Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

No school for today, its Chinese New Year, a public holiday and I'm totally bored... No PSP since I'm entitled to play my PSP only from Saturday afternoon till Sunday night (that's the rule that my mom imposed) but I have been watching House MD all day. Yesterday, I bought the whole seasons 3 and 4 (with my own savings of course) and you should have seen all of the CD cases that I was carrying...they were popping out of the plastic bag!!

Anyway, mom cooked fried rice with Corned Mutton for brunch. She fried some slices of fish & bean curd, some salad to go along with the fried rice. It was delicious and had a cup of coffee to go with the dish. I ate the fried rice with some slices of raw onions & it actually tasted good. My mom used to say, eating fried rice without slices of raw onions doesn't look complete.

Dad been catching up with his sleep mostly as he has been working on night shift for the past few weeks and my little sister, she has nothing better to do than saying that 'House M.D' is not a nice sitcom and messing up her room and her little study table....

Anyway, just ate steamed Red Snapper fish for dinner which my mom cooked and was delicious, sour and spicy.....just what I needed on this cold and bored day.

Anyway, I'll try to add more songs soon....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No electricity, no water utilities!!!!!!!


Sorry for not updating this place for a while now. I was sick, really experiencing a very high fever for the last few days. Due to my sickness, I was missing school for three days whereas my sister missed two days of school because she was sick too. Till now, my tummy still hurts and it hurts all the time.

Anyway, our school has not been getting electricity nor water since yesterday. This was due to a major power failure affected by flash flooding the night before. We were supposed to have a test yesterday and been postponed to today but since there's no electricity today either, we have to wait till next week. The whole city was experiencing heavy rainfall these few days & last night downpour was the worse recorded..flash flooding in lots of areas and there were a few reports of landslide which affected a few houses, families & vehicles.

Anyway, most of the students in our school have been missing a few lessons like me as there's a flu bug in school. I heard that the flu bug is all around in other schools too in the country. I didn't go to Ugama classes just now in the afternoon as I have diarrhoea and I have to go to the bathroom from time to time so, I can't possibly stay in school without going to the bathroom till 3.30pm & worse of all, with no water supply.

Since my two cousins are studying in the same school, my aunt volunteered to sent me and my sister home. They stayed at my house for a while since it was raining very heavily. We watched TV, danced to some music and ate delicious food prepared by my mom.

I'll try to update more stuff soon........ BYEE!