Friday, June 19, 2009

2nd day in Melaka!

Today's the second day in Melaka and the last day.. we're going out soon..again.. we're going out to SHOP!!!!!!!!!! I'm in trouble..(cause.. i kinda blocked the sink...hehe) . Its 3.16 pm now... catch ya later..!!=)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In Malacca!!

After about 11 hours of travelling, finally got out of the car and into a hotel in Malacca!! haha.. We are staying at Malacca Straits, very nice place, has internet access, which allows me to type this post!

It's actually the 4th hotel..haha.. the first 3 hotels we went to, were, we are very lucky, this hotel also only had like 3 more rooms.
The first stop on our journey, was Cherating, then, we left the hotel the next day, because, the "RESORT" is kinda spooky, then, we went to Terengganu and stayed in a wonderful HOTEL!! hehehahaha... we stayed at ...i the Primula Hotel.. got to go downstairs.bye

Monday, June 8, 2009

4 more days!!!!


4 days left till we go to SINGAPORE!!!yay!!!
With all the excitement.. i already packed..hahha... not everything la.... just like some home clothes, swimming suit, and some other things..

Watchin Get Smart now.....oooohhhh.... i forgot to tell you, yesterday, me and my family ...we went to the cinema and watched Angels and Demons..... It was actually not bad.. really creepy and actually a sad ending..(my sister cried)

i have to go and pray and get ready..... have to go to tuition today....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nocturnal..... nocturnal now.... help!!!

Going to Singapore soon.... i think next Friday... on the 12th... but.. SHHHHH!!! Don't tell anybody.hahaha.

Not really sleepy though...just very nocturnal these past few days... maybe i'm excited to go back you know.... sometimes when i get excited, sometimes, i dont eat..hahah.....

Been listening to Paranoid by the Jonas Brothers everyday.. you should check out their music video.
Didn't go to ugama today, since there's no, mom and dad picked us up early(actually, i didnt know that we were'nt going to ugama..hehe)
Went to a fast food reataraunt... and ate chicken, my mom says that i have to much chicken in my diets...VERY, in Brunei... I ate alot of chicken..hehe.
Then, texted my bestie and made her feel better(there was a crisis but i'll rather not talk about it)

I just realised that the music box is somehow 'broken' i'll fix that after this post... i'll add some new songs(not all new,, some old songs)...
well., catch ya later! =)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey... uh....
sorry i couldn't write anything for months... i got school, ugama and tuition... so... yeah...

I have a new game that i play on the internet.. its called AQ Worlds... its a really nice game... you can meet people.. you can fight... so.. if you ever think of trying the game.. click here.
My username is... cyberklot817... so.. if you wanna see me.. i always use the Minimal server... so.. if you can see me there.... whisper to me .k?

Anyways... in History class today... we went to the language lab and watched a movie... its about the Japanese Occupation during the fallback in Thailand. Really touching story.... by the time we reached half of the movie... it's already recess/break... so the teacher that we can watch that some other time......She said that there is another story/movie like that that would creep the living daylight out of you... and i was like ??????

Got tuition today... Science.... I like the teacher.. she's a really nice teacher.. funny too...
My family's planning to go to Singapore or somewhere..... can't decide where... *whispering* my needs one.. hehehe.... but actually.. we really have no idea where to go... so... we'll think about that at the school holidays..

PS note: I added a music generator at my page... the song is Love Story(digital dog remix), by Taylor Swift(its a new version.. i like both..)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Went to party!!!


Back from a party! and it was soooooooooo fun!! We were celebrating my friend's birthday and it was fun. We were playing video games and they were teasing me with the cats that they had(I am actually scared of cats).... they were chasing me with the cats... we ate pizzas..onion rings...burgers and drank a lot of water- as we were running here.. and there. We went there at 11.00 a.m and ended at 3.00 p.m.

Now, at home, there's nothing to do... there's my PSP but.. the games are getting a little boring now. Have to go in a while, to go and do my chores. My sister's watching Scooby-Doo and my mom's a little moody... as she has flu.

HAve to go now.. Catch ya later.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ist day of school holidays.......

Hi everyboday...hehehe.

Tomorrow's gonna be the first day of school holidays and .......... we're bored...
Anyways... at least I have my PSP back.... which reminds me, I have to download more games in there.. hehhe

I added more songs in the music player and I hope you enjoy 'em. Some from Pop Shuvit and 2 - I think from Jonas Brothers, from their 3D concert. Some jerk is trippin' off my friends in school,, spilling their secrets and man, that 'person' is getting on my nerve!!! Anyway, there's an exibition at The Mall about b.Mobile- My mobile phone carrier, from today till Sunday.

Laterz ....>> ^_^

Friday, March 13, 2009

Worn out!!!


Just finished eating the 'mee goreng' that my mom fried this morning.. I'm totally pooped! Tired from all that swimming just now with my friend..... We went to the Jerudong Country Club.... It was a cloudy day today and so.. swimming on a day like today wasn't really fun.... so.. we swam here.. then there.. before you know it, it's time to go home. We went into the bathroom and the bathroom is 'WOW!!!'. The bathroom has aircond and it was so bright!! Then, they sent me home...

Still haven't got the 5th season of House.... still waiting....
Watched Twilight all day.... and the movie is not bad.... watched Ace Ventura Jr. and it's hilarous..
Studied for the Science test for tomorrow... Unit 6,7 and 8....
Right now.. my sister's singing a song called 'Squishing the baby bumblebee'.......and me.. playing Pet Society. The game is very addictive..
Tomorrow's ECA(Extra Curricular Activities) is Group A.... all sports...
Then, next week, on Friday, will be our 1st term school holidays... so.. no school next Saturday!! YAY !=)

BTW... I added more songs in the music player.... =) tata!!

Friday, February 20, 2009



Man, talking about tired!!! I have a swollen throat....I think there's a cut somewhere, I'm having a hard time swallowing. Anyway, waiting for my mom to buy some more House M.D. episodes. BTW, I got new degree is WOW!!!!! Really high(I'm not telling how high it is!!Duh!!?!) and the frames is pretty. Front is black and on the sides, red and green. It's like really cool type of glasses. It's like really big type but that means I can see 360 degrees..hahahaha

My dad's back and atying till the prayers and then, WhOOF!! There he goes again to work!!(A very busy man!!)hehehehe...

Have to go and eat!!YUM!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rainy season.......

Hi everybody!!!

This month is a rainy season. Floods and landslides have been occuring during this period.

Anyway, Hi!! hahahaha........
Came back from school today and getting ready for tuition. I would like to study medicine. Don't know why.. maybe it's because of watching house all the time but now, unfortunately, the House Series 5 is not availabale yet. I mean it is in the stores but not complete yet. So, will HAVE TO WAIT!=(. BTW, I got a new phone, it's a Nokia 5320 Xpress Music and it's only about 2 weeks old. It's blue and lets just say, it's beautiful!! I bought it with my savings and since they were selling it for $318, I only had $240 with me, my mom paid the rest needed. She said the amount that she paid is my advanced birthday present.

Got to go and pray. Catch ya later! = )

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

No school for today, its Chinese New Year, a public holiday and I'm totally bored... No PSP since I'm entitled to play my PSP only from Saturday afternoon till Sunday night (that's the rule that my mom imposed) but I have been watching House MD all day. Yesterday, I bought the whole seasons 3 and 4 (with my own savings of course) and you should have seen all of the CD cases that I was carrying...they were popping out of the plastic bag!!

Anyway, mom cooked fried rice with Corned Mutton for brunch. She fried some slices of fish & bean curd, some salad to go along with the fried rice. It was delicious and had a cup of coffee to go with the dish. I ate the fried rice with some slices of raw onions & it actually tasted good. My mom used to say, eating fried rice without slices of raw onions doesn't look complete.

Dad been catching up with his sleep mostly as he has been working on night shift for the past few weeks and my little sister, she has nothing better to do than saying that 'House M.D' is not a nice sitcom and messing up her room and her little study table....

Anyway, just ate steamed Red Snapper fish for dinner which my mom cooked and was delicious, sour and spicy.....just what I needed on this cold and bored day.

Anyway, I'll try to add more songs soon....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No electricity, no water utilities!!!!!!!


Sorry for not updating this place for a while now. I was sick, really experiencing a very high fever for the last few days. Due to my sickness, I was missing school for three days whereas my sister missed two days of school because she was sick too. Till now, my tummy still hurts and it hurts all the time.

Anyway, our school has not been getting electricity nor water since yesterday. This was due to a major power failure affected by flash flooding the night before. We were supposed to have a test yesterday and been postponed to today but since there's no electricity today either, we have to wait till next week. The whole city was experiencing heavy rainfall these few days & last night downpour was the worse recorded..flash flooding in lots of areas and there were a few reports of landslide which affected a few houses, families & vehicles.

Anyway, most of the students in our school have been missing a few lessons like me as there's a flu bug in school. I heard that the flu bug is all around in other schools too in the country. I didn't go to Ugama classes just now in the afternoon as I have diarrhoea and I have to go to the bathroom from time to time so, I can't possibly stay in school without going to the bathroom till 3.30pm & worse of all, with no water supply.

Since my two cousins are studying in the same school, my aunt volunteered to sent me and my sister home. They stayed at my house for a while since it was raining very heavily. We watched TV, danced to some music and ate delicious food prepared by my mom.

I'll try to update more stuff soon........ BYEE!