spicy lunch today. My mom cooked 'Asam Pedas' and my head was really spinning because of the spiciness. It was really spicy man!!!
I drank and drank a lots of water.

Anyway, my mom has to use the laptop now.BYEEE!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today was FUN!!!!

What a long day It has been!!
I reached school at about 7.15 a.m. and when the time I reached there, people were rushing in and out, busy preparing their stalls.

I got ready downstairs with my friends for the Grand Opening of the Business Fair. After the Business Fair was opened, we quickly helped my friend's mom with the things and we carried our stuff back to the our stall located at the school's foyer at the ground floor. It was really great. Parents, teachers and students bought a lot of things from our stall. We have nice notebooks previously bought by a friend during her recent holidays in Japan, cupcakes, frozen jelly(really nice for a hot day), chocolate dipped marshmallows, drinks and lots more.

The stall beside our stall was really popular because their stall had a PS2 and there were a lot of kids there renting games. There are other stalls selling games, food, bookmarks, cookies, books, there were stalls that were doing a Lucky Draw too. The prizes were an MP3 player, Pen drives, Phone Top-Up cards, and lots more.

It was a really good but tiring day. My parents picked us up around 2.00pm and after having lunch of rice with fish curry and stir-fried vegetable, I quickly performed my prayers and took an afternoon nap thereafter. When my mum woke me up, it was already past 5.30p.m., I realised that I had a very long nap, afterall, it was really a tiring day!

I got to go now. BYE!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tommorow is a public holiday!!1

Hi everybody!!

I had a really good day today. I woke up early, showered, had breakfast and went to school. I got to school at about 7.15 a.m and we had our 1st subject which was MIB and we went to the Primary School Hall after the lesson which ended earlier at about 8.00 a.m. We had a small meeting for the Choir members and once we got backstage, we waited for quite a while but when It was time to sing, I got butterflies in my tummy. When It was over, It was really good.

We didn't have any lessons today(except MIB) and I brought my bag full of books for nothing!!! At the hall, there were dances, and there was singing. After all that, the guest of honour, hit the gong and opened the Academics Excellence Week.

I was really confused where to go because there was a lot of things going on. I joined the Jawi writing competition, I saw the final round of the Science Quiz and the Temburong house won the match.

It was already 12.36 p.m. when all the events finished. I stayed at school till 2 p.m. helping out with the flyers. There were a few stalls downstairs selling books and the Book Shop opened. My little sister bought a sketch book and she's drawing on it every now and then.

Ok, I've got to go and get some of the yummy chicken that my mom cooked today.BYE!!! and Good Night!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrow is the assembly!!!!

Tomorrow,I'll have to wake up early because I don't want to be late for choir at the assembly because it will be my first debut eversince joining the school's choir. I've been practising singing, to be in rhyme with my so called 'choir comrades' for the whole of last week after classes and I hope I can do it well. By the way, I'm in the soprano.

I have a commerce project due and it's almost done. I chose to do the project alone instead as a team and the topic chosen is 'Wholesale Trade'. It was quite difficult to draw and write on a big piece of paper. Anyway, all I have to do now is to darken the letters and add some colours and then I'm done.

My dad's off to work and before he left, he had some rice with some fried beef with potatoes and accompanied with some green salad. He had requested my mum to fried for him some beef with potatoes for his packed dinner today. It was really nice when you eat it while It's hot. I'm going to get something to eat later and get something to drink.

Note to everyone BEWARE: When your phone rings and when you pick it up with no one answering on the other end, but instead you just hear a sharp tingling tone, sort of a overseas call tone...please don't hang up, just press a few number buttons on your phone till finally you hear an engage tone. This is a sign that someone, somewhere is taping your phone line to be used to call overseas somewhere. If you just hang-up after the hearing the sharp tingling tone, you just connected the user on the other end to use your line to make unauthorised overseas call...and by the end of the month, you might just see big, fat bill for your phone bill.

I just got that call just now and my mom quickly pressed a lot of buttons of numbers until finally, an engaged tone is heard. In fact, it wasn't the first time that we received such a was the fourth time within these 3 days. If the the hacker still doesn't give up, we might as well report to the authorities and have our phone line number change.

Anyway, I'll put on a different music and a new layout some time later. BYE!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hi!!!!! Choir practice was great!!!

Hi everybody!!!
My friends and I had Choir practice today and it was really great. It was my first day joining the school's choir and we sang for about 45 minutes. We started off by to singing the country's National Anthem then followed by the school song. Myself, together with my sister and my choir friends stayed back at school till 2.00 pm today.

