Sunday, September 21, 2008

4 more days,,,,,,,,

Hi everybody,,,,,

We have 4 more days till we go Singapore and I'm really excited!!but to my little sister, it is really a bad day. My dad told her to clean under her bed. You should see what's under the bed of hers!!!! Pencils, pens, notebooks and the worst, CLOTHES!!! Ewwwwwww!!!!

Anyway, I have no idea what my mom's gonna cook today so, lets wait and today, I had a really bad stomach ache and I think it was because of the chillies I ate this morning to go with the Noodle Soup.

Anyway, I have to start making a list of what needs to be brought to Singapore and what doesn't.
i Have to go

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi everybody!!!!

This is the like the 5th day of the school holidays and IT'S GREAT!!!!! hahahahha. We went out yesterday and my mom went shopping while my dad went to the workshop. There was an incident,,,, my dad was just going out from the store and he was reversing and then, the car in front of him was reversing too but the car in front of him didn't stop. He just kept on reversing and then, he bumped into my dad's brand new Clio III with a WHAM!!!

Anyway, my mom bought me a small whiteboard yesterday for $4.90. My mom bought my little sister a pair of white boots but I'm not interested in those. My mom and dad said that if she gets those boots, she'll have to wear those for Hari Raya. hahahaha good for her

We woke up at 12 p.m today and we had such nice, long sleep. My mom decided to cook 'Western' today. So we're having 'beef rashes', 'mashed potato' and fries eggs.

My dad just came back and I have to take out the trash. Oh!! I forgot to tell you, we're going to Singapore this Thursday so, I might not have the time to update but I'll try to get pictures and post them here.

Ok. Got to go.BYE!!

PS: If you like brooches and aromatherapy, click here to view my mom's online store.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



I get to update this site. There was a problem that I encountered earlier and now it's all solved.
Anyway, I just registered to a new site called 'Stand up to Cancer'. If you want to check out the website and join, do so by Click here.

The weather had been quite cloudy these few days of Ramadhan but it is really very humid. We don't really go out often firstly because of the fast which really make one's really feel lethargic and secondly, my dad have been working almost everyday, including weekends for the past two months.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my dad just bought a new automatic saffron coloured Renault Colt III. It was a very cool car, with almost similar gadgets to those of the Formula I car..real cool. It was supposed for my mom's use, to fetch us to & fro from school but she has yet to drive us there. According to my parents, they bought the car sort of as a present to themselves on their 16th wedding anniversary recently.

Anyway, I had meatballs in spicy curry, fried rice noodles Singapore style (bee hoon) with hot lemon tea for breaking our fast today. It was really good to feel the hot tea flowing down your throat. I need to go now because my mom wants to use the laptop and for me, I have to wash my empty cup.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Left alone,,,,,

Hey everyone!!!!

I got to school late because I woke up late and my sister took a long time to shower. She goes in the shower first, my dad goes in last and my dad comes out first!Haha,,,,

I had English, Geography and History and then, we had break and since we cannot eat, me and a couple of my friends went downstairs to the bookstore and see some things what they have got there....

Anyway, yesterday, I was left alone in the house yesterday all by myself,,,,,,,,but it was actually fun and scary at first,,,,,,,,

i have to go,bye

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bad stomach ache,,,,,,,


Bad stomach ache!!!! This morning, I had a really bad stomach ache. My mom said maybe it's because of the cucumbers I ate!!!!:(

Anyway, I didn't have enough nap after the 'Subuh prayers' because I went to the bathroom a couple of times and I woke up at 6.45 am. These days we wake up late because my lessons start at 7.35 am and my sister's starts at 7.40 am.

I have to go.......

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back from Sembahyang Terawih,,,,,,,,,TIRED!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Man! I'm really tired.
I'm just back from 'Sembahyang Terawih' and we went to a shop and got my dad's CDs. He had been working like all the time and so,,,, he had no time to watch movies. So right now, he is watching WWE(wrestling).

My mom just updated her online website(click here) and you might wanna check it out. The website is still under construction though,,,,,,

Anyway, I added a new song to the playlist(Jason Mraz, I'm yours) and, my parents bought for me a 'Disney Mania 5'.

Well, I have to go now.
Oh dear!!Look at the time!!!BYE!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today is fasting day!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Today, the whole of Brunei is fasting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
We woke up early this morning for an early breakfast called 'Zahur'. My dad woke us up and we ate 'Mexican Chicken' with hot steaming rice with hot tea with lemon slices. The hot tea down the throat was so good................

We just showered after waking up and by 1.30 pm, I should be ready because my dad will be picking me up and sending me to tuition.

Even though it is a public holiday, my dad had to work because he is his own boss(That's what my mom used to say). Anyway, my sister has just finished showering and she is already saying that she is hungry. My mom is making her own website if you want to view it, click here (the website is under construction).

I have to go.ByE!!!!