Friday, May 30, 2008

Long Weekend!!!!!


So sorry I didn't write for a long time. I was kind of tired and was actually grounded for not cleaning up our 'messy' rooms and only today, my mom finally let me use the laptop. Since it is a Friday, we had Ugama classes today but the special thing about today, we started off by having 'Nasi Lemak' breakfast before my dad sent us to the IQRA school. We supposed to have a long weekend with no schooling for tomorrow since it is a public holiday.

My dad wasn't supposed to work today but he was called back to work because there was an emergency. So we cleaned our 'study room' today and it really look a lot cleaner.

By the way, we had a Geography presentation last Monday and I realised after the presentation, I was stressing and being nervous for nothing. It's not really worth it to stress myself and being nervous for that presentation. Right now, I'm starving and my mom is frying my favourite noodles and the aroma already piercing thru my nose...uummmpphhh.

Anyway, I'll try and update soon. Have a good afternoon!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a Great Tuesday it is today !!

Hey everybody!!!

Once again, I had a great morning today. It was a bright, cheery morning with birds chirping happily to welcome the new day. I had 'mexican chicken' for breakfast and it was just what I needed to start a great day. This morning, my mum came along to accompany my dad to sent us to school since my dad is still on his medical leave. He is very much better now. As usual school starts at precisely 7.30am and the morning and everyone was busy as ever....students, teachers, parents....etc...

We had History and our teacher told us to copy notes from the white board. Other than the normal subjects like Maths, English, we had IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge) too and surprisingly the Arts exams. I a drew picture of selected fruits for the paper. After school, my parents brought us to a our favourite Indonesian Restaurant and I had 'Mee Tiaw basah' whereas my dad with his throat still slightly sore, chose to have 'Soup Tulang' with plain white rice. Both my mum & little sister had 'Ayam Kalasan' which have always been one of our favourite item on the menu. Syukur Alhamdullillah, we really had a GOOD, delicious lunch today.

After lunch, we went home and here I am typing my daily activities for the day on this blog. Oh yeah, I'll be wearing my new pair of sports shoes tomorrow since I will be having my PE for the first lessons. I don't think I can run really fast tomorrow at PE because I have a slight pain on my thigh. Ok, I'm feeling a bit tired & sleepy, maybe due to this hot weather. I'll type again soon & bye from now..Have a great afternoon everyone!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Aaargh...Monday Blues....

Good afternoon!!!!!

Being the first schooling day of the week, really had a hard time getting up. After my Subuh prayers approximately around 5.40am, I took a short 15 mins nap again before showering. My sister & I always argue on who will be the first to take the showers since we really need the extra precious minutes to continue with our, its my turn to take my showers first....aarrgh.

This morning, I had chicken nuggets for breakfast and a glass of warm water with honey. Every Monday morning approximately at 7.30am, we will be having the school assembly and today is no exception. Thereafter, lessons are as usual and during the 10.00am break, I had 'bergedil' (mashed potato balls marinated with some minced beef, spring onion, chopped parsley and dipped into whisked egg before deep fried) for snacks...It was DELICIOUS and I love them. Actually I bought 2 more extra packets after school so that we (my sister & I) can munch them in the car.

At home, my mom cooked fish soup and rice porridge because my dad has a terrible sore throat. My dad is not feeling too well today & went to see the family's doctor this morning after sending us to school. Right now, he's at home resting because the doctor gave him 2 days medical leave...he surely need some rest because he had been working even on weekends for a few weeks now.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we bought a few small fishes to add into our small fish-bowl aquarium just to add some company to our lonely, sole fighting fish. This is the picture of our small fish-bowl aquarium.

Since the exams are over and the school holidays is just in 2 weeks time...I have sometime to do my own things...such as playing computer games, reading story books, watching movies and other stuff...bye from now. Have a nice day everyone!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A very tiring Saturday.......


Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was too tired as I had a long day in school with a few of my friends yesterday because we had a Science Interhouse Quiz which started from 2.00pm and lasted for 2 hours. My parents picked me up at the school around 4.20pm and after a change of clothes, we went to a wonderful restaurant located by the side of the Brunei River in Kiulap. I had 'Grilled Fish served with salad & mashed potatoes' since I didn't have my lunch earlier at the school.

After our early dinner, we decided to go to the nearby cineplex and booked the 7.00pm movie...The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. It was really a great and exciting movie, a sequel to the first movie that I saw about 2 years ago together with my parents, my sister and my grandmother.

The show ended around 9.30pm and actually, I felt quite hungry so my parents brought us to an eatery located near our home. We had light supper and on our way back, I actually fell asleep in the car. By the time we got home, it was almost 11.oo pm and too tired to post anything to the blog.

Today is a great day too. In the morning, my sister and I had some hot milo before going for our ugama classes. Around 11.45am, my parents picked us up and proceed to the 'Ayamku' restaurant, a fast food restaurant serving mainly fried chicken, rice or fries. After lunch, my parents brought me to a nearby shoe store to get me a pair of sports shoes. My present sports shoes which I used for my PE (Physical Education) lessons in school was torn off beyond repair.As my sport shoes were not quite good any more, my parents helped me to find a good pair of sport shoes. Eventually, I found a nice pair of black Puma running shoes which only cost $ eh!

We reached home around 1.30 pm & after performing my Dzuhur prayers I decided to write to this blog. It is really a tiring day but luckily, I need not to do any revisions cause exams are over...yahooooo!!!!!

This is the pair of Puma shoes that I bought just now, isn't it a beauty!

I need to rest now...have a good afternoon everyone!! Adios!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday fun :)

Hi and good evening!!!!

I just came back from Giant....the new hypermarket in town, official opening last last month.
It was sooo huge with other shops & eatery outlets located in the same building. We bought some groceries and accessories.

Today we had ugama classes in the morning which lasted approximately 1 hr 20 mins. After the Friday prayers & had a few snacks, around 3.00pm that's when my parents decided to visit the new Giant Hypermarket which is about 25 mins drive from home. We decided to have our really 'late' lunch there...both my parents decided to have 'chicken & fish briyani' while both of us (my sis & myself) decided to try the Lasagne. It was really a great lunch thou it is a late one.

I'm going to be have my supper later. Good Night everyone!!! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We're in the papers!!!!!

Here's the picture I said I'll post. I'm in the front row, the only one holding a book..right there in the middle.

We're in the papers!!!!!

Good afternoon!!!!!

How's everyone?????? I'm just feeling great today. I had small fried sausages filled with cheese for breakfast which my mom pan-fried for us with a glass of honey drink while my dad got jam & butter sandwiches with his Kopi-O.

I had a great time at school today. The mid-year exams are over and the results will be out within these few days. During the break at 10.00am, I didn't buy any food for myself and by the time for me to go home, I was feeling quite hungry. I had asam pedas for lunch & it was really yummy.

My mom showed me the article in yesterday's newspaper regarding our school trip and there it was, a group photo taken by one of the photographers. We're in the papers!!!!! both in the English & Malay newspapers.

I'll post the picture when I get the time. Bye from now!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good day!!

Dear Diary,

I had fried rice for breakfast and at break, I had nuggets and a glass Ribena. I had a lot of energy and after break, we went to the computer room and did some work. We had our Home Science exams right after computer classes. The paper was quite easy and I managed to answer the questions with much ease.

When I got home, I had 'sambal squid' for my lunch and thereafter, I had a little rest. After resting, I did my project which is Maths. I managed to finish writing & drawing the required diagrams onto the manila card within half an hour. My mom allowed us to watch T.V and while watching, I was eating (again!!).

My dad just came back and my little sister had just woken up from her nap. Anyway, I had a good day and you should too. Good Afternoon!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Field Trip...tired!

Hello again,

Phew!!! What a long and tiring day that I had today. The school organised a field trip to Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka ie. the National Libraries. Around 8.00am, the two classes of Form 1 including my class (Form 1 Alpha) were on our way to the 1st library located at the Capital which is actually quite closed to the school. Being the 1st National library, the building was rather old and quite cramped. We were given a guided tour by one of the staff and around 8.45am we were 'off' to the 2nd building which is located in Jalan Airport Lama, Berakas. This 2nd National library is rather spacious and we actually rather 'drain out' with all the walking & viewing the various sections.

By that time, our stomachs were making 'growling' noises and that's when we decided to visit the library's canteen and bought some drinks and snacks. We were so hungry that we bought 2 bags of chips to share among ourselves. As we were munching away, we proceed to the library's hall. Actually, we were still munching our chips while the librarian was think about it, well it is actually quite rude to do so.

It was really an enriching experience for myself & my friends. We were taught by one of the staff the techniques of drawing 'life-like' cartoons, write articles and so much more. At the end of the day, we were given a free bag each containing educational books & magazines published by the Dewan Pustaka & Bahasa.

When we started to return to the school, it suddenly rained heavily. Since the school bus was parked slightly further from the main building, we had to run and got ourselves wet. By no means, it deter us from enjoying ourselves in the bus with the boys (as usual, sitting right at the back) started singing baby songs such as 'twinkle, twinkle little star', 'ABC' and the famous Barney song 'I love you, you love me.....' to much giggling from us girls sitting at the front. What a day to remember!

So far, this is the most 'joyous & fun-filled' school field trip that I ever had. To everyone out there, have a great afternoon!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Commerce exams,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear diary,

For breakfast this morning, my mum fried some chicken pieces marinated 'mexican' style...that's what was listed on the label of the packets. We decided to eat the chicken with plain was really 'yummy'.

I had my Commerce exams today and frankly, I managed to answer the questions with ease. My next and the last exam paper will be Home Science and it will be on Wednesday, 21st May.

As for lunch today, my mum cooked her 'special' mutton curry and I really enjoy it...thanks mama for the great lunch. Anyway, I have to carry on with my Maths project due next Monday. It is a team project and I'm selected as the leader...phew!! Anyway, have a nice day everyone.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Boring Sunday,,,,,,,

Dear diary,
This is the most boring Sunday EVER!!!!!
My dad is working and my uncle just picked my sister and I from the Ugama classes.
Right now, both my cousins and my little sister are watching the hilarious Mr.Bean. They are enjoying it so much that they are watching it over and over again!
Anyway, have a good afternoon!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday is here!!

Dear Diary,

Finally, Saturday is here. I really had great day at school today but again, I have to do some revision because the Commerce exams will be on Monday and the Home Science exams have been postponed to Wednesday, 21st May.

Yesterday, I had a great time too. My parents told us to clean our room and as soon we're done, my mom made a suggestion to go to the beach. Although, it was a rather late decision but we are so excited. Luckily, the beach is just a short 15 mins drive from home and soon after, we were at the beach.

My sister and I had a really great time with the sand and she got quite wet! Both my mom & myself got mosquito bites or is it the sand flies..mostly on the neck and legs. I itched all night long!

My dad has to work today and it seems we will be spending our Saturday afternoon at home watching some Mr. Bean DVDs. Anyway, have a very good afternoon snd a great weekend everyone!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Dear diary,

Today is Friday and is a non schooling day. We just came back from attending Ugama classes which ended at precisely 11.30am. It is only a one hour & 20 minutes lesson and it is conducted on every Friday & Sunday mornings at the IQRA school nearby. My sister and myself really enjoy attending these classes because we were taught to write Arabic words as well as reciting the surah2 & reading the Al-Quran. It is really fun actually to be able to write the Arabic words and be able to read them too.

We had a good lunch of Nasi Lemak(Coconut Rice) and fried chicken. Now, I'm trying to find out how to make music generators while chatting online with my friends, listening to music, typing and watching all at the same time. Need to go now!

Have a good afternoon !!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh no!!!!!!! Mandarin exams!!!!

Dear Diary,

I had computer exams today. It was quite an easy papers but I was freaking out when suddenly we are heading towards the gym after science class. I heard that my friends mentioned that we will be having mandarin exams but when I got the papers, the teacher actually gave us questions from the song that we sang during every mandarin class. Everything in school today was fine. Anyway, have a good afternoon!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Her Majesty, The Queen Of Jordan.

Good evening everyone!!!!

Today at school, we had mandarin lessons instead of P.E. This is because that the Queen of Jordan is paying a visit again to our school . We had our break time as usual that is exactly at 10 o'clock in the morning. Right after the break, we had to be in line to welcome Her Majesty at 10.30 a.m.

We waited for 1 hour and at last... Her Majesty, The Queen of Jordan arrived. The whole event took about 30 minutes before Her Majesty proceed to the Primary & Kindergarten section of the building. One can just imagine, with the hot, humid weather like today, we were really exhausted. By the time we reached our classroom, school hours was almost over.

When the bell rang, I proceed to the canteen and bought myself a glass of cold drink and waited for my little sister at the school's concourse for our parents to pick us home. A good, refreshing drink is what I deserved after that long ordeal.

Well, It is my bedtime!!!!!!!!!Good Night everyone!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The visit by The Queen of Jordan.

Hello again !!!

As usual, today is a normal schooling day with a short break from the exams..tomorrow wiill be the computer exams. Since there is no lessons so we went to the library to spent sometime there. By the way, I finally got my library card from the Librarian.

At approximately 11 o'clock this morning, Her Majesty Queen Rania, the Queen of Jordan paid a visit to the school. All the secondary students & the upper primary students were present to greet Her Majesty at the concourse and I was fortunate to be among the students to be able to shake hands with Her Majesty.

After school, myself with my sister & parents had a great lunch at a restaurant near the Brunei River. My parents and my little sister had buffet lunch while I ordered Grilled Fish and it was really superb.

Only three more exams papers to go and the last paper will be on Monday, 19th May. FINALLY, THE MID-YEAR EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!

By the way, I've been saving my allowance for something that I have been aiming for a electric rock guitar!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

10 mins late for MIB exams !!!!!

Today, I was 10 mins late for the MIB exams which had started precisely at 0730 hrs. It was supposed to be a half-hour (30 mins) paper comprising of questions in True/False, multiple choices and short answers questions. Eventhough I was late for the exams paper, yet I'm able to complete it within the 20 mins time-frame. Actually, I can grade the paper as fairly easy. By the way, in addition to all this, I'll be posting a game on the blog for all to enjoy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hooray, it is a Sunday !!!!

I'm glad that today is a Sunday and yes a special one too because today is the global 'Mother's Day'...'Selamat Hari Ibu Mama' with lots of love from me & adik. But at the same time, It's not fun because I will be having my MIB (Melayu Islam Beraja) exams tomorrow. Inspite of that, I will definitely will be doing something more relaxing today which is listening to music by one of my favourite groups....The Jonas Brothers, the $4 CD that I bought on Friday at the Mall.


Hello everyone!!!!!

I'm so excited to create this new blog depicting my daily life activities..for at least I will try to update it daily.

I was transfered to a new school which is much nearer to my home just about a month ago and loves every school day at this new place...yes, just love & enjoy the new friends in a new environment. My mom encouraged me to start this blog because from her point of view, this will indirectly help me to improve my english as well as my writing skills.

I am taking this as a new challenge.