Right after school hours end around 12.30 pm today, I quickly proceed to the school canteen and bought 2 pieces of pizza and a small glass of Milo. The choir practices supposed to start at approximately 1.00 pm and to pass some time, we wondered around school's compound.

Anyway, I did mentioned before about a business fair at my school that will be held from 16th July till 19th July. Our group consisting of 5 girls from both classes of Form 1 in this school and for our stall, we decided to sell a bit of packet food, drinks as well as introducing some fun games.

Tomorrow is Friday, a non schooling day and we were told by the Ustaz last Sunday that there will be no IQRA classes for us tomorrow since there will be a Parents/Teachers session going on....yeah! we will be able to wake up late tomorrow. My mum just told me that she wanted to go to the Agri Food Fair tomorrow and I think it will be fun, especially all those local fruits & plants will be on display.

I've got to go now to do my prayers. BYE from now!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Arghhhhh!!!!!Mud on my white T-shirt!!!!

Arghhhh!!!! There's mud on my T-shirt!!!!!!!
I got some ridiculous and brown mud on the back of my T-shirt!!! It all happened when we were at the school compound for our practical science lessons, observing and writing down all the vertebrates (living things with backbone) and invertebrates (living things without backbone).

The soil was really wet and soggy, all because of heavy downpour last night and to make it worse, there was a leaking pipe nearby. When we stood on the soil, the soil was actually MOVING!!!!!

Anyway, for P.E lessons today, I ran about 5 to 10 rounds and I feel really good right now. After running, we warmed up and played a little bit of Badminton. I was supposed to stay at school because there was a Choir meeting but I forgot to tell my parents about it. Precisely at 12.30pm, my parents were there outside the gate at the nearby school's carpark waiting for us in the car. Anyway, we went to a fast food restaurant near our home for a quick lunch. I had rice and fried chicken with egg whereas my sister chose french fries with fried chicken.

I got to go now because its my sister turn to use the computer!! BYEEEE!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Arghhhh! Business fair!

Sorry I didn't write for quite sometime.
My sister and I were grounded because my little sister lost her English book (not her 1st time thou) and her bed was really messy, yes especially under her bed..lots of junks & rubbish. I just don't understand as to why she likes to keep all those rubbish hidden under the bed!!!!

Anyway, my head is really 'cramped'. The school is organising a Business Fair on the Excellence Academic Week (from 16th July 2008 till 19th July 2008) and our team of 5 are trying to figure out what to sell and what to do. During this fair, we will suppose to do a small 'retail' business in conjuction with what we have learnt from our Commerce lessons. Any good suggestions friends??

Tomorrow, we will be having P.E and for Science, we're suppose to go downstairs (foyer/canteen) for some sort of briefing I guess!

Today, I had History for the first subject followed by IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) and right after that, we had Geography. As for today's break at 10 am, my friends and I went to the canteen and we decided to buy some 'Chez Bergedil' for snacks. It was a really good snack and is really cheesy and delicious.

After break, we went to the Art room for lessons in Art. We were told to get some 'Glass Deco' to prepare some posters for the stall that we are organising during the Academic Excellence Week. We are so excited about all this 'store' because it's our first and hopefully not the last. I had done my homework and cleaned up the bedroom. I played on my guitar and made so many songs but I keep on forgetting the words. I really need to learn the basic steps of guitar playing.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that last Friday we had a very good lunch of Ambuyat, the country's traditional meal at the request of my sister. I'm very surprised that my sister requested us to go for the meal since she is always a French fries or a Nasi Lemak person. The last time we had Ambuyat was a sometime in early January this year together with my grandma, my aunt & my little cousin during their short visit here. We really enjoyed our meal and hopefully to have another together with friends and families.

My mum cooked yummy mutton curry, fried fish & stir-fried vegetables for lunch today. Eventhough, I've taken my lunch after school just now but thinking of all the food made me hungry again.I'm going to eat something because my tummy is grumbling...
Take care!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hot, Spicy lunch!!!!!!!!!

Oh wow!!! It's such a 'hot' dish, hot as to chilli, spicy hot!! My mom cooked 'asam pedas ikan tenggiri' (mackerel fish) today and it was really hot but delicious...yummy!

Anyway, I have done my school's homework, watched T.V and while doing my homework, I was listening to music for about 20 minutes.

My mum pan-fried instant roti prata this morning and we ate them with yesterday's leftover sambal was really a very appertising, hearty breakfast. We had a glass of warm honey drink to go along with the meal. We were early for school today and surprising, I noticed that the traffic is less on most Thursday mornings compared to other weekdays.

