Sunday, November 30, 2008

December Sale at the Mall...................

Good afternoon everyone!!!

I just bought a PSP DVD game and now...... extracting the games...........

You all have to check this's from the animated Disney movie 'Bolt' sung by Miley Cyrus and John Travolta.............

Anyway......My dad is working night shift, we went to a restaurant to have brunch...I couldn't eat much because my mouth hurts!!!!! It hurts so much because my molars are's really stinky too!!

Anyone who wants to come to Brunei and shop, now's the best time..

I have to go now!!BYE!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Collecting the Report book............

Hello everybody!!!

We're going to school later to collect my report book and my mum gave me back my PSP after the trip to the OGDC (Oil and Gas Discovery Center) and days before that,,,, My cousin came here and on the 25th, we had a Prize Giving Ceremony at our school and I won for the 'Most Promising Student' of the year in the school.

I was equally surprised to receive the award but equally sad because my parents was unable to attend the ceremony due to my dad was so sleepy, working on the night shift the night before & my cousins visiting us. My mom felt bad thou for not attending it...well there will always be next year to look forward to. I promise myself to study harder for next year & to obtain better results coz I'm aiming to do a 4 year secondary course instead of the normal 5 years for my 'O' Levels examinations.

My parents were happy with my results but I think there are more room for me to improve next year. Two core subjects that I really did badly are Bahasa Melayu (shame!) & my IRK. My mom bought some revision books for these two subjects today & I'll be receiving personal tuition from her during this holiday abroad for me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My pet,, REMY!!!!!! Ain't he a cutie??

Ain't it cute???? My sister named it Remy the rat (like the one in the movie Ratatouille).

Our school had a three-day 'open' house cum fun-fair starting last Saturday. It was fun and it was there that I had my 'flying fox' experience and a ride on a horse. Ok, how the rat or mouse comes about? it is the story..

During the fair, my mum gave us $5 each for us to spend at the fair and precisely 'warn' us not to get anything that is not supposed to...especially to my little sister who is fond of buying 'surprises' especially at the school's bookshop. Ok, back to the little cutie mouse...since I have a few $ to spare, I bought some coupons worth $5 and gave them to my sister asking her to get the tiny mouse which I think she will really love to have.

When my parents came to pick us up around 12.30pm last Saturday, they were shocked and actually 'not' suprised to find out about the mouse BUT my dad was really angry at my sister for buying it and gave her a good scolding (which actually I was at fault too). By the way, my mum decided to go to the pet shop and bought a small cage including the chipsi (wood chips) & water dropper for the little pet. Since he is just a litttle baby, my sister named him REMY and gave him cheese & biscuits. He's so cute......

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Flying Fox is COOLLL!!!!


That was cool!!!! We had our school's funfair today and I had so much fun....... I went on the flying fox and man,, few seconds before I took off.... I said a little prayer and then, I was off!!! It was cool but the sad part was I closed my eyes!!!!! When I knew it, I can feel the ground...I quite twisted my wrist but it got better.....

I went on the horses too... they were quite smelly...... I hope tomorrow we can go to school again. I want to go on the flying fox again....

Uh oh!!! There she goes again!! My sister broke another glass(which all the broken glasses were broken by her)!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hahaha!!! Weird...........

Anyway,, we had P.E today and myself with the rest of the girls have to play "Monkey" because the boys wanted to play football...... After we got tired of Monkey, we tried to play "Dodgeball" but my friend wasted so much time just at getting ready, till the time was up!!! Can you all believe that??!?..the rest of us were so frustrated.

Anyway,, I slept in the afternoon today and oh no!! I left the TV on!! I don't know what made me sooooo sleeppppy!!!!!! I think it's the hours spent under the scorching hot morning sun just now and thereafter, off we go immediately into the cold rooms.... brrrr!!!!! It's cold in the classroom because we have two airconds......

I have to go and take a shower now coz my mum will really be angry!! Bye.

Monday, November 10, 2008

December come quick!!!!!

Hey everybody!!!!

I sure am relaxing at home because our exams are over and the last paper that we had today is arts. I drew a house with a background and it' was supposed to be a little cartoonish but,, when I saw it after colouring with the crayons, it looked like a real place and since we had like 25 minutes left, I couldn't finish the colouring properly.....

Anyway,, I ate sardine sambal today which my mom prepared and it was simply delicious.........
I'm excited about next month because next month, we are having our school holidays and we're going to have like a month of holidays..... so I was hoping my dad you know.......doesn't have to work during that time............ I had to wear my black sports shoes today because my school shoes were OUT!!!!! At the side of the shoe, it WAS TOTALLY TORN OFF!!

Tomorrow, all the boys are gonna be looking smart and of course the girls too because there will be a photoshoot(that's what i heard) of all the classes.

The plan in school for tomorrow is maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,nothing?????Nothing to do??hahaha

Anyway, talk later. Have to go and throw the trash!!!!XP

Thursday, November 6, 2008

3 more days until exams are over????NO!!!!!! more than that......


Guess what!!??!! Me and my sister won something by a DJ......... I won a 20% voucher for eating/drinking in a Cafe and my sister won 2 High School Musical 3 tickets!!!

Anyway, we have like a few more days of exams and then,, BOOM!!! no more exams and hopefully,I can get my PSP back,,,,,,,,,,

Today, my mom cooked some nice chicken, and fried some vegetables........ I studid like for a while for Saturday's exams..........which is Commercial Studies and there's one subject that I love because we don't have to study for it.......ARTS!!!

We had a jog like outside and I lost like 2 kilos,.......
I'm watchin videos in Youtube and I love them!!!
My mom was watching some videos and then, she played a video that a 10 year old boy playing the guitar!!!He was very good........

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

We had the Malay Exams and they were ok,,,,,,,anyway, I had a delicious breakfast of 'bull's' eye fried egg with breaded fried fish fillet together with a glass of honey drink and followed by a really nice leg massage........ When I reached school this morning,,most of my classmates were busy studying and writing for last minute revision since today is our 1st day for our year-end examinations.

After the 1st paper, the teacher allowed us to go out early. So, we had 10 minutes to spend to read books before we went for break. After break, we had our 2nd paper and the paper was ok, I guess and most of the students in my class can finish it within 1 1/2, we had like 2o minutes of free time after the teacher took our papers. Most of the boys have nothing else to do other than going to the bathroom. Every 5 minutes, you would here, "cher, I go to jamban ah!!!". Sometimes, I think it's kinda funny hearing them talking like that...well, that's the local malay spoken here which initially, I found to be quite 'crude' compared to the malay language spoken back home.

Anyways, I have a new cousin brother (he married to my cousin sister last August) who is quite famous in Malaysia and he is a bassist in a pop music group called 'Pop Shuvit' and I love their songs........

K,, have to go now,,, BYE!!!