Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Moon,,,,, No fasting!!

Hi everyone!!

I have just heard the announcement that there was no new moon sighted,,,,,,,,,,Sooo,,,,,,,we're not going to fast tomorrow. My mom said,'No moon,no puasa!!' hhehehehe.

Anyway, there's gonna be school tomorrow. Yerterday, we had a function at our school because the Ramadhan month is coming.

we have to go out now........bye

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ramadhan starts next Monday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi everyone!!!!

I'm feeling great today and after waking up today, we went to Ugama classes today as usual,,,,
My mom cooked 'Mee Sup' and it's delicious as usual.
My sister is watching the 'Spiderwick Chronicles', 'Scorpion King 2' and I don't know how many other movies she's watching now.

Anyway, I was supossed to got my friend's birthday bash at the Mall's cinema but my dad is working,,,,

FYI: Added new song from 'ABBA, Does your mother know', 'Jonas brothers, Sorry'.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ramadhan's approaching,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi everyone!!!

The muslim's holy month of Ramadhan is just slightly more than a week from today and my parents are thinking of moving things here and there. We were supposed to do it today but...... my mom was busy. She had been having these 'on & off' back pain eversince she came back from KL recently.

We had ugama classes today and went to a different class because our regular class teacher wasn't there. Nevertheless, we still had a good time learning the Al-Quran with the new teacher eventhough I think, she's a bit inexperienced. My dad as usual is busy with his work and have to work today.

The lunch menu for today is 'Kacang Phool', a new dish to me, which I haven't tasted before. The main ingredients in the dish is broad beans, boiled & grinded finely and cooked with some curry paste. It looks more like a stew and serve with chopped onions, fresh chopped green chilies and fried eggs. The dish is then eaten with slices of bread of preferably with french loaf. According to my mom, this dish supposed to be a vegetarian except for the fried 'bull-eyes' egg on it. It doesn't really taste that bad but definitely it won't be one of my favourite dish.

After lunch, my dad brought a small serving of the 'Kacang Phool' for his snack because definitely he will be home late today, most probably after 10.oopm.

My mom said that she likes the Ipod Shuffle she bought for us and she is thinking to get one for herself...well, that's a change. She said the sound from the gadget is just so listening to a home theatre system...hehehehe.

well,,, there's not much to sayyy,,,, and BYE from now!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey everyone!!!!

Lets start with what I did today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hmmmm,,,,,,,,,
Ok, we woke up at 5.15 a.m for the Subuh prayers and it was my little sister's turn to get ready first. She always takes longer than me to get ready. She showers for about 30 minutes no wonder my mom keeps on scolding her!!!!hehehehehe,,,,,,,,

Then, we went to school and I had Geography and learned about Farming................. and then, I had English wrote a composition called 'Groans and Moans'. hehehehehehe, the composition is supposed to be scary. Anyway, we had computer after that. We did a project which we're supposed to just make a drawing with paint. Then, I played a few maths games and played Club Penguin.

We had break after that and before heading to the canteen, I stop by the school's library to return the books that I borrowed. At the canteen, I waited for my friends so that we can have our snacks together....oh yes, we really ate all kinds of different food.

We all had to go the lecture hall for our Home Economics which is situated on the 2nd floor. For the subject of the day, we learned all about Grilling, Boiling and Roasting food. Right after Home Economics, we had Bahasa Arab. This term for our language lessons, we have to learn the basics of Arabic language instead of Mandarin for the last 2 terms.

Today, I don't have Science or Maths tuition....and in that case, I can have a short rest after my lunch at home today.

Well,,,, I have to go now. BYEE!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ipod Pictures!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody,

Now you know why I didn't write for quite a long period of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hehehehehe...quite scary huh!

Anyway, I'll post some of the pictures of the Ipod Shuffle later.

Right after school, I went home and quickly changed to my normal clothes and my dad sent us straight to the tuition centre. Today, my mom registered me for Math & Science tuition at one of the newly established tuition centre located not far from our home. After registration, I started with the Maths tuition and understood most of the things. I met two of my closest friends (sisters actually) from my former school at this fact, they are the ones who recommend me this centre. Too bad, by end of September this year, they will be going back home to Singapore for good because their dad have completed his working contract with one of the company here...sigh. They are two of my best friends that I had known here I will really missed them.

I revised through all the things that I didn't understand. Not bad for a first day at the centre. Tomorrow will be Science and the next day will be Maths again..Ok,Got to go.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My birthday is today!!!!


Today is my birthday and I'm exactly 12 years old today (its a compulsory to make an IC in this country when you turn 12 years old). I guess, I will be making my IC (Identity card) soon coz the time frame given is only 3 months from the time you turn 12. I need to remind my parents often regarding this.

My parents went to the mall yesterday when we are still in school and got me a blue Ipod shuffle as my birthday present. It was really a suprise and they also got my little sister a pink one too. Before giving us the Ipods, they made us promise something to them which is, to STUDY REALLY HARD and produce excellent results. So now, I really need be a good, smart student, not to be lazy and to make my parents proud. I will post the photo of the the two Ipod shuffle later.

Anyway, today, I went to Ugama classes and learned a new way of writing. I'm trying to add new songs to Ipod and the Ipod can keep over 200 songs. So I can keep my favourite songs.

I have to go now and do my home work. BYE_BYE!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back from KL!!!!

Hi everyone...

It's been quite a while since I last updated my blog. There are two main reasons for me not doing so....firstly, I had a phobia of looking at the laptop screen eversince I played this game online 'scary maze' with my sister and had the worse nightmare of our lives. This game was introduced by one of my classmate from school.

The most shocking & scary part of the game is when you lose....that's where the shock & horror awful, scary image of the actress Linda Blair (the time she was possessed) from the movie 'Exorcist' will suddenly appear right in front of you. My sister & myself shout to the top of our voice and covered our faces and was as if glued to our seats, can't even move an inch. My mom & dad who was actually watching a Korean drama on tv during that time was also shocked & surprised. My mom quickly approached us & quickly switch off the laptop for us & warned us not to play the game again..and I can bet you that the awful, scary image can haunt you for days, weeks or even forever!!!

Secondly, we were away for my cousin's wedding in Kuala Lumpur from the 7th August 2008 till 12th August 2008. The wedding was lasted for 2 days from the 8th August 2008 till the 9th August 2008 (Spore National Day). There's lots of food and more food during the 3 days at my uncles place..hmm, I'll really putting some weight this time around. Below are some of the door gifts for the guest who attended the wedding, the cupcakes & the bunga telor.

On our 4th day in KL, ie on the 10th August 2008, a group of us consisting of my uncles, aunts, cousins & my own family firstly went to KLCC (The twin towers) to have our lunch and thereafter, we proceed by taxis to the Berjaya Times Square for the Cosmo's World Theme Park, an indoor fun exciting games such as mini roller-coaster & other similar types. This is my second visit to this place, the first was about 2 years ago.

My cousins, my sister & myself really have a great time at the indoor games and I wish that I will be able to visit it again in the near future. When it is time for us to go back to the hotel apartments that we are staying, my family together with my grandmother decided to go for our dinner at one of the eatery near my uncle's home in Ampang. That eatery served the best rice porridge together with different kind of condiments and of course, we ordered our favourite steam cockles too. My uncle came to meet us at the eatery and join us for a half bowl of porridge and thereafter we proceed to his home. We spent around 45 mins at his home and thereafter, he & my aunt sent us back to our hotel apartment. By the time we reached the apartment, it was already passed 11.00pm and it was really a tiring day.

On the next day Monday, again the same group (less a family coz they drove back to Spore on this day) went to the Central Market & the areas of Petaling Street in Chinatown. This time around, we walked all the way to the nearest LRT station (Ampang Park) to board the train. On my way to the station, I walked past a famous house, 'Rumah Awang Alak Bertatar', which now have been categorised as an historical site located along Jalan Ampang. I was very surprised & excited since I didn't have any idea that the famous house was located just a stone away from the apartment that we are staying ie. The Holiday Villa Apartment Suites. The late Awang Alak Bertatar was the first ruler of Brunei which later became Sultan Muhammad Shah..all this historical facts I learnt from my history lessons in school.

At the Central market, we bought a few nice stuff including some specially made hand-drawn badges that I bought for my friends & teacher. We proceed to the Petaling Street area to browse around and my parents bought my sister & myself a sling bag. This area of Chinatown is very well-known for its varieties of fake items (from branded brands of course) and it is always fill with lots of people...locals & tourists alike, looking for good bargains. We really had a very tiring day and the worse part is to get a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. Most taxi drivers preferred to charge their customers 'lump' sum amount rather than using the meter...their main reasons is always the bad traffic jam in Kuala Lumpur!!!

We checked out from the hotel apartment on Tuesday morning since we have to catch our flight which is at 2.40pm. My uncle & aunt came to the hotel and offered to sent us to the airport which will take around 1 hour drive. Since we are early, we stopped at one of the eatery located along the highway for our brunch which I had nasi lemak, my sister had rice with her favourite fried cat-fish whereas my uncles, aunts and parents chose to eat the Satay Kajang.

After brunch, we proceed directly to the airport and after customs clearance, we browsed around the airport shops where my mom bought 3 books of the Malaysian cartoonist Lat, which she knew is my sister & my favourites. We touched down at Brunei International Airport around 5.15pm. At the airport, my uncle, aunt & the 2 little cousins were waiting for us and after sending them back to their home, finally we reached our own home around maghrib ie. approx 6.15pm.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

4 more days to KL!!!

Hi everybody!!!

Just came back from shopping and bought a new 'Baju Jubah' and it's really long and bought some things for KL. My mom is trying out some of the things she bought.

Anyway, I couldn't go to the Ugama classes today so, I went and had breakfast with my parents, uncle and auntie and my little cousin. I had 'Bergedil', 'Mee hoon goreng' and plain water. After breakfast, we went to pick my little sister from Ugama class and we went to buy 'Baju Jubah' and while my mom was buying them, me, my little sister and my dad went to the fast-food restaurant because my little sister was hungry as she didn't eat anything since the Ugama classes ended.

My little sister is watching 'Tom and Jerry' and she is playing it on, and on!!!!
Anyway, my mom has to use the computer.BYE!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Israk Mik'raj celebration

Hi everybody!!

I just came back from school and it was really a tiring day. In the morning, I woke up slightly late and went to school at approx. 7.15 am. Today, I wore my personal Baju Kurong (instead of the usual school uniform) to school with a matching blue tudong. The best part of all, even my classmates who are non-muslims & non-malays also put on their best baju kurong for today function.

Eventhough, I reached school slightly late at approx. 7.35 a.m but we still have to wait in class till 8.00 a.m and proceed to the school's lecture hall for the official function. We sang (nashyid, or course) and listened to the talks presented by the school's Islamic Religious teachers.

At 11.15 am, we had a short break and we were served some snacks that the school's staff bought from outside caterers. Apart from the food served, we still went downstairs to the school's canteen and bought some other snacks to satisfy our appetite.

After school, I'm supposed to join my friends for a visit to the ICC (International Convention Centre) where there is an exhibition on 'Majlis Ilmu', an exhibition regarding knowledge in conjuction with His Majesty, The Sultan 62nd birthday celebrations. I was told that the school provided free bus transport to the ICC and back to the school. Unfortunately, I was unable to join my friends because my father is working night shift today and will not be able to fetch me at school later around 3.00pm. It's ok, my mum was saying that we might go there tomorrow instead for a short while in the morning.

I need to go now, just had my lunch of Chicken Kurma and it was so delicious. It's time for my sis to use the laptop to play games on her favourite website, Bye!!