Friday, October 31, 2008

Rainy day today!!

Hello everybody!!!

I'm freakin' scared!!!! Tomorrow is the starting of the exams until the 11th November. Anyway, I'm on Facebook and Friendster and there's a really cute and fun game on Facebook called Pet Society. The pets are super cute!! Anyway, I just have to revise my Malay and then, study something else.

Ok,,,, I have to go now,,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Exams are on SATURDAY!!!


Our school's exams are on Saturday,,, and that's like,,,, the day after tomorrow. I have to revise a little bit more on IRK (Islamic Religious Knowledge), my Arabic as well as my Bahasa Melayu coz these are the 3 subjects that I'm weak at.

So,,,, what have i've been doing these days,,,,,,,lets seeee...Owh, I've been searching for a software that can convert my DVDs to mp4....... I got it now and then, I can watch my favourite Korean movie,,,,,,200 Pound Beauty. hahaha

I have been studying Geography, English(not so much) and mostly on Mathematics, History, IRK and Science. My sister's exams started today and she had Bahasa Melayu.......... and that's what I'm having on Saturday. My mom's on the phone, talking to her friend and my sister's in front of the TV, watching her favourite DVD cartoons, Tom & Jerry.

Oh yes, I got my I.C.(Identitiy card) yesterday. My parents collected my I.C. from the immigration dept as my dad was not working, his once a week 'off day'. After school, we went for our lunch and thereafter, I went for my tuition.

When my parents picked me up from the tuition school, they then proceed a shopping mall located only a short distance from our home and collected a 'Leg Massager'. The machine really works!! but my mom and dad doesn't really want us to use that thing all the time as we're still young.......

This morning, we had a really good breakfast and my mum made my sister to finish up her breakfast so that she can concentrate on the exam paper that she's having today. We had toasted 'Nutella' bread sandwich, toasted 'jam and butter' bread sandwich, half-boiled eggs and some honey drink.

Ok,, my movie conversion is done,, I have to go.... BYE!!!

I posted a French song at the music corner specially for 2 of my cousins in France,,,you know who you are,,,heheheehehe. I wish both of you & your parents a safe journey back home to France tomorrow after a month holiday in Singapore. Bon Voyage!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Teacher's day celebration,,,,,,,,,FUN!!!!

Today, our school was celebrating Teacher's Day. It was totally fun and tiring.
We had nothing to do from 7-30 till 10.00 a.m, we went inside the frozen lecture at 10.30 a.m and waited for the teachers to arrive.

After like 15 minutes, the teachers came inside the lecture hall and we all started to sing one of the teacher's day song. We were listening to a very loooooonnngg speech from our principal and after that, we had some performances by the higher form classes. My favourite of all is the act they made up.

Our school monitor's mom had a catering came by our class and boy,, we sure ate a lot.
I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My PSP!!!!!!!Arhhhhh!!!!!

Oh no!!!!

My mom took away my PSP (Playstation Portable) because the year-end school exams is just around the corner and here's a picture of the PSP. My mom didn't let me near the PSP so,,, I took a picture from the internet and the colour is exactly the same.
Nice huh???? I bought it for $500+ ( including the case, games and 4GB memory card. My mom just downloaded 3 games at the store and she have to pay $10.oo...quite expensive ya!
I'll post the car pictures as soon as I can find it!!!!

The laptops filled with things,,,, anyway, I had school today after a 3-day holiday and we didn't have school on last Satuday is because that it was the Teachers Day celebration at the ICC (International Convention Centre). I bought 2 of my teachers a really special mugs. The special thing about this cup is when the mug is cooled down, the whole mug's skin turn black and when it's filled with scorching hot water, the cup will be colourful and with some special inscriptions. My mom got it for $10 each.

Remember, if you want any songs, just type it in the chat box, I'll try to find it and if the song is available, I will post here.

Ok, finally I managed to get the pictures of our new it is..

ok. I have to go now,, bye

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back from Singapore=TIRED!!!


I'm so tired as we just came back from shopping for groceries since our home grocery stock is low. We just came back from Singapore only this afternoon, arriving Brunei around 1.10p.m. This morning, we went to the Singapore Changi International Airport at 8.00 a.m to board the 10.55 a.m BI422 flight back to Brunei. I'm actually dragging myself to wake up at 6.00 a.m this morning since I were so tired since we came back to my auntie's apartment almost midnight. Last night, we had a family reunion or 'open house' at one of my auntie's (my dad's eldest sister) house in Yishun.

Actually, eversince we were back in Singapore, we were having late nights, busy visiting grandparent's home & relatives for the Hari Raya Eidil Fitri celebrations. Since yesterday supposed to be our last day in Singapore, my parents were planning a 'free' day so that they can bring us to do some shopping or just plain window shopping. It just started of with a visit to my grandma's place to collect some cookies and then followed by to my another grandma's place somewhere in the north of the island & eventually to my auntie's place for the 'open house'. Oh boy!! our planned 'free' day turns out to be another visiting day as the other previous days....sad!!!! but I'm still happy coz I managed to seemost of my cousins especially my two special cousins who came back all the way from France to celebrate Hari Raya with the family in Singapore. According to my aunt, the next meeting will be...maybe in 3 years time...year 2011.

Anyway, my dad's friend came to fetch us to the airport and it took about 10 mins to reach the terminal 2 of the airport. My parents check-in at the counter and in no time, we were issued boarding passes. Actually, I expected my aunties & cousins to be at the airport to bid us farewell but only my grandma & one of my dad's cousin came...well, the rest can't make it due to late 'night-out' at my aunt's place last night...well, they are forgiven hehehe.

After bidding farewell to my grandma, we proceed to the immigration and thereafter, wandered around the terminal coz I wanted to buy a 'PSP'(playstation portable). I saw one shop displayed the PSP but wow! it was so expensive $309, but comparing to other shops in town, the prices at the airport is still considered lower. Eventhough, it is cheaper to get it in the Airport, with no taxes(GST) but still, my mom and dad wouldn't let me buy it because according to them, if the PSP is spoiled, it will be so inconvenient to sent them back to the agent in Singapore since we go back to Singapore only once or twice a year. In that case, I'll continue saving my allowances and wait for the Brunei sale instead. The sale here in Brunei is so frequent, happens every month or two...after a sale, another sale is always just around the corner!!!! Aiyaaaaaaa!!!

Actually, I just came back from grocery shopping with my parents a while ago. I changed clothes and together with my sister, we help to store the food & groceries that we bought. I'll try to post the pictures of the new car we bought recently tommorow. Bye from now coz I have get some sleep because school starts tommorow after 3 weeks break. I'm excited to meet my friends in school...yeah!

Goodnight, sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite....ZZZzzzzzzzz