I had a good time at school today. We did some tutorials on English, Geography and Computer. During Computer lessons, we did some reading and some practical 'hands-on'. During break time, I wrote some things in the BFF* book while eating nuggets and drinking a cup of Ribena.
Right after break, we had Home Science and we copied some notes written by the teacher on the white board. The topic for Home Science today is, 'Convenience Food'. Our teacher explained in detail about the topic quoting the advantages and disadvantages of 'Convenience Food'. We had a questions & answers session regarding the topic and I learnt a lot from them.

After Home Science, it was time for Mandarin lessons but our Mandarin teacher decided to gave us a 'free' period but we were asked to go to the Gym instead. The teacher who teaches us Mandarin is the same teacher who teaches us PE. Like yesterday, the teacher told us jokes again and again, I was splitting my sides!!! (laughing).

When the bell rang, my friends and I went out to the foyer on the ground floor located near the main gate. When my sister wanted to buy herself a drink, my parents arrived! We were really in trouble for letting them wait for a long time and absolutely, it wasn't my fault. I was just waiting for my sister.

Anyway, we went back straight home, had our lunch and thereafter, my dad continue with his nap. My mum had a short afternoon nap too, I guessed she is quite tired especially when the weather is unbearably hot. After about 2 hours, they woke up and my dad had some cookies with his favourite teh susu and went off to work. My dad is 'Off Duty' tomorrow and maybe we'll be going to get my sister's picture taken because she is applying for the school library card.

I really need to go to the bathroom!!
Bye from now!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Its Raining=No P.E.


I woke up to a very cold morning today because it has been raining continuously since last night. Since it was raining on our P.E day today, we have to stay indoors but we had a really good time in the Gym too. Our P.E teacher told us jokes and I was laughing so hard that I nearly split my sides!!!

I had a good break with a good time laughing and talking with my friends at the school's canteen. After our 30 mins break, we had Maths followed by Science lessons. During Science lessons, we did some questions in the workbook. When the bell rang to signal the end of school day for today, myself & my friends quickly got out from the classroom and proceed to the school's main gate. I saw both my parents were waiting for us at the foyer so I said goodbye to my friends and proceed to the our car parked nearby. In the car, we ate some 'bergedil' that my mum bought at our school's canteen.

We went straight home because my dad badly needs to get his 'Beauty Sleep'. Nah!! I was just kidding!! We got to go home because he didn't get any sleep since he came back from work around 5.00am this morning. He just managed to have a cat nap for about 45 mins after performing the subuh prayers.

My sister and myself had some fried spicy chicken wings for breakfast together with a glas of warm honey drink. Around 7.10 am, my dad together with the accompany of my mum left the house for our school. After sending us to school, my parents went to have their breakfast.

My mum told me that right after taking their breakfast, they went to a shop selling car auto parts. The car's brake need to be repaired and it took the mechanic quite some time to look for the spare parts.

They told me that they spent more than 2 hours at the car workshop. Since it was too late for my dad to continue with his sleep at home and too early to fetch us from school, my mum decided to go to the textile shop to buy some cloth material. Currently, almost every shop is having a mid-year sale. Most of the textile materials that can be found here are always the latest in the region and the prices are very much cheaper compared to the prices back home.

My mum wanted to get some silk material for my little cousin, the same colour material that she got for us the other day but discovered it was already out of stock. My mum bought herself a piece of silk material instead. They then proceed to our school and waited for us at the school's canteen.

My dad is all ready to go to work now. He had some Sambal Sardine (his favourite) with steaming hot plain rice for his early dinner and for his packed dinner too. Syukur Alhamdullillah, his throat is much better now that he can at least have some spicy food. After finishing his early dinner, he is off to work.

Well, I got to go now and have something to eat. Looking at my dad's eating just now, just make my stomach growling. BYE from now!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I got a really nice gift!!!!!!

Hey everyone!!!!

I had a really great day today and plus, I got a really nice gift from my BFF!!!!
She got a phone danggler for me with the first letter of my first name. It was blue and it was with a dolphin.

Anyway, I had a great time today at school. We went to the History room for history and talked about this Academic Excellence week which involves a selling. So we were having a meeting and we're waiting for tomorrow because the Commerce teacher will be giving us Form slips to fill up.

I had some 'bergedil', sausage, some 'Nasi Lemak' and some 'Aloe Vera' drink. It was a really good lunch.

My dad had a good nap before he went to work and he had some fried beef with ginger.
It was delicious!
Well, I have to go and have a shower. Bye